Shouldn't have been.

After all, no matter how weak the mythological system, for the prosperity of its own group of gods, it will not forget this most important concept.

However, as the leader of Hakoniwa West, he lost.

At that time, Chiba was very confused.

However, this is indeed the hard evidence recorded in the myth.

Now, his question has been answered.

"Of course, even so, I'm not at ease. After all, in the process of continuous destruction and creation of Norse mythology, I will always show my feet. Therefore, when the time is right, I am ready to abandon Mimir. This time Ragnarok is the A great opportunity!"

In other words.

It is not the giants who want to destroy the Aesir, but the [Fountain of Wisdom]!

At the same time, in the Nordic mythology system known to Chiba.

Mimir the wise giant will eventually be beheaded by the gods in Ragnarok and die.

His question was answered again. 08

"So, is it enough to prove the correctness of that prophecy now?"

"I will be killed by the Heavenly Punishment of the Central Garden, just because I peeped at something that shouldn't be peeped, and more importantly, the one who peeped into the future, or the me who was almost cleaned up!"

For this, Chiba couldn't deny it.

Anything the Fountain of Wisdom says has a reason.

No matter how you deduce it, it makes sense.

That is to say-

The problem is back to square one.

If that future is real, then—why does this happen?

"Have you seen anything other than this future?"

"No, I said it, I can't spy on you."

Suddenly, Qianye frowned, and he thought of a question.

"Mimir said before that in the future he peeked into, there is no [eschatology]. Are you unable to peep into the eschatology, or does it really not exist?"

"Uh, this-"

The Fountain of Wisdom is stuck.

He didn't expect Chiba to suddenly ask such a sharp question.

"I can't spy on the eschatology. My power is imitated from the center of the small garden. What can be predicted is also subordinate to the center of the small garden. The eschatology is subordinate to other mechanisms, even the White Night King, because she is in charge of the [Quality] power. , you can only peep with the power of the center of the little garden!"

"So, are you bragging when you say you can peep into the [closed world]?"


The Fountain of Wisdom is stuck again.

He felt that he couldn't keep up with Chiba's brain circuits.

Isn't that talking about that terrifying future?Why is it related to the closed world again?

"That I just wanted to scare Weiss and the perpetual motion mechanism away!"

In this way, all the mysteries are solved.

That terrifying future, as far as today's intelligence is concerned, is almost certain to be true.

That is to say-

At some point in the future, it is bound to happen.

"Interesting, what happened during this period to have such a future?"

Is this my catastrophe?Is it my cause too?

Don't know why.

At this moment, Chiba thought of Shakyamuni.

The Buddha who once thought he had an epiphany of karma and fate, but was played around by karma and fate.

Before that, Chiba had scolded him as an outsider.

Now, is it your turn?

Chiba showed a wry smile.

Before the Fountain of Wisdom said that he was the fourth oldest, it should be the time when the Conceptual Law appeared.

The first one to appear is the Hakoniwa Center, followed by the Fountain of Wisdom that imitates the Hakoniwa Center, and then the counterattack of the decadent wind of human history, followed by Chiba!

However, what Fountain of Wisdom does not know is that Chiba is not the same concept as the other three.

All his mystery comes from the system.

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