Bai Yewang's pupils shrank suddenly.

Almost at the moment when the power fell, she noticed the clue.

That is a concept that belongs to the same mechanism as her [Tiandong Theory].

"Is it [closed world]?"

Chiba nodded.

"That's right, I didn't expect that the suppression of pagans has been raised to this level. I'm afraid, there is no god group that can resist him in the West District."

Chiba looked around.

The entire Western District was completely different from when he came.

Various mythological representatives have disappeared, and all the forces, raised high, are the same banner—

A birdcage representing a closed world.

Seeing this, the White Night King frowned.

"What the hell happened here?"

"The concept of [time] is confused!"

Chiba's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Because we were in the world of [Fountain of Wisdom] before, and in that world, he denied the existence of [time] for a while, so the time flow of the two worlds inside and outside had a deviation. A rough observation, at least, there are It's been a hundred years!"

"It seems that the closed world has completed the rule of the Western District."

In other words.

The eschatology of a closed world will be invincible on the territory of the Western District.

Even the strongest two-digit sequence, as long as it is above the Western District, cannot be an opponent of a closed world.

Not to mention the suppression of the pagans, the power and deity-killing power of the closed world, I am afraid it has also reached its peak in this era.

"So that's the case, has it been completed?"

Chiba touched her chin, but she didn't feel any regret.

After all, even if it is him, there is no means of crusade against the closed world. Although there was a means to kill him a hundred years ago, it is useless at all.

The mechanism of eschatology will regenerate infinitely as long as it is not crossed, and the closed world will reach its peak, but it is only a matter of time.

"Then what should we do now? Should we carry out Laplace's prediction first or deal with the closed world?"

"Although I want to go back directly, it seems that the closed world doesn't intend to let us leave casually!"

After all, the West End has been completely suppressed by the closed world.

Chiba and others suddenly appeared, how could they not attract the attention of the closed world.


In the narrowed eyes of the White Night King, he saw something in the sky and was approaching.

It was a dazzlingly huge creature that reflected the light of the sun falling on a sunny day.

Not to mention the metal armor attached to the chest and head, the triangular scales covering the entire body also shone with white and silver brilliance.It was a dragon with folded wings that looked like two spires when stretched out, and a long, curved tail that couldn't be seen.

Although Chiba has seen many dragon species, this is the first time I have seen a dragon in this posture!

It was an appearance that was not even recorded in the World Tree, and it must have been distorted by the appearance of a monster like Azdahaka!

The White Night King was stunned for a moment and asked.

"Have you ever seen a dragon like that, Qianye?"

"No, it's not like a pure Yalong, but it seems to have some characteristics of Pegasus, and it also has the gifted power of a griffin."

The White Night King narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Is it a hybrid? But no matter what, it's too mixed, it feels like a fusion of species!"

Hearing this, Chiba sighed.

Species fusion?

That is to say-

The catalog of life appeared.

The White Night King stared at the approaching flying dragon, to be precise, the human on the flying dragon.

The person riding on the flying dragon, from Han Feng's perception, is not a god, nor a celestial spirit, nor a dragon seed, nor a fairy, and of course, it is not an eschatology!

but completely pure human beings,

However, that's why the White Night King wonders.

This is the [closed world], the ideal land where everything is equal, and the fact that it holds a flying dragon as a mount will be treated by the [closed world] itself as the biggest alien!

However, she, the girl on the flying dragon, seemed to be perfectly integrated into this [closed world], clearly showing a style of painting that was out of tune with the surroundings.

As soon as it appeared, the girl showed the determination to kill.

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