Her eyes and aura showed the meaning that Chiba and the others in front of her had to be killed.

"Where did you come from here, and you weren't suppressed and expelled by the power of Lord [Utopia]. If that's the case, let me do it—"

In an instant, what emerged from the girl knight's body was a golden storm.

Like a bright light that illuminates the dark night.

To use a metaphor, it is the appearance of the sun.

It must have been the awareness of the spiritual qualities of the people as gods, which is why they made such a choice.

Under the splendid golden wind, Qianye, Bai Yewang and others were swallowed up.

This brilliance is the golden bounty that burns up the impurity.Destroy the Indian mythology group, promised that even the military god can defeat, the evil god killer who is half human and half bird.

Chiba aside, he already knew the opponent's strength.

However, the White Night King was surprised.

"This is the spirit of the Dapeng Garuda. Forget about that flying dragon. Why can even humans use divine power? Is it a gift from the Dapeng Garuda?"

The flame that burst out at this moment is that even the gods can burn down the [Golden Winged Flame]!

Between the shocks, the White Night King did not have any godheads related to the Dapeng Garuda in the girl.

In other words.

The other party released the power of the main god level only with his own power?

"Just kidding?"

The White Night King was shocked.

However, in the face of the [Golden Winged Flame], she just raised her right hand calmly, all the flames were wrapped in her palm, and then, with such a good grip, she directly crushed him.

Chapter [-]: Reappearance of the Closed World

The flame of golden wings was shattered, far beyond the imagination of the girl knight.

Although the White Night King was shocked, this kind of power was no threat to her at all.

"There seems to be some secret hidden in the other party. Human beings in the ideal land are different from others. They obviously have emotions, and they have the power to imitate the spirit. Do I need to catch her?"

Hearing this, Chiba just smiled and shook her head.

"There's no need for that, it's just a gift from the closed world to deny the [creationism] of the Western Gods."

"I think it's because of this that the closed world can suppress all the gods in the entire Western District in just a hundred years!"

"Although the power of this gift is indeed strong enough, it is not the main reason for the production of the closed world. After the Western District was suppressed, I don't think the closed world will use it as the main force, at most, the patrol personnel in the Western District!"

With that said, Chiba stepped forward.

The raised right hand directly covered the girl knight.

In an instant, [Miracle Collapse] was activated.

Everything about the girl was taken away.

All the power and spirituality turned into a pendant floating in the sky.

It was a circular wood carving.

It's like a part taken from a branch of a tree.

From a distance, there seems to be a circle of growth rings on the plane. Therefore, if you don't look carefully, it is indeed easy to be regarded as an ordinary tree branch.


If you observe carefully, you will find that the so-called annual rings, and even the evolutionary direction of species on the world tree!

The girl knight lost everything.

Falling down, she was deprived of her emotions in an instant.

When she stood up from the ground again, she just looked around blankly, looked at Chiba and the others, and left.

She didn't wonder where this place was, and who were Chiba and the others?I don't even know why I am here.

As a human being suppressed by the [closed world], she does not have such emotions.

Chiba grabbed the pendant snatched from the girl.

The White Night King blinked curiously.

"what is this?"

"The catalog of life, a powerful gift, as for the ability, how do you say it can collect information from all living beings, sample from the [Catalog], then [Evolve] and [Synthesize], a single system that allows the holder to continuously evolve The tree can even simulate the power of the [strongest species]!"

"The power of the Dapeng Garuda that the girl even showed just now comes from this!"

Hearing this, the White Night King was stunned for a moment.

"What about this gift?"

"Very versatile, right?"

Chiba smiled.

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