The White Night King hesitated.

However, after thinking about it, he still nodded and prepared to follow Chiba to leave.


The world is closed, blocking Chiba's face.

"Do you think I'll let you go safely in 4.2? You, the leader of the [Fantasy] in the Eastern District, are the source of all hope. If you are suppressed here, the gods and Buddhas who resist outside will be desperate, right?"

Chiba spread out his hands.

"Sorry, I'm not hoping that I'm dead, and the gods won't despair!! Also, let it go, you're in the way."

Hearing this, the closed world grinned.

"I said, you can't leave. I made up my mind a hundred years ago. When I completely suppress the Western District, I will definitely kill you, and now that time has come."

Seeing this, Chiba scratched his head helplessly.

"Why do you have to come to die? In order to avoid the mechanism of the center of the small garden and the wind of decadence, I don't want to kill you, you know what I mean? Close the world, you step aside, I will let you go!

Chapter [-]: No Weakness

"Get out of the way, I'll let you go!"

Chiba's words were an understatement.

However, at this moment, the world seemed to freeze.

After a while, the closed world burst into a shocking laughter in the form of a shadow.

"Hahahaha, it's ridiculous, it's ridiculous, the leader of [Fantasy], I didn't expect you to be ridiculous enough as a clown! I seem to have heard it wrong, you think you're letting me go?"

Chiba nodded.

"Ah yes, what's the problem?"

The closed world eyes narrowed slightly.

"I showed this invincible power, do you still think you can suppress me?"

"It's not suppression, it's killing you. Of course, my human identity will not be recognized, so there is a high probability that you will still be resurrected, but you will definitely die once!"

Chiba really didn't want to make a move.

Learned from [Fountain of Wisdom].

The so-called eschatology, 08 is a contest between Hakoniwa and human history.

Chiba does not belong to either of the parties.

If you do it casually, you might attract the wind of decadence. In that case, the gain outweighs the loss.

In order to destroy a human's final trial, and invite a more powerful human's final trial, isn't this enough to eat?


If the closed world wants to die, Chiba doesn't mind giving him a lesson.

"Are you kidding me?"

Qianye smiled and looked at the closed world with Ling Ran's attitude, with an extremely calm expression on his face.

"Do you think I'm joking with you?"

"I'll say it one last time, if you step out of the way now, I'll let you go!"

However, the closed world did not move.

He didn't know what Chiba was capable of.

Although Chiba's power is not a secret in the Eastern District.

However, those who know this are also the top gods and Buddhas in the Eastern District.

With the current status of Chiba, it is impossible for those gods and Buddhas to disclose this situation to the closed world.

What's more, the Western District was severely closed, and he didn't know Chiba's previous behavior at all.

and so--

He will come to stop Chiba.

Seeing this, Chiba's eyes narrowed slightly, and after a while, a smile appeared.

"So that's the case, why do you want to die so much? That so-called [ideal enemy] is your pride, isn't it?"

The closed world frowned.

"What does it mean?"

"Since it's your pride, let's try to imitate it. Can you reproduce my opposite world view?"

ideal enemy.

With his own view of the universe, he builds the most fearful and restrained existence in the enemy's heart.

In this way, the dystopian demon king can fight almost anything and find the weakness of anything.

This is a foul-level gift with a divine slaying power.

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