Now, Chiba took the initiative to provoke and spread out her hands.

"Come on, try to imitate, my weakness."

Being so provoked by Chiba, the closed world was completely angry.

It is simply unforgivable, angry and angry.

the next moment.

The closed world locked its gaze on Chiba.

Chiba didn't make a move either, just waited quietly.

Followed by.

Ideal enemy, activate!


The smoky black body of the closed world did not change in any way.

Qianye narrowed his eyes slightly, while the closed world himself was stunned for a moment.

After a while, he reacted and looked at Chiba with horrified eyes.

His body did not change.

However, the ideal enemy is indeed activated.

Logically speaking, the weak image of the opponent should be reproduced.


no change.

In other words, the [Fantasy] leader of the Eastern District in front of me!

- No weakness!

"Don't you have a weakness?"

"how can that be!?"

Whether or not Chiba has weaknesses, it doesn't matter for the time being.


That kind of weakness is absolutely impossible to show up in a mere [Ideal Enemy].

Based on the [Miracle Collapse], its power, even the miracle of the center of the small garden, can be wiped out.

How could the power of [Ideal Enemy] reproduce the power to restrain [Miracle Collapse].

After all, the system's description of [Miracle Collapse] is very simple and rude.

——The priority is second only to the system!

In other words, if there is a weakness, it will only be Chiba's system itself.

Obviously, the [Ideal Enemy] cannot reach that level.

Chiba is well aware of this.


The closed world where the profound meaning was cracked was completely unbearable.

"how is this possible"

Seeing this scene, Chiba immediately laughed.

"Hahahaha that's ridiculous, you're just like a funny clown."

"Can't reproduce your weakness!? If that's the case, it will be there soon."

The invisible and intangible closed world grinned. He didn't think he would lose to Chiba. That's right, how could he possibly lose. Here, it was the West District that was suppressed by her!

"This invisible gesture will become the source of your fear!!"

Hearing this, Chiba's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Oh? That is to say, even at this stage, do you still want to be obsessed?"

The closed world does not stop at all and counts 247.

Seeing this, Chiba sighed and her face changed completely.

"I understand that since this is the case, let me be here and destroy you!"

For the red flags released from Chiba.

The closed world turns a blind eye.

[Ideal Enemy] That's where his god-killing mechanism lies, the source of his invincibility, and also his pride.

And such pride was ruthlessly shattered by Chiba.

How could he retreat.

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