next moment.

Closed world grins and gives the most vicious smile

That smile seemed to lay the dawn of his victory.

"Since that's the case, let's let you see it. After a hundred years, it was only the God of Time who let me use this trick. Now, you are the second person, the leader of [Fantasy]!"

"However, due to the restrictions imposed by the suppression in the Western District, this power is no longer what it used to be! Let you see it!"

Stupid people, this is the most profound meaning of the closed world!

For an instant.

It was the sound of heaven and earth cracking, the whistling wind of the end blew past, and what was rippling was the scorching wind.

Chapter [-]: Destroy the mystery

Faith prayers throughout the West End.

At a very fast speed, it converged towards the body of the closed world.

It's exactly the same scene when Weiss and the closed world fought a hundred years ago.


The power of belief contained in it cannot be compared at all, and it is not an order of magnitude between each other.

If there were stars a hundred years ago, then there are stars in the sky now.

Great faiths come together.

Not to mention the entire Western District, the entire Hakotei trembled because of this power.

All the gods and Buddhas in the four districts of the south, south, and north trembled because of this power.

too frightening.

Above the heavens, in an instant, powerful spirits emerged one by one.

Among them, most of them are gods and Buddhas in the three-digit sequence, and many of them even have two-digit numbers to watch this side.

Buddhism, Hinduism, Japanese mythology, Greek gods

But all the gods who can be named will appear almost at this moment.

In the past [-] years, except for the Western District, the gods and Buddhas in other districts have been the main force against the forces of the closed world.

Even so, he is still suppressed by the closed world and has no temper.

If it appeared in the closed world of the three major regions in the south, south, and north.

At least the gods and Buddhas still have the possibility of victory. Even if they are not killed, it is not too difficult to use the power of [host authority] to seal, which is how Azdahaka, who was born with [absolute evil], was killed. sealed.


From the beginning to the end, the closed world had no plans to leave the West Zone at all. He stood in the undefeated West Zone in the most secure way, and used his eschatological attributes to continuously expand the land, allowing the suppression of the pagans to continue to expand. .

This is also the main reason why the gods and Buddhas of the gods are suppressed by the closed world.

After all, in the Western District, it is not a matter of not being able to beat the closed world, but not even escaping.

It is because these gods and Buddhas have been suppressed by the closed world that they appear together.

this moment.

All of them noticed.

This force that is enough to shake the whole box garden is not from others, but from the great devil who closed the world.

At the same time, they also want to know.

Who is the hero who challenged the closed world in the Western District, and actually forced the closed world to deal with it even he had never used the Profound Truth.

Emperor Shitian in the Eastern District stands above the starry sky.

He looked at the West District, and now, the East District is mainly fighting against the closed world is the [Tianbu] led by Emperor Shitian!

Since Chiba disappeared a hundred years ago, the crusade against the [closed world] has been put on hold.

Although Alger and Sun Wukong and others have contributed, in addition to the closed world, there are other myths in the apocalypse that they need to suppress.

And this moment.

Which [Tianbu]'s big brother shuddered when he showed his whole body.

It was not fear, but excitement.

At this moment-

The flash that bloomed in the sky of the western district was like the sun, dispelling all the haze.

Because, he knows.

The man who disappeared for a hundred years inexplicably has returned.

For Qianye's disappearance, Di Shitian never worried about his comfort.

He really couldn't find an opponent who could kill Chiba, even if the opponent was eschatology.

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