"It is necessary, very necessary, at this time, even if she wants to know what the end of the universe is, I will get it for her."

Hearing this, the White Night King frowned.

"I understand your feelings. If she is really the key to breaking through the closed world, it's another matter, but even if it is, don't you think it's too spoiled?"

"We don't think the heroes cultivated in this way will overcome eschatology!"

Hearing this, Chiba slowly let out a breath and sighed.

"So that's how you understand it. But, I can tell you clearly that this is not coddling. Although this approach is accompanied by risks, it is worth it. What I am doing now is not to satisfy her selfish wishes. , but reshaping her worldview!"

"Although the canary born in the [Ideal Land] gave birth to [curiosity] that other lives do not have, this [curiosity] is too weak, so weak that it is only a needle in a haystack to search In the [Ideal Land] where desires are obliterated, overthrowing this worldview is the first thing to do.”

"Therefore, before changing her opinion of Hakoten, no matter what she wants to do or what she wants to know, I will tell her in the most exaggerated way - this is the world, this is the universe!"

Destroy the worldview that Canary has built since birth, and then build up her worldview in the Hakoniwa world.

This process may take several years, but it must not be skipped.

Only by breaking out of the ideological shackles of the [Ideal Land] can it be considered to have truly passed the control of the closed world.


No matter how much power the Canary gains after this, it will become a walking dead in a closed world just like the rest of the [Ideal Land]!

I didn't expect Qianye to give such an answer, even the White Night King was stunned, and Yakou was speechless for a long time.

Next, without waiting for the White Night King to speak, Chiba was the first to speak.

"In the next period of time, I may have to leave [Fantasy] again!"

The White Night King paused and pointed to the canary.

"Because of her?"

Chiba nodded.


"How long have you been away?"

"Not sure, until I destroy all her worldviews in [Ideal Land], I should not come back for a while, I will take her to Hakoniwa World to see, to build her own worldview, this is not an easy task things."

The White Night King nodded in understanding.

"After all, the mind is imprisoned by that closed world. Since you have made a decision, it is not easy for us to interfere."

Chiba showed an apologetic expression.

"Sorry, the mess of [Closed World] will be handed over to you again."

"If you know it, come back sooner!"

Alger said angrily, and then stared at the canary.

"I didn't expect this kid to be so taken seriously. Ar-chan has decided that when Chiba brings her back, let Ar-chan teach her!"

In an instant, except for Chiba, everyone in [Fantasy] showed a look of contempt.

The White Night King patted Algor directly on the shoulder.

"Forget it, let's [fantasy] have a crazy Al-chan, and it doesn't need a second alcoholic."

"What do you mean? White Night King, do you want to fight?"

"It doesn't mean anything, it's just a fact."

Seeing that the bickering started again, Chiba immediately waved.

"Okay, the cultivation of canaries, all of you can't escape!"

The White Night King's face changed.

"What? Let's forget it. As a good god, it's natural to cultivate Yingjie who transcends eschatology. Is it possible that Chiba wants Canary to become the second Alger?"

In an instant, Alger's face darkened completely.

"This kind of words shouldn't come out of your mouth, the former [Final Trial of Humanity], well, I have decided that the White Night King, Ar-chan will turn you into my collection!"

after the queen.

The White Night King and Algor's mortal journey begins.

With a smile on Chiba's face, Canary quietly embarked on a journey of two people.

Chapter [-]: Chiba's first lesson

The closed world is the ultimate test of human beings, and it is also the agent of the end of the world given to the wind of decadence.

must be crossed.

Absolute evil aside, the era has not expanded to that time. After all, large-scale destruction weapons such as nuclear weapons have not yet appeared in human history, and the strategy for Azdahaka can be slowed down.

However, the closed world is different.

In the current stage of human history, utopian thinking is spreading.

The finality of the closed world has reached its peak.

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