If it is not dealt with as soon as possible.

Once the [closed world] devoured Little Garden, the final trigger was clicked.

The wind of decadence can justifiably take action against the entire Hakoniwa world, and at that time, the entire Hakoten world will be blown away by the wind of decadence in an instant.


Although Chiba is in charge of the power to kill the closed world, but in the end, he can't cross it.

His human identity cannot be recognized by the wind of decadence, or even by the center of the small garden.

So, no matter how many times Chiba kills the closed world.

The end of mankind will not be delayed.

Therefore, the cultivation of canaries is necessary.

Moreover, in that terrifying future, Chiba also needs attention and strategy.

At this point, Chiba took Canary over the boundary wall and took her to the other side of the wall.To see the world on the other side of the wall.

The two of them started their journey.

After leaving the [Fantasy] crowd, the night came quickly and urgently.

When the night of the little garden completely fell, the hazy moon hung on the sky of the little garden, shedding the bright moonlight.

After setting up the grill, Chiba packed up the rabbits she had hunted in the forest and put them on the grill to bake.

After a while, the smell of roasted rabbits filled the air, and the little canary was covering its growling belly, looking like she was really hungry.

Seeing the inexplicable anticipation flashing in Canary's eyes, Chiba smiled.

"Is it fragrant!?"

Canary nodded her little head, her big watery eyes fixed on the roasted rabbit.

It seems to be looking forward to it.

"Want to eat!?"

Canary nodded again,

"However, not for you."

Hearing this, Canary tilted her head, showing an unexplained expression, as if she was puzzled by this matter!

Distributing food is a normal thing in [Ideal Land].

However, don't give it to me! ?why is that! ?

The little [curiosity] beating in my heart drove Canary to ask such a sentence.


Chiba smiled, what he wanted to hear was Canary say [why], and continued.

"This is the first lesson I gave you! Canary, you have to remember, this is not the [ideal land] anymore, there is no food allocated, there is the strong prey to the weak, and in this world, there is a completely different survival from there. law!"

"So, if you're hungry, you have to create food with your own hands! Those who don't work can't eat!!"

What you want is up to you to strive for it.

Instead of quietly waiting for others to give!

Because in [Ideal Land], all people do not have to work, food is given regularly every day, and clothes are given regularly!

Maybe you don't even know the concept of labor!But—— precisely because of this, Chiba had to correct this qualitative thinking when Canary was a child.

For the reshaping of the world view, this is only the first step, and the process is still very long, simply - there is still time.

Although this fact was a bit cruel to Canary, who was still a girl, if she couldn't get past this, no matter how hard Chiba tried, it would be useless.

"With your own hands!?"

Canary still tilted her head, as if she was still a little puzzled.

"That's right, you have seen the canary just now that I hunted!? I didn't need you to be good at first, you just need to imitate it. You can do what I do, if you want it or not. If you are hungry, you can create food with your own hands!"

Chiba smiled and touched Canary's little head!This is the first step of their journey.

The stupefied Canary picked up the twisted use of the vine to recall the previous hunting situation in Chiba, and compiled a container full of loopholes!

She remembered that she used this to catch the rabbit as prey just now.

Although she still does not understand why she has to create food by herself, the little curiosity in her heart has become the driving force behind her.

The little canary imitated Chiba hunting, propped up the loopy woven basket with wooden sticks, then tied the wooden stick with vines, and placed the rabbit's favorite food under the woven basket, and then quietly hide away!

After Chiba finished eating, she leaned against the tree leisurely, carefully observing the canary's every move.

I can't help but sigh in my heart. It's no wonder that in the end, he can become a key figure in the closed world. Compared with other human beings in the [closed world], Canary's learning ability is far superior to them.

It was only possible to do this with just a little bit of fiddling before.

"Canary will become an excellent game controller in the future."

With this thought in mind, Chiba lay on the branch of the big tree, staring blankly at the moonlight, thinking about the future prophecy.

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