After a while, a small fluctuation came from below.

Chiba turned his gaze to, and immediately saw a dirty canary, it seemed that he must have failed more than once!

But each time the canary will do better than the last!

Moreover, the loopy woven basket before has also been perfected. It should have been filled by the canary after the rabbit ran out of the loophole.

Moreover, the vines weaved have also become thinner, there must be cases where the rabbits found the vines and escaped, and the bait was also placed more inside!

"I'm learning, I'm really learning. Sure enough, Canary is very different from other people in [closed world]!"

Chapter [-]: Traveling through the world of Little Garden

"I'm learning, I'm really learning. Sure enough, Canary is very different from other people in [closed world]!"

Although Chiba has never experienced it, he also knows that after living in the same environment for more than ten years, he suddenly came to a world with completely different laws!

Not to mention adaptation, survival is a problem.But it is clear that the canaries are already learning the rules of survival from the outside world.

This is undoubtedly a huge improvement.

Finally, after countless attempts, Canary caught her first prey!

When she grabbed the rabbit's ear and lifted the prey up, she seemed to understand something!

Her eyes have changed significantly!


I think, there is no language in the world that can describe the eyes that appear in the canary.

Although his whole body was dirty, sweat was left on his temples, and his clothes were a little tattered.

But the panting canary holding the prey she caught unexpectedly burst into a smile!

That smile is very sweet, it is the purest and most primitive smile from the heart!

"Catch, caught!? Huhuhu"

Now, I am still panting, but I can't hide the excitement in my heart. After all, this is the human girl in the [closed world] named Canary, who has experienced the joy of labor for the first time in her life!

"Caught, caught it!! Chiba-sensei, I got it!"

Chiba jumped down from the big tree, smiled and touched Canary's little head, and remembered that smile in her heart forever.

This smile is the first step in changing the fate of this girl in the [closed world]!

"Congratulations, how do you feel now Canary!? Say it and listen!?"

Canary tilted her head, still with a smile on her face,

"I don't know why, but I'm very, very, very happy. This is a joy that I have never experienced inside the wall! I'm obviously tired, but I can't help laughing! The corners of my mouth are naturally raised upwards, my heart is beating. Can't beat peacefully!"

"Is it!?"

Chiba smiled, and then lightly tapped her finger on Canary's forehead, and in an instant, a golden light,

Canary's tattered clothes instantly look brand new!Dirty she also became clean.

"Well, Canary, please keep such feelings in your heart forever! Remember this moment of moving, of course, this is just the beginning of the journey on the other side of the wall, after this, you will see more and more moving !"

Hearing this, Canary nodded fiercely at Qianye, revealing that innocent smile,

"En! Thank you, Teacher Chiba!"

"Okay, you'd better fill your stomach!"

Since this day, Chiba has gone through countless journeys with the little canary!

Running down-to-earth in the entire [Hako Garden], as long as it is where the canary wants to go, he will always take her there, and no matter where it is, he can take her there.

Nothing gets in the way.

At the same time, Chiba has always been trying to guide, Canary guides the thinking outside the [closed world], to construct the worldview in her own cognition that she has seen with her own eyes.

Canary once doubted whether the sky of 【Hakogari】is boundless.

Then Chiba took the canary to penetrate the sky of [Hakko Garden], and then came to the starry sky of [Hakka Garden]!

However, all I see is the boundless interstellar space and countless stars!

The sky of 【Hakko Garden】is really boundless.

The Canary also once doubted whether it was really following the trajectory of the [Tiandong Doctrine] in the [Hako Garden].

Then Chiba directly summoned all the Sun Sovereigns and demonstrated to the Canary the horizontal trajectory of the sun in [Hako Garden]!

It has been confirmed that in this world of [Hakko Garden], the rules of [Heavenly Movement] are indeed applicable.

Canary had also doubted the structure of 【Bakko Garden】.

Then, Chiba asked the queen to use the [Boundary] to bring the canary to travel around the entire [Hakko Garden] world, and traveled to every corner of the boundary wall!

It was confirmed that the world of 【Hakko Garden】was divided into four parts by the huge boundary wall!

Canary and Chiba have traveled to almost all corners of the [Hako Garden], so they have accumulated a lot of achievements and inheritance!

Achievements in guiding water channels for urban development,

The achievement of helping the city with insufficient traffic to build the "Boundary Gate",

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