It also helped countless people to repel and subjugate the [Demon King],

There are even achievements in challenging the inheritance and trials of the powerful Shura gods and Buddhas.

For this reason, the accumulated merits are superimposed on the spirituality of Canary. There is no objection. During the constant travel with Chiba, this girl Jinsi, who will be regarded as the hope of an absolute alien in the [closed world], has no objection. The bird is growing up!

She has walked down-to-earth through countless free lands and hills!

In order to make the canary feel more real life and the difference between the external rules and the [closed world].

Chiba even passed through the [Sharp Blade Sky] and descended into the lower world of [Hakko Garden]!Take her to the lower ground of Hakoten.

During this time, the gods are still fighting against the closed world.

However, since the closed world lost to Chiba last time, it has never appeared again, not even once.

Therefore, the dystopian war, in the imperceptible, undoubtedly got a chance to breathe.

Of course, this is just a slowdown.

The suppression of infidels in the closed world is still expanding.

Now, not only the West District, but even the East District, South District, and parts of the North District have been suppressed by the power of the closed world.

At this point, the gods panicked instead.

The casualties of dystopian wars are indeed much lower than before.


The closed world no longer reappears, but makes the gods passive.

After all, if it continues like this, the closed world will be useless at all, and the world of Hakoniwa will be enveloped by its [ideal land].

The gods will be suppressed without even seeing the closed world.

This is undoubtedly the greatest irony of the gods and Buddhas.

Chapter Three Hundred and Three: Eschatology Approaches

Decades passed in a flash.

Chiba took the canary all over the world of Little Garden, and almost every inch of the world of Little Garden was marked with the footprint of the canary.

no doubt.

The canary whose thoughts were imprisoned in the past has long since disappeared, and the worldview constructed in the [Ideal Land] in the past ten years or so has collapsed.

And the current Canary's worldview is the little garden itself constructed with Chiba's help.

After the canary got used to the Hakoniwa world, Chiba found various teachers for the canary - cultivating her.

The queen briefly described human history for her, and analyzed the relationship between Hakoniwa world and human history.

There is also the White Night King who taught her what is [the final trial of mankind] and what is [eschatology]!

In short, everyone in [Fantasy] tried their best to cultivate canaries.

Chiba even found other great figures in the mythical worldview for Canary to teach.

In particular, the famous poets in the small garden gave Canary a great inspiration.

In the following decades and hundreds of years, Canary also learned how to properly control the game through various trials and devils.

During this hundred years of travel, Canary has learned a lot!That's the emotion that I can never see in that boring [closed world].

In the outside world, she understands that not all substances are equal, and that shining gems are fundamentally different from gray stones!

In society, there is competition, there is pressure, there are winners and losers, and there is struggle.

The world is not equal, but it is also equal.

Canary, she understands what is hypocrisy, what is suspicious behavior, what is conjecture, and she knows how to think for herself!

She understands the overwhelming self-love and the ultimate fraternity!

At the end, after traveling through countless lands, she finally understood the final answer to that original question!

—What's on the other side of that wall?

That's the feeling called "Freedom"!

At the same time, I also understand how hypocritical the so-called ideal town [closed world] is!

Therefore, she came to the final conclusion after seeing the world inside and outside the wall!

That's the puzzle by tracing the trajectory of her life!

The ideal land of [closed world] is wrong.

The so-called happiness in it is nothing but a hypocritical world surrounded by a high wall by the pronoun called equality to prevent it from being breached by the outside world!

But as the price of the so-called "happiness"!They lost [freedom]!

She lives as peacefully as a captive animal, and now it seems that the canary will think of it from time to time.

The humiliation of being imprisoned under a high wall, and the sorrow of being kept in captivity like livestock.

Compared with the world outside the wall, the world inside the wall is extremely peaceful and quiet, with no sense of crisis or cruelty!

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