"Fear is the most primitive emotion of all life, and you don't need to hide it. However, if you want to truly defeat and overcome the devil, what you need is always a blow of courage!"

"What is courage? A foot that moves forward even when trembling with fear—that is courage."

"Now you have done it."

"So let's go across the closed world together!"

Seeing this, Canary nodded fiercely.

"Okay, Chiba-sensei Qian!"

Chapter [-]: The only flaw in the closed world

Chiba, with the canary who has no turning back, went to the front line of the war at a very fast speed.

Although Chiba knows how to cross the closed world.

However, he wasn't going to tell Canary about it.

In the final analysis, this is the final trial left to mankind, then, mankind should be allowed to overcome it.

If Chiba's human identity could not be recognized, the closed world would have been killed by Chiba from the very beginning.

And beyond the eschatology, it will be the last moment Chiba teaches Canary.

"Canary, this topic will be the last lesson I will teach you!"

"Crossing the closed world, if you can do it, you can become a teacher on your own!"

"The time limit is before the time limit for the destruction of human history."

If the canary fails to make it.

Even if Chiba can kill the closed world, human history will also be destroyed.

At that time, the world of Little Garden will be abandoned after that.

"Then are you confident?"

Canary nodded, her eyes full of confidence.

"Yes, although I have never seen a closed world, there are too many legends about him. In order to truly cross it, I spent decades building a game!"

Hearing this, Chiba was stunned for a moment, then showed a smile.

"Oh? Even I don't know, when did it happen?"

"It's the last time I borrowed [Sun Sovereign] from you"

Saying that, Canary lowered her head, a little embarrassed.

"Mr. Chiba, I know that my behavior is a bit self-willed. This is a crisis related to the survival of the world of Little Garden and the history of mankind. However, I want to try it myself and try to conquer the closed world with my own power!"

"So, I hope you can forgive my last willfulness. I haven't mentioned this game to anyone!"

In response, Chiba smiled and touched Canary's head.

"No need! The gods are not qualified to point fingers at you. Everything you do now is just paying for the actions of the gods in the past. Therefore, the so-called willfulness does not exist at all. If you want to do it, just Let go and do it!"

"In the end, no matter what the consequences are, if you can't deal with it, I will help you level the road!"

"Thank you, teacher!"

next moment.

Chiba accelerated in vain and came to the forefront.

The defeat is a million miles away, and the corpses of the gods can be seen. They are literally everywhere, and all beliefs have been swallowed and obliterated.

In order to create an opportunity for the canary to meet the closed world alone.

Chiba made all the gods and Buddhas retreat from the front line and go elsewhere to resist the suppression of the pagan power of the [closed world].


Facing the dark shadow that has not been seen in a hundred years.

Chiba stepped out and came to the front of the closed world.

The repression of the pagans hit Chiba without realizing it.

Seeing this scene, even in the closed world at the moment, I couldn't help but sigh.

"You are really amazing. The world of Hakoniwa is shrouded in such a state that the pressure of the heretics has been pushed to the top, but you still endure it!"

This is the reason why the closed world has failed to show up in the past hundred years.

The suppression of pagans is the strongest impregnable wall in the closed world.

If it is broken, it is equivalent to breaking his strongest armor.

In this regard, Chiba smiled and faced the closed world.

"Since you know, do you still dare to show up now?"

"Human history, Hakoniwa is running out of time, and now—no one can stop me!"

The body of the closed world twisted.

Turn into the opposite sex and block the entire front line.

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