He did not intend to fight Chiba.

Chiba, who easily cracked his strongest armor, closed the world and didn't think he could defeat him.


"Even if I can't defeat you, but even if you kill me now, the end will not stop!"

"Ah, I know, so I will bring someone who can cross you!"

Hearing this, the closed world smiled.

"Are you trying to say you brought humans? Ridiculous"

Only humans can kill and overcome eschatology.


At this stage, not to mention the history of mankind, all Hakotei, except Chiba, could not even stand in front of him.

No matter how strong a human being, if they step into the territory he suppresses, they will be torn to shreds.

After all, humans can't even achieve omnipotence.

"Could it be the little girl you've been carrying? Do you think that kind of thing can kill me?"

In this regard, Chiba smiled.

"So that's it, don't you know her identity yet?"

The closed world frowned.

"What identity?"

"Of course it is the identity that human beings hope for!"

At this time, the canary suddenly appeared from behind Chiba, standing in front of the closed world.

At this moment, the pupil of the closed world suddenly shrank.

I almost thought I was wrong.

"Aren't you torn apart by the suppression of my heretics?"

Hearing this, Canary smiled and raised her hand, feeling her surroundings a little.

"This feeling is indeed a little nostalgic. If you calculate it carefully, it is almost a hundred years old!!"

The closed world's brows furrowed even tighter.

"What hundred years?"

"It's time for me to walk out of your [Ideal Land]!"

Hearing this, the pupils of the closed world suddenly shrank.

He stared at the canary in disbelief.

Then, he looked at Chiba.

At this moment, Chiba's smile seemed to shudder in the eyes of the closed world.

Before this, the closed world had never worried that it would be killed and crossed by humans.

Because, he knew, that was impossible.

No matter how powerful a human being is, as long as he enters the territory he suppresses, he will be suppressed or even torn to pieces.

This is the source of his invincibility, and because of this, since its birth, the closed world has never taken a step outside the world he suppressed, not even 4.2.

Just to cut off all possibilities.


He couldn't imagine anything.

A hundred years ago, a human would have walked out of his [ideal land] and finally stood in front of him.

The iron walls that enclose the world are indeed indestructible.

It can be said that there is no weakness.


The stronger the outside, the weaker the inside.

This is the balance of the little garden.

If there really exists in this world the power to shatter the impregnable walls of the closed world, it must be the power of the closed world itself.

If there really exists a human existence that crosses the closed world in this world, it must be the only one in front of the canary.


Only she, as a human, can truly encounter the closed world!

Chapter [-]: Canary's Host Authority

Although the closed world is amazing, it has not yet reached the point of fear.

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