Chiba lifted his [Miracle Collapse]!

"Come on, the merits of Hakoniwa that once belonged to me, now it's time for you to shine!"

Chapter [-]: The Game in History

Because at this moment, Chiba voluntarily gave up her [Miracle Collapse] and summoned her achievements over the years as the master of her own small garden.

For an instant.

Hakoniwa Center begins to trace the historical trajectory of Chiba.

There are achievements in the construction of Hakoten!

There is also the achievement of repelling the wind of decadence!

There is also the achievement of limiting the closed world to gain battle time for the gods!

As the Lord of Little Garden, Chiba has too many achievements that the Central Little Garden failed to give him because of [Miracle Collapse].

And at this moment.

At the moment when Chiba lifted the [Miracle Collapse], they all gathered together.

But at the moment when Chiba finished speaking, a golden light shot up from Chiba's body and penetrated the three realms!

An unprecedented spirit began to rise, shake the stars,

The closed world squinted in amazement,

"It's not easy, that's how it feels! Is this your spirituality as the [Lord of the Garden]?"

When the golden light shot up from Chiba's body,

Unlimited spirituality shakes the Three Realms!Just sighing seems to be able to blow the stars away!

At this moment, because of the appearance of golden light, the world was shaken, and countless stars were distorted because of it!

The huge concept contained in its spirituality and the crystallization beyond human wisdom, beyond the concept called "miracle"!

The spirit of the Lord of the Garden is 257 squares, and the construction has begun.

As the builder of the small garden, the repellant of the demon king, the guardian of the world, and the agent recognized by the center of the small garden.

All the identities came together, and the formed Lingge was in the corner of the two-digit sequence of Hakoten.

This merit, heaven and earth, so far.

However, Chiba did not intend to undertake.

But in the next instant, it was integrated into the [host authority] built by the canary to fill the part of the power of the closed world that she ignored.

see this scene.

The closed world is annoyed.

"Could it be that you want to give up all the achievements you have built in the world of Hakoniwa so far?"

Chiba didn't seem to hear the roar of the closed world.

"Do I need this kind of feat? Did you see me using it?"

In a word.

Directly makes the closed world speechless.

That's right.

Chiba didn't need to use this feat and spirituality at all.

Although this merit and spirituality ranks in the double-digit corner of the Hakoniwa world, once he accepts the brand, Chiba will become the top god and Buddha in the Hakoniwa world, and maybe it will become one of the rules of the Hakoniwa world.


so what?

After all, it will be suppressed by the closed world.

Chiba's own strength of [Erase Miracles] is his trump card.

That's the evidence that he is comparable to the Central Box Garden.

And this spirituality, Chiba does not need at all, even if it is left, it will only be wasted.

Therefore, the tone of voice made this part of spirituality rot in Chiba, so it is better to use it where it should be used.

"Canary, this is my last gift as a teacher to you—"

In an instant!

Chiba built the [host authority] with her spiritual identity, and then instantly suppressed the mystery of the closed world.

The closed world is furious.

"You bastard, why didn't you kill me!?"


Seal his profound meaning and block all his actions.

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