That is the ultimate test of eschatology, the ultimate test of mankind, and the greatest blasphemy and trampling on the oldest demon king.

However, Chiba didn't seem to hear it.

"Killing or not killing, what does it have to do with you? My opponent has never been you and I have never regarded you as an opponent!!!"

the next moment.

Not waiting for the closed world to open up again.

Chiba's [host authority] rule has come.

This force of execution was instantly integrated into the game built by Canary, completing the final game she used to cross the [closed world]!

Start here.

The game between the closed world of the final trial of human beings and the maiden canary, the hope of human beings, has begun.

The two sides used the human history based on reality as the battlefield, and launched the strongest game game to rewrite history.

The closed world spreads the belief of [Utopia] with its own power, starting from Western countries, preparing to devour the world step by step.

Canary rewrites the world with her thoughts and her own chants.

The game of power between the two sides has sparked a wonderful human history.

There was the birth of utopian socialism and the spread of communist ideas.

The Western countries have aroused the Renaissance and started the Industrial Revolution.

A hundred schools of thought contend in Eastern countries, and dynasties change.

The entire human history has bloomed with the most splendid brilliance.

The strongest game showdown in history has held each other evenly for a century.

Ultimately, the closed world prevailed.

Beliefs in utopia, beginning in Western Europe, spread at a rapid rate.

Canary looked surprised, this is simply impossible.


After she discovered the means of closing the world, she couldn't help falling into silence.

"The closed world confuses utopia and communism!"

Look at the history of human beings that are gradually being swallowed up.

Canary fell into anxiety.

What should we do now?

The closed world undoubtedly has the absolute upper hand at this stage. If we want to regain our dominance, we must let human beings understand the paradox of utopia, and let human beings understand that communism and utopia are two different concepts.

"Do you need to sing a theoretical precursor? No, this will be treated as a pagan religion by the current stage of mankind!"

"In the end how to do?"

Canary gritted her teeth and fell silent.

Seeing that human history was engulfed bit by bit by the closed world, Canary felt a little powerless.

At this time, Chiba patted Canary's back lightly.

"what happened?"

"Mr. Chiba, I'm not an opponent of a closed world. Even if you helped me improve the rules of the game, I was still suppressed by the opponent, and I-I'm going to lose."

Hearing this, Qianye narrowed his eyes slightly and spoke in sharp words.

"Are you really going to lose? Or do you have a reversal method but dare not use it because of some concerns?"

"Teacher, I-"

"Canary, you know what? If someone can change something, that person must be someone who can give up important things, those people, if they have to go beyond monsters, they can even give up humanity, what? Those who can't give up can't change anything."

"If the destruction of the Western District of Hakoniwa can limit the power of the closed world, I will not hesitate to slaughter all the humans in the Western District!"

"This battle has nothing to do with justice, only winners and losers, and at the same time there are only winners!"

Chapter [-]: The Spread of the Black Death

Hearing this, Canary cried, very, very sad.

"Teacher, I'm afraid!"

For the first time in her life, Canary showed her timid side in front of Chiba.

However, Chiba just hugged Canary gently, touched her little head, and comforted her.

"What's there to be afraid of? Is the closed world scary? Isn't it?"

"If you want to reverse the current situation, there is indeed still a glimmer of hope, but many people will die, very, very many people!"

In this regard, Chiba smiled.

"If those human deaths can reverse eschatology - then you don't need to feel sad."

"If you can't cross the closed world, those people will still die!"

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