Of course Canary knew, but she just cried and shook her head.

"This is different. Under the rule of the closed world, those people will die with all their thoughts and desires, [happy]. If they are reversed, all of them will die in the most painful way."

This is where Canary hesitates, and where it is her weakness.

"I'm thinking, am I qualified to decide the life and death of the dying people? I think they don't want to sacrifice their lives for other strangers they don't know at all? If they die, I can Do you have their forgiveness?"

Chiba nodded.

No denial.

"That's human nature, selfishness, everyone has it, even me, there is selfishness."

"But, they are not qualified to forgive you at all!"

"As the hope of human beings, you are fighting at the forefront, but those so-called human beings are blinded by the closed world and become loyal believers of [Utopia]. Such human beings are an obstacle to human history!"

"Since they chose to believe in [Utopia], they must pay for it!"

"The justice of your actions does not need to be acknowledged by others. The inexorable opposite is justice!"

That's right—

The behavior of the canary does not need anyone to prove it.

The existence of the closed world itself is the incarnation of the infinity.

And the opposite of mortals is the peak of justice.

"If you want to do it, just do it with confidence and boldness. No matter what the consequences are, I will help you deal with them, as long as you don't leave any regrets!"

Hearing this, Canary silently wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes.

this moment.

Canary's eyes changed.

Her entire soul has been transformed.

That's not physical growth, but an evolution in consciousness.


The canary builds on the strength of its own poet.

The most [evil] chant in history to rewrite the world begins!

The reason why the closed world has the upper hand is because there are too many believers in the so-called "Utopia".

In this ignorant age, without a correct pioneer, without a complete program, it is very easy to go astray.

And under the guidance of the closed world, this wrong path is getting darker and darker.

In order to reverse this situation, conventional methods will not work.

The simplest and most direct way is only one point, and it is also one point that Canary didn't want to use before. At the same time, it is also the lore that Canary thought of imitating Chiba's approach.

Since the spread of the belief in [Utopia] cannot be stopped.

Then, kill all believers who believe in [Utopia].

Moreover, in human history, there is only one way to carry out mass slaughter in accordance with history without leaving any traces.


Then, under this historical background, the biggest plague in human history that swept the entire European country was born - the Black Death!

The Black Death was a great plague of plague, an extremely dangerous infectious disease that spread very rapidly.

In many European countries, a big [P] word is written on the wall of the house, which is Pest!

——Warning and reminding passers-by that there are black patients living in this house, and they should be careful and quickly escape.

Just like the Black Death is contagious, the practice of writing the word [P] on the wall seems to be contagious, one after another on the wall of the house, block after block, there are dark murmurs one by one. , The scary big [P]!

One by one human beings fell.

Died in the most tragic and painful way, as the canary said.

Qianye watched this scene quietly, her face calm.

"It really is the Black Death!"

In the original work, the canary defeating the closed world is to rewrite history, causing a great plague in history, thereby erasing the operation point of [Utopia], and then erasing the closed world.

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It appears that even though the Canary was taught differently, it still came to the same conclusion.

"Then, Pest's [-] million undead were born at this time!"

Chiba remembered the first demon king encountered by [Unnamed] in the original book, that is, the black-spotted goddess Peste who wanted to take revenge like the sun.

The closed world watched its believers fall one by one.

And, because of the disease, fewer and fewer people are paying attention to [Utopia].

After all, people are dying, who would believe in that illusory future?

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