In order to obliterate the disease, the closed world made a move to let the sun shine on the earth.


. twenty four

The canary method had long been expected, and the sun was sealed by Chiba's sovereignty over the sun as a medium!

At this moment, because of the involvement, it entered the power of the sovereignty of the sun.

Throughout all human history in the infinite multiverse, the sun has undergone periodic slumbers.

So far, the Black Death has been established in all infinite multiverse worlds.

The historical transformation period is formed!

Chiba looked at what was happening in front of her, and felt a little emotional.

"Is this also fate?"

Due to the birth of the sovereignty of the sun, the Black Death will not be a simple natural disaster, but will be supported by the stars, implying a strong and absolute destiny.

The pandemic of the Black Death caused the serfs to be drastically reduced, the productivity decreased, and [-] million victims. With this alone, the canary almost made the Black Death the final test of the new human beings.

However, because the Black Death advanced the social status of serfs in advance, the epidemic that may lead to the demise of mankind eventually changed the future of mankind.

The emancipation of serfs was originally supposed to be delayed until around the early 1900s.As a result, it hindered the development of ideas such as Enlightenment, liberalism, etc., and became the cause of the growth of dystopian ideas.The spread of the Black Death began in the fourteenth century and lasted for more than a hundred years.The spread of the Black Death, once the greatest trial of mankind, interrupted the rule of the closed world!

Seeing this scene, Chiba slowly exhaled.

"It's over, the defeat of the closed world is a foregone conclusion. Next, in order to make the Black Death develop smoothly, I'm going to find the only source - Qian"

Chapter Three Hundred and Nine: First Meeting, Pest

The wheat field was swayed by the wind from the high platform.

The green carpet of verdant new leaves changes color with the seasons and is now buried in the golden wheat fields.While other lands are in danger of insufficient harvests, this is the only place where a bountiful harvest of wheat and grapes can be foreseen.

"Yeah! This year, thanks to the great Pest, we have been able to have a good harvest!"

The old farmer looked at Mai Lang and smiled at her.

She also responded with a leisurely smile.Born as a border noble, the only thing she can boast about is this land.

The daughter of a noble did not need cultural upbringing at that time, and her existence was just one of the family's property.It will definitely only be used to recruit a son-in-law or get married.

A chess piece that connects with other families and enriches the family.This is her asset value.

Not only is there no school or monastery near her home, which is rooted on the fringes of the country, but even the people around her see her only as a [daughter who has acquired a new bloodline].

Of course, she had no noble friends who were placed on the frontier, and only the children of peasants played with her.

As a lady and a mad girl, she learned to play outside, play on the ground, and learn how to grow wheat.

Grandfather was a book lover, so she taught herself some literacy skills and read books.Practice the new farming methods described in the unopened books that my grandfather left with her before she died, without the knowledge of my father.If her father ignored the customs of the time and let her devote herself to her studies, the history of the family would have changed.

The result is an expansive golden wave of wheat.The bumper harvest, which is rare in recent years, has made farmers in high spirits crowd around her, regardless of gender, age, or child.

"Lord Pest is really amazing! It's obvious that the harvest has been bad recently!"

"There hasn't been much sunshine in the past few years. Looking at these poor land that can't grow crops, I want to give up."

"There are rumors that the farmers who can't get winter will not know what to do if they suffer from epidemics one after another and fall without adults."

Whether it is a child of the same age or an old woman with a hunched back, everyone is grateful for the kindness she brings.The recent crop failure is such a big deal.

In recent years, the cold has been severe, and farmers who have no winter reserves have suffered from epidemics and lost their lives one by one.Overwork, coupled with successive poor harvests of food crops, has resulted in a weakened immune system.

But don't worry this year.

She was stared at by their smiling faces.

- Cough, cough a little.


He touched his forehead with his hand.Even she herself felt a little hot.

It is because the new farming method is progressing smoothly, so the hard work of the past few days is pouring in all at once.

Speaking of which, it may have been a little lack of rest recently.This year, I have been learning farming almost all the time, and I even went to help pick up shovels with the farmers to improve the land.

For the time being, take a good rest and take care of your body.

After the body is healed, work with them to make this land more fertile.

I swear in my heart, whether it is one year later, five years later, or ten years later.I want to live on this land.

——However, at this time, she did not know.

This oath turned into a curse in just a few days.

Compared to the land that everyone loves, she promises a curse that is deeper than anyone else.

- Curse the existence of my clan.

——Let disaster befall my domain.

Die, die, all die.

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