Trapped in a grief deeper than anyone else.

sunk in the darkness of loneliness of unknown depths.

With endless resentment on her deathbed, she pulled down the curtain of her life when she was killed by the one she loved.

This is the later Demon King—the girl who bound [-] million evil spirits.

Her career, known as the "Black Death Spot God Son".

This is the original place and the original fuse.

Eighty million resentful spirits were gathered from this first small resentment spirit.

After she died, she turned into a soul and left an incredible resentment!

That kind of resentment, as if to uproot the body temperature!

The coldness of meeting death is still a memory deep in the soul.

The occurrence of the incident was originally the disease, the disease that could lead to the destruction of the world - the outbreak of the [Black Death]!

This girl, Pest, was locked up in a cell at home after she suffered from the Black Death, and was killed by the hands of her father, who was afraid of spreading the disease.

The restless father, who filtered out the infection route, killed all the serfs who had a good relationship with Pest at the time.Whether it's a man, a woman, an old grandfather, or a child about her age.

Although it sounds very cruel and ignorant, they do not know that the transmission of the Black Death is fleas, blood and droplets!

Because of this, the [Black Death] broke out wildly.

The people who hunted down the serfs and executed them, the fathers who participated in them, were all infected, and the whole family died.

Really foolish beyond cure,

Her resentment towards her father went beyond death and was very deep.

When he was about to die, in order to publicize his dissatisfaction, he deliberately let his father hear his curse.

She—Pest, shouting in the cell.

- Die, die, all die!

Then, he really died, yes, everyone lost because of the [Black Death].

Because of this, through the cursed Pace 4.2 special, a small spirit was obtained from it!

Acquired through a curse, it is regarded as the spirit of evil spirits,

In this way, Pesto, carrying resentment and curses, dangled around Europe, encountering people who died in similar situations in various places.Those people are just floating spirits

However, Pest, who felt that they were pitiful, led them down, not knowing how many years they had traveled.

At the same time, their team is constantly spreading, from the initial one person to ten people, one hundred people, one thousand people.

They fluttered aimlessly, from Europe to the mainland, and traveled all over the world.

Until one day, she met the person who changed her life.

"Meeting for the first time, Pest, my name is Chiba!"

Chapter [-]: Establishment, historical transition period

After Chiba introduced herself, Pest tilted her head, somewhat surprised by Chiba's sudden visit.

"Meeting for the first time, Pest, my name is Chiba!"

Black Dead Spot Lolita, that is, Pest herself, was a little ignorant of Chiba who suddenly appeared in front of her eyes. She looked left and right and found that there was no one else.

"Don't look, I'm just talking to you, and there's no second person named Pest!?"

Chiba just looked at Peister quietly.

Only then did Peste react, and it turned out that Chiba in front of her was indeed talking to herself.

said somewhat surprised.

"You know me!? And you can see me!?"

"I can see it! We can see not only you, but also the souls behind you!"

A smile appeared on Chiba's face.

However, after seeing the undead who died because of the [Black Death] behind him.

Chiba immediately had an expressionless face, stepped forward, put her right hand on her chest, and said politely.

"First of all, allow my apology. Although I am not the culprit, I am Chiba, and I am the fuse that caused this [Black Death]. I am sorry for this!"


The moment Chiba finished speaking, a large amount of black wind was instantly released from Pest's black dead-spotted sleeves.

In just the blink of an eye, Qianye was shrouded in it. This kind of black wind can instantly infect those who come into contact with the power of the Black Death!

Although it's not like the black wind of Pester in the future, the gift of death is given when you touch it, but it is also fatal to humans at this stage!

The hatred that could not be quelled, this is the expression that appeared on Pest's little cheeks, unbelievable resentment and anger.

The outbreak of the Black Death was really a disaster for Pest, not only physically but also psychologically, it gave her indelible damage!

Therefore, when Chiba said that he was the fuse that caused this [Black Death], it was inevitable that he would attack in an instant!

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