"So it's you!! So it's you, the bastard, who caused the [Black Death]!"

The black wind that infinitely bestowed [Black Death] was released from the sleeves on both sides, although this amount was enough to infect more than one hundred humans with the Black Death.

But Pest still has no plans to stop, and is still releasing the super black wind!

"Since this is the case, then let you also taste the feeling of the Black Death. After doing such a thing, you dare to run up to me in an upright manner, and I will kill you!"

The black wind is still pouring in, and the hatred that seems to be unable to quell even if they are cut with a thousand swords is spreading.

After a while, the first one who couldn't hold on was Pest!The small spirit is enough to support her to release the black wind for such a long time.

There was also sweat on her temples, but the amount and time of the Black Death released was enough.

Such an attack is enough to kill any one person tens of millions of times.

"It's so cheap for you to die like this—"

Having said that, Pest clenched her teeth and retracted Kuro Feng, but she was still shaken the moment she retracted Kuro Feng.

Chiba still maintained an apologetic gesture with her right hand on her chest.

Pest, who seemed to be struck by thunder, widened his eyes and took two steps back, barely speaking a word from his trembling mouth.

"How, how could it not work!?"

"It doesn't work! It's impossible to infect me at this level. I know the resentment in your heart, but even if I don't do anything, you can't kill me."

That's right, even after Pest became a god, such an attack wouldn't hurt Chiba in the slightest!

The next moment, Chiba released the brilliance of the sun, and in an instant, it dispelled Peste's black wind, leaving Pester a little overwhelmed!

Pest, who didn't understand what kind of power this was, was very flustered!After all, the spread of the Black Death was caused by the sun entering a period of laziness.

Therefore, for the Black Death, the sun is the natural enemy, just as vampires are afraid of the sun, the Black Death is also very afraid of the sun.

After everything calmed down, Chiba Tai raised her head slightly and said calmly.

"Pest, I think you just heard it wrong!! I'm not the root cause of the Black Death, I just happened to be the fuse!"

Pest already understood the difference in strength between the two sides, and at the same time understood that the Chiba in front of her was probably not a human being, otherwise the Black Death would not be ineffective,

"What, what do you mean!?"

"That is to say, even without me, the [Black Death] will break out, because this thing is a [historical transition period] in human history, and it exists in every parallel world of the infinite multiverse itself, that is - every world. A fact that will happen!"

"This is not a feat that can be achieved by relying on one person alone. [Black Death] is an end point in the world. Before I act, it exists, so the culprit is not me."

Seemingly wanting to calm down the panicked Pesto, Chiba deliberately put her spirituality and Pesto at the same level!

"That is, anyone can be a fuse! Or you, or someone we don't know, or a dog, or even an ant 260!! But unfortunately, I became Got this fuse!"

Moreover, he deliberately became this crucial [fuse] in order to erase the Demon King of the Closed World.

Although Chiba knew that this was a world catastrophe caused by a canary with a purpose.

However, Chiba knew that the canary was definitely not a necessary reason.

The use of the sovereignty of the sun alone cannot cause a [historical transition period]. Since it is a [historical transition period], it is the end point of all infinite multiverses themselves.

Not even a two-digit sequence can do that.

If anyone could do it, it would be called the fourth most powerful poet, and it would be a chant that would rewrite the history of the world with the sacrifice of his life.

Clearly, the Canaries haven't done that yet.

"Then you are"

Peste relaxed a little, but she was still dubious,

"I'm here to speed up the spread of the [Black Death], so that the [Black Death] spread, this [historical transition period], will enter the end point in advance, and then it will end!"

Although the practice was very bad, the reason was very legitimate, which made Pest's eyes widen, wondering if this man was crazy and even planned to do such a thing! ?

Chapter [-]: The Black Death and Utopia

"Why do you do such a thing, do you want to artificially interfere with human history!?"

Those who interfere in human history and accelerate the process of human history must rely on the power of [Sun Sovereign], and, if they are not careful, they will be overruled by [Hakoniwa] itself. What is the purpose of this man to do such dangerous things? edge ball! ?

"No way, the troubles on my side are also very troublesome. If you don't do this, the future of mankind may be imprisoned, although this has nothing to do with me-"

Even if all human beings are destroyed, it has nothing to do with Chiba, but everything that Chiba has built in the world of [Hakogari] so far will be disintegrated, and even history will not be left.

Unless the gods abandon human history, all the gods who become gods by faith will be killed.

Moreover, all the gods who have abandoned the history of mankind will also be slashed by themselves for not having the blessing of faith.

Although this removes the restrictions of the [Almighty Paradox], but without faith, even the almighty field cannot be reached.

Therefore, until the critical period, the gods will not abandon human history.

And Chiba didn't want the world of Hakoba to be blown away by the wind of decadence.

Hearing this, Pest tilted her head, not knowing what to say.

"What does this have to do with the future of all mankind!? Could it be that the spread of the Black Death may lead to the demise of mankind!?"

"Do you think it's possible!?"

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