In the original book, Pester was controlled by the [Ouroboros Alliance], and wanted to use Pester's [host authority] that could seal the sun to seal Shiroyasha's actions with the lower level.

I want to bring down the class ruler.

"The identity of the [Ouroboros Alliance] is still up for debate, but now, I don't know if this organization has become effective."

Chiba shook his head, not thinking too much.

At least in 08, at this stage, the crisis in the world of [Box Garden] has been temporarily lifted.

A small garden that has crossed the closed world can at least get a respite for thousands of years.

The next time limit is controlled by [Absolute Evil], but the outbreak and connection of maliciousness are closely related to the development of the Perpetual Motion Mechanism.

In this era when the star particle body has not yet appeared in human history, there is no need to worry about the outbreak of [absolute evil].

At this stage, Azdahaka has been sealed by Emperor Shitian, and his maliciousness has not inflated to that level.

In a short period of time, Azdahaka was absolutely unable to compete for the seal to come to Little Garden again.

This time, in the game between the box garden center and the eschatology, it was the box garden that won.

Chiba smiled and suddenly looked into the distance.

There, there is a small figure standing at the top of human history, the light of hope for mankind who is not engulfed by the torrent of the times.

The canary walked out of the golden light and came to Chiba.

Immediately afterwards, like a child, he poured into Chiba's arms and burst into tears.

wow ah ah ah! !

She cried like a child.

"Teacher Chiba, I'm so scared!!!"

Hearing this, Chiba smiled and touched Canary's head.

"There is nothing to be afraid of, the closed world, the eschatology that imprisoned human thought, has been crossed by you!"

Chiba looked at the canary as if looking at her own child.

It can be said that the canary is really brought up by Chiba.

He devoted all his knowledge and resources to cultivate him.

From a certain point of view, the canary is Chiba's highest masterpiece in the Hakogawa world!

none of them.

"But, but I'm still scared because, if I lose, there's nothing left."

"Moreover, in this battle, too many people died, and they all died because of me!"

In this regard, Chiba shook his head.

"No, no one died because of you. On the contrary, all the human history of the infinite multiverse was saved by your hands. You don't need to feel guilty, let alone fear. You just need to go back to Little Garden and accept The praise of the world is enough!"

Chiba patted Canary's head, smiling like a spring breeze, very reassuring.

"Next, I will let the queen open [realm] and send you back to [fantasy]!"

heard here.

Canary suddenly looked at Chiba with the same gaze and tilted her head.

"Teacher Chiba, what about you?"

"It seems that some beings are not satisfied with the ending of this battle-"

Although Chiba's tone was calm, Canary could sense the danger.

She followed Chiba's gaze and looked over.

For a moment-

A black wind hit her.

The black wind that is enough to smash thousands of gods and destroy the infinitely diverse world came like a storm.

Since the canary released the brilliance of the sun, it was instantly engulfed.


Just as the canary was terrified, Qianye calmly raised his right hand and directly obliterated this black wind.

At this time, the canary saw it.

The existence that unleashed the black wind attack.

The culprit had no intention of hiding himself at all.

It curled up in a corner at the end of the universe, peeping at Chiba and Canary in pitch darkness.

Just looking at the black wind, Canary felt that his soul was trembling.

"what is that?"

"The wind of decadence, the Demon King who ranks in the first digit of Hakoba, no, the single digit may be a bit vague, because it is regarded as the incarnation of human history!"

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