Hearing this, the canary didn't answer.

"The incarnation of human history? But the breath of his body is clearly the [final trial of mankind]."

Chiba nodded.

"Yes, he is indeed the ultimate trial of human beings, and he is the essence of eschatology. Whether it is [absolute evil] or [closed world], the great devil who gave them the power to end the world is the black wind in front of him."

For an instant.

Canary understands what kind of existence the decadent wind is in front of.

Chiba 260 and Canary once talked about the game view of Hakoniwa and eschatology.

According to Chiba's conjecture.

The wind of decadence should be at the same level as the Hakoya Nexus in terms of concept level.

As for what is called a single-digit sequence, it is completely because the gods of Hakoba have no exact concept of a single-digit number, and call all the [unknown areas] a single-digit number!

However, the wind of decadence is definitely not just that kind of thing.

At this time when the closed world is being crossed, the wind of decadence appears and shows obvious hostility to Chiba and Canary.

Chiba didn't think the other party was here to stop by.

dong dong——

Chiba Void tapped.

The next moment, the door to [Boundary] was opened by the Queen of Halloween, and Chiba touched Canary's head.

"You go back first, and let me handle it here."

Canary couldn't help but feel a little worried, and unconsciously clenched Chiba's palm.

"Master Chiba"

"It's okay, Canary, you should know that there is no living body that can harm me in Hakoniwa, even the wind of decadence."

After all, if you really want to talk about the concept of hierarchy.

The system he holds is still on top of the Little Garden Center and the wind of decadence.

The so-called "Miracle Collapse" has surpassed both.

Chapter [-]: Eschatological Action

Canary looked at Chiba's back worriedly, getting further and further away.

At this moment, she felt as if she was about to lose something important.

At the moment when the gate of [Boundary] was about to close, she raised her small palm and wanted to pull Chiba away.

However, no matter how she stretched out her hand, she couldn't touch the back.

"Master Chiba"

In the end, the gate of [Boundary] was completely closed.

Canary was sent back to [Fantasy]'s headquarters.

At this time, Chiba only took one step, and in an instant, he came to the end of the universe.

However, he has only just arrived.

The wind of decadence curled up at the end is a futile offensive, unleashing an overwhelming power that can devour even a single universe.

In this regard, Chiba directly obliterated it, and all the black winds disappeared.

Chiba smiled.

"Even as a welcome ceremony, this is too irritable, don't you think it's too hasty? It's just crossing the [closed world], you still have [absolute evil] left?"

"Of course, if conditions permit, the perpetual motion mechanism may be born in the future, but now, you are just a loser, and what's so arrogant?!"

Hearing this, the wind of decadence is surging.

Even with Chiba's sarcasm, he didn't reveal too much emotion.


This time, there was an overwhelming difference between meeting Chiba for the first time and meeting Chiba for the first time.

When the decadent wind appeared for the first time, it was only to show the side of him sounding the alarm bell.

He did not show his hostility to any life.

The reason is simple and pure.

To him, the gods and Buddhas were not a threat at all.

As long as the time limit is up, let alone the gods, even the world of Hakoniwa and the history of mankind can be blown away in an instant. Those so-called gods and Buddhas will not be on the table at all.

Maybe the two-digit sequence can struggle, but in the end, they can't escape the fate of defeat.


This time was different. Facing Chiba, the wind of decadence really showed hostility and murderous intent.

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