That is to see Chiba as an obstacle and want to get rid of him.

Obviously, this closed world being crossed is a great blow to the wind of decadence.

After all, if the closed world succeeds in covering the world of Little Garden, then the trigger of eschatology will be directly clicked.

At that time, the wind of decadence can be a matter of course: the shot.

To this end, the decadent wind is fully prepared, even decades ago, just waiting at the end of the universe.


Who would have thought that the closed world is about to cover the whole box garden and the critical juncture of all human history.

was crossed.

Moreover, that is the only flaw of the closed world as the final trial of human beings.

Whoever has the qualifications and ability to cross the closed world.In the world, only the canary can do it.

The probability of less than one in a trillion, but hit the head of the closed world.

Is this bad luck or so-called fate?

The decadent wind just stared at Chiba, that gaze was terrifyingly deep.

However, Chiba turned a blind eye.

After a while, a heterogeneous voice came from the black wind.

This voice seemed to come from hell.

"You're too much of a hindrance."

Hearing this, Chiba's pupils shrank suddenly, revealing a horrified expression.

"It's earth-shattering. It turns out that you can speak, the wind of decadence."

"In order to ensure my [finality], the so-called language is a superfluous existence. In my opinion, the gods and Buddhas of the small garden are just mere rations. Would you speak to your own lunch? ?"

Chiba shook his head.

That is of course impossible.

Although this description is somewhat inappropriate, in terms of strength, the wind of decadence does have such qualifications.

On a conceptual level, Wind of Decadence is equivalent to the Hakonigari Nexus.

The gods of the little garden correspond to the final trial of mankind, and the center of the little garden corresponds to the wind of decadence.

The two sides are not at a conceptual level at all.

"However, if the other party is you, then it's another matter of this outside observer. It's too much of a hindrance, and you shouldn't interfere in eschatology."

In response, Chiba calmly raised her hands and spread her arms.

"Sorry, I didn't directly intervene in the closed world. Everything I did was within the scope of the rules."

That's right, although Chiba is an observer of Hakoniwa, he cannot casually interfere in the game between Hakoniwa's center and the history of mankind when his human identity is not recognized.


At the beginning, although he had the power to kill the closed world, he did not kill the closed world.

Because he knows that if he kills eschatology with his hands casually, it will bring out the style of decadence.

At that time, the decadent wind will have a reason to take action against the world of the small garden, and even the center of the small garden can't say anything.

"Really, do you think this can also take advantage of the loophole? Do you think this can also sabotage my plan? Do you think this can also save human history? Do you think this will make you the savior of Hakoniwa Is it?"

"No, you are nothing!"

"Before this, I haven't put you in the eyes of an observer. Even if you were chosen by the central garden as the agent of the small garden, if the end of the world is approaching, I can still destroy you!"

"However, I recently discovered that you are a bit beyond my imagination!"

The human beings cultivated by Chiba greeted him and crossed the closed world.

This is the direct cause of the decadent wind.

He can't wait.

Hearing this, Chiba suddenly narrowed his eyes slightly. He found that the decadent wind in front of him was expanding in an incredible way.

The black wind that was released at that moment directly devoured the entire universe at the moment.

"Could it be that you want to break the rules, Dong?"

"Did you know? The Little Garden Center is a very rigid mechanism, and that's why he delegated the power to you to get the position of the Lord of the Little Garden, because he has no thoughts and is different from me!"

"In order to deal with emergencies, the center of the small garden is dead, and I am wise!"

"So, in order for eschatology to really come - I need to be here, get rid of you!"

Chapter [-]: Chiba vs Wind of Decadent

"So, in order for eschatology to really come - I need to be here, get rid of you!"

"Get rid of me?"

Chiba frowned.

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