Chapter three hundred and twentieth: wait

Chiba and the decadent wind stood in the void, facing each other under the starry sky of Hakoba.

The instant fight between the two sides shattered even the [realm] of the Hakonigari world. The gods could not imagine what kind of battle broke out between the two.

The Queen knew very well what was going on.

She, who is in charge of the [realm] power, can match the two-digit sequence under certain limited circumstances, even if there are shortcomings, but even if she is faced with the two-digit sequence, she can be confident enough to stand against the odds. defeat.


Even as the Demon King, the queen used to do bad things in the world of Little Garden, grabbing whatever she wanted, and destroying whatever she couldn't stand, got the acquiescence of the gods of Little Garden.

And I don't want to crusade the queen, but simply can't do it.

Not even a two-digit sequence can catch the queen, let alone the three-digit number below it.


At this time, the queen, for the first time, noticed the insignificance of the 08 body.

No, it's not that I'm too small, but that these two people are a bit outrageous right now.

The black wind of the decadent wind simply ignored any power and engulfed everything at the moment.

Even space and time are within his swallowing range. In the world of Little Garden, there is no power to resist this black wind.

Her [realm] was eroded by the wind of decadence. Before she wanted to be stable, she was instantly repelled.

At this moment, the battle between the two has attracted the attention of all the gods and gods of the box garden.

One person is the Lord of Little Garden, and the disciple he cultivated has just crossed the closed world and became the savior of Little Garden.

On the other side, it is the big devil in the single-digit sequence, and human beings will finally try the wind of decadence.

Although the gods do not know what happened.

However, the representative of Hakoniwa and the representative of eschatology met.

Everyone knows that this battle is likely to be about the survival of Hakoniwa World, and no one dares to sit still.

at the same time--

No one dared to step forward to support, even if there are two-digit numbers of gods and Buddhas descending under the starry sky, they are just watching from a distance.

It is precisely because they are in a two-digit sequence that they can see the difference between them.

Chiba aside, the ability to obliterate miracles is a threat to double-digit sequences.

What's more important is the wind of decadence. This great devil who ends the world is the strongest god-killer. There is no one, even if it is a double-digit sequence, he will be killed instantly.

Right now, in the whole box garden, only Chiba can resist him.

In the distance, [Fantasy] everyone came at the fastest speed.

Algor released his [Petrification] power and wanted to rush up.

However, he was instantly stopped by the Queen's realm.

"What are you doing? Queen?"

Alger glared at the queen, glaring.

"What do I do? I saved your life and other opponents aside, but, this is the wind of decadence, and the one in charge can destroy my [realm] demon king with a single blow, do you think you can help the master by rushing up? "

The Queen looked at Alger indifferently.

At the same time, he released his own realm and surrounded Chiba and the wind of decadence.

It looked as if he wanted to separate the two.

In fact, if the two really fight, this layer of [realm] is no different from paper.

The Queen's shot now is to prevent some idiots from rushing to death.

For example, Alger.

"Alger, your fighting style has always been bold and unrestrained. That's because you are a Protoss. Among the little gardens, there are only a handful of existences that can kill you. Stronger!"

"If you rush up, even if you are a star spirit, you will die!"

Hearing this, Alger's pupils shrank suddenly.


This is the most unfamiliar word for Alger.

She has killed many people and killed many gods and Buddhas.

However, she never thought that she would die.

The identity of his star spirit and the body of the stars are the representatives of immortality.

Even a two-digit sequence wants to kill itself is not easy.


Right now, death is in sight.

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