If it were normal, Algor would have already rushed up to crush the Queen's [realm].

But this time, she was silent.

"Have you calmed down?"

Alger was not carried away.

At the same time, the other people of [Fantasy] also stood in the void, standing outside [Boundary], quietly watching the confrontation between Chiba and the wind of decadence.

"Then what should we do now?"

Alger gritted his teeth, feeling a little remorse for his powerlessness.

It was obviously the most critical moment, but nothing could help.

"Now, just wait!"

The World Dragon looked at Chiba and the wind of decadence and spoke calmly.

At the same time, she raised her hand and pointed at the black wind.

"In my inheritance, his power is completely opposite to mine, so I can perceive his terrifying, even if I hold a double-digit spirituality, if I rashly touch the 267 black winds, I will devoured in an instant."

"Although I am very unwilling, but at the moment, the whole box garden can resist the existence of the decadent wind, only the leader!!"

"There is no other choice but to wait."

"Wait for what?"

Alger couldn't help asking.

"Of course, waiting for an order will always come in handy. Although the two of them are too strong, but apart from the two of them, we are still the top fighting force of Hakoniwa!"

World Dragon has such confidence.

The [Fantasy] at this stage has surpassed the former Sun Kings.

It is not an exaggeration to call it the strongest community of Hakoniwa.

"However, before that, Queen, use your [realm] to send the canary away. The completion of human history is inseparable from her. Let's leave it alone, she can't be in trouble."

The queen nodded.

"That's right, that's his precious apprentice. If something happens, I won't have the face to see the master!"

The queen waved.

The gate of [Boundary] opened.

Canary seemed to realize something and struggled to speak.

However, in an instant, he disappeared into the [realm], and disappeared into the third floor of Little Garden.

Chapter [-]: An Opportunity

Under the starry sky of Hako Garden.

Chiba and the wind of decadence stood facing each other, although there were countless gods and Buddhas watching, and there were even the gates of [realm].

However, it has nothing to do with the two of them right now.

"You are really amazing, you can actually fight me like this."

Even the decadent wind has to sigh.

As the strongest eschatology, the bestower of the power to destroy the world, he has the same strength as the center of the small garden. In the unknown field, he is the one-digit sequence of the small garden. There is no dispute about this.

All the gods and buddhas of the small garden together could not be his opponent.

And just like this, he was actually stopped by an observer outside the small garden.

Although the wind of decadence did not think that he could simply kill Chiba in this action, if it was simply a test, he had already understood the horror of Chiba.

Chiba spread out his hands.

"It is my honor to be affirmed by a great devil like you!"

"I'm curious, where did you come from, and why did you get such power!"

The decadent wind's eyes narrowed slightly.

He already knew Chiba's abilities.

Kill miracles.

This is a natural restraint for all gods, Buddhas and even demon kings in the little garden world.

Because the world of Hakoniwa itself is a collection of miracles, even the decadent wind is no exception.

All indirect attacks other than martial arts can be classified as miracles.

"You can beat me to this point because of this ability."

Chiba nodded and didn't intend to hide it, because this is no longer a secret, and it is not surprising that the wind of decadence knows.

"Of course, as an eschatology, I really don't have the power to kill you in Hakoniwa World, but - you can't destroy me either. If you want to continue fighting, I can always accompany you."

"Do you really think that I can't destroy you?"

The decadent wind and its serious tone opened the mouth and said.

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