However, Chiba nodded and replied in the same and affirmative tone.

"Yes, you can't destroy me!"

next moment.

The wind of decadence laughed.

Laughing loudly, this laughter made the universe of the small garden tremble.

In the face of the taunting of the decadent wind, Chiba Kanayou felt inappropriate.

Under the system, the priority is above everything else, which is the explanation of the system's ability to give [Miracle Collapse].

As long as he has this ability, it is impossible for Chiba to be killed by any method other than martial arts. This is the only thing that can be confirmed, not even a seal.

"Unfamiliar observer, I will let you know that there is not only one way to destroy you!!"

"I can give you one last chance!"

The decadent wind grinned, never doubting his victory.

"You are very suitable to be the final trial of human beings. I can give the power to end the world. I know that you are different from the gods and Buddhas who only think about self-protection and conservativeness and want to enjoy a comfortable life. You have ambition, you Not the prey, you are the hunter I can give you the gun to be the hunter, the strongest gun! How?"

The wind of decadence throws an olive branch.

He actually wanted to turn against Chiba.

Hearing this, even Chiba couldn't help but laugh.

"Are you going to laugh at me to death? The wind of decadence, if your behavior is not to delay time, then you are too laughable and generous."

The wind of decadence shook his head.

"No, it's not for delaying time, and I don't need that kind of thing. I really feel sorry for you. If you have half of your ambitions in the closed world, and you boldly step out of the [Ideal Land] to fight outside, you won't be able to. down to this point.”

"Of course, it's not the fault of the closed world. After all, it's me who chose him."

"Since you don't agree, then disappear in Hakoniwa world forever!"

In an instant, the wind of decadence shot.

The black wind in the sky obscured the universe.

This power is very different from the previous attack. Obviously, the wind of decadence has been reserved in the previous battle, and it is not his full strength.

The black wind with the final nature swept across in an instant, and the [realm] barrier that was isolated by the surrounding queens did not hold up for even a moment, but suddenly collapsed.

The most obvious ability of the decadent wind is to devour, but he can directly eat all the life forms under him.

The Queen's realm is only the use of her spirituality, and it is impossible to block the attack of the wind of decadence.

If you want to fight against the wind of decadence, you can only have a chance to fight if you show a spirituality that will not be engulfed by the torrent of the times.

Of course, the spiritual personality with the achievements of saving the last days should also be able to fight against the wind of decadence.

Of course, it is limited to confrontation. If you want to win, you are just thinking about shit.

The black wind swept away, the sky was obscured, and even the sun was scattered.

Countless gods and Buddhas around were affected.

Chiba didn't plan to let these people get out of the way and hide.

It's not too big to watch the fun. Only when disaster strikes will they know how terrifying this end is.

"If you want me to disappear forever, do you have the ability to do this?"

In the face of the black wind swallowing, Chiba instantly wiped out the wind of the end in front of him.

However, it is limited to attacks within the visible range.

Outside the black wind, all fell into the city of Hakoniwa.

The wind of decadence has begun to destroy the world of Little Garden.

Seeing this scene, Qianye's eyes narrowed slightly, and he was even more puzzled by the behavior of the wind of decadence.


What is this doing?

Isn't the purpose of the decadent wind not my own?Why attack Hakoniwa World?Central Box Garden will not allow it.

The reason why the wind of decadence was able to take action was also to find a far-fetched reason for Chiba to interfere with the eschatology.

Moreover, this reason was only established because Chiba's identity was not even recognized by the Hakoba Center.

The Little Garden Center has no wisdom, and only mechanically enforces the rules.

The wind of decadence took advantage of this and wanted to destroy Chiba Hunger himself.


If he did something to Hakoniwa World, it would be a completely different matter.

The Box Garden Center will not sit idly by.

Chapter Three Hundred and Twenty Two: The Stronger and Stronger Heavenly Punishment

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