Because the wind of decadence was knocked into the air and did not do anything to harm Hakoten.

This is not the first time Chiba has encountered Hakoba Tianzhu.

However, it was the first time he had seen such a powerful Tianzhu, and even the wind of decadence could be repelled.

Think about it too.

The first two days of Tianzhu landed, and the behavior of breaking the rules of the small garden was immediately terminated, and the center of the small garden did not add any additional attacks.

Because there is no wisdom in the center of the box garden.

It's not even confirmed whether the Tenchu ​​attack actually killed the offender.

And this time is different.

The condition for the Central Box Garden to issue the Heavenly Punishment is the destruction of Box Garden.

As long as the wind of decadence and Chiba fight, then Tianzhu will not stop.

Thinking so.

The wind of decadence has come again.

"It's a really powerful observer. You can't even force you to take a step back at this level of Heaven's Punishment. Although the attack power is not good, it is a well-deserved peak in the ability to focus on defense."

"As the wind of decadence, I admit your strength!"

In this regard, Chiba sneered.

"Why do you need to admit my strength? It's ridiculous, it's always said by winners. When did you consider yourself a winner?"


The wind of decadence spoke calmly.

"From the very beginning, I was the winner, because after this battle, you will disappear into the little garden forever!"

"Don't be ashamed!"

Facing the attack of the decadent wind, Chiba easily obliterated it.

The two sides fought together again.

The aftermath of the attack continued to destroy the world of Hakoniwa.

Finally, the fourth wave of stronger Tianzhu in the center of the small garden is coming.

Chiba is naturally not afraid, but the wind of decadence has made a defensive posture.


The World of Hakoniwa not only has to endure the aftermath of the attack from Chiba and the wind of decadence, but also admits the baptism of Tenju Hakoniwa.

next moment.

The fourth wave of Heavenly Punishment in the center of Hakoten is here.

This attack is stronger than ever.

The wind of decadence showed his final side, attacked with the attitude of ending the world, and blocked the strongest Tianzhu. Although he was repelled, the wind of decadence blocked this wave of attacks with an invincible attitude.

Chiba is naturally no problem, the ability to restrain the miracle makes Tianzhu's attack powerful.

"The wind of decadence, do you want to let the center of the small garden deprive me of the power of the master of the small garden?"

Only in this way can the behavior of the decadent wind be explained.

The reason why Chiba can cultivate canaries to cross the closed world is most likely the identity of Chiba's Hakoba lord.

Of course, although it's just Chiba's guess, it makes sense.

Therefore, if the identity of the Lord of Chiba Hakoten is deprived, Chiba will not be able to participate in the next human final trial, and the wind of decadence will naturally be the ultimate beneficiary.


As for Chiba's words, the decadent wind remained silent, but responded with a smile.

And that smile, as if to say, you think too simple.

Chiba frowned, he always felt as if he had overlooked something important.

next moment.

The wind of decadence came again, and the momentum was even more arrogant than before. With that appearance, it seemed that he would not give up until he killed Chiba.


In the world of Little Garden, this terrifying and bizarre scene was formed.

Chiba and the wind of decadence fought in the small garden, and the aftermath caused by the continuous impact and destruction of the small garden.

The center of the box garden is gathered above the starry sky, constantly descending Tianzhu to stop the two.

There is a wonderful balance between the three.

Neither can kill each other.

The wind of decadence bears the fate of eschatology, the center of the small garden is unattended, and Chiba, who holds the [Miracle Collapse], is invincible under the stars.

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