
The Little Garden World itself has become a victim of the balance of the three.

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The whole world was about to be shattered by the battle of the three of them.

Those two-digit sequences in the Little Garden World shot out one after another, resisted the aftermath of the attack, and released their own powers to stabilize the Little Garden World so that the Little Garden World would not be disintegrated.

too frightening.

This is simply the end of the world!

The world of Hakoniwa began to disintegrate, and countless lives were lost as a result.

This scene is even more terrifying than the arrival of the final trial of mankind!

If it continues like this, within three minutes, Hakoniwa World will be turned into cosmic dust, and there are only a handful of lives that can survive.

But this time.

Above the end of the universe, a ray of sunlight was suddenly born.

In this endless darkness, this ray of light is really too small, but—it is extremely dazzling!


Even in the end times.

The many Shura gods and Buddhas in the little garden also noticed the existence of this radiance of the sun.

That means hope!

World Dragon was the first to react.

This worldview is too familiar, and even used it himself.

can feel it.

I can really feel it.

That familiar feeling, the whole body seems to be infused with the warmth of the sun's rays.

It seemed to be born from his own body!

That power can't be wrong.

It is support!

It is the support from my own kind——【Sun Kings】!

The rhythm of gold appeared in the air and flickered constantly. It was no ordinary miracle. In the presence, besides the world dragon, the White Night King was the second person to understand this kind of power.

"Is that guy here?"

Following the White Night King's whispers, the golden rhythm instantly turned into a substantive light, turning into a huge golden phantom above the head of Hakoniwa World.

Majestic, solemn and solemn, there is an overwhelming sense of history and the times.

Seeing this scene, the Great Demon Laplace looked calm, but his heart was already turbulent.

Exactly the same, everything is exactly the same!

It completely overlaps with his big prophecy.

"The end of the little garden is here, Qian!"

Chapter [-]: The Gate of Exile

Accompanied by that ray of light at the end of the universe, it became brighter and brighter.

In the light, a body gradually appeared.

It was a fish, a golden spirit fish, constantly surging in the dark sea of ​​stars, swimming towards the world of Little Garden, which was dying.

That is the first incarnation of the [Sun Kings], and it is also the most powerful apocalyptic ark, the box boat!

Behind him is a golden boat, carrying an apocalypse.

With the achievement of saving mankind from the flooded world, this one will only come to the world of Little Garden when the end times are established and the world of Little Garden is about to be destroyed.

His arrival is enough to illustrate a problem.

The end of the little garden has really come.

And who would have thought.

The advent of the end of the little garden was actually affected by the battle.

What a ridiculous reason.

The box boat dragged the golden ark and came slowly from the end of the universe.

When he arrived, the golden ark directly filled the entire small garden into it.

In an instant, all attacks were isolated.

Although the world of Hakoniwa was destroyed because of the three-way war.

However, what really played a destructive role was the final black wind of the decadent wind.

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