Chiba's [Miracle Collapse] This province will not destroy the world, and most of the Heavenly Punishment of Hakobayashi falls on the wind of decadence, and some parts that have not been obliterated by Chiba will fall into the world of Hakoniwa.

Because of this, the god-king who holds the merit of saving the world can resist the devour of the black wind, the wind of decadence, with his spirituality.

Of course, this is only temporary.

If the black wind of the wind of decadence is unrestricted, even the strongest Sun King will be depleted of spirituality.

When the world of Hakoniwa has completely entered the golden boat.

In an instant, all the black winds were isolated by Huang Jing's rhythm.

Although every time the black wind whistled past, it would scrape off a layer of skin on the golden boat.


This achievement is indeed to block the attack of the decadent wind.

At the next moment, Boxboat did not hesitate.

Immediately, the golden boat carrying the world of Hakoniwa slowly sailed towards the end of the universe.

Seeing this scene, Chiba fell silent.

"That's the scene seen in Laplace's great demon prophecy. So, did the end times she saw come about because of me?"

In this way, it can also explain why the Laplace Great Demon could not predict the source of the end of the world, nor the existence of Chiba himself.


Chiba is one of the reasons for the end of Hakoba.

"Since the future predicted by the Great Demon Laplace has been revealed, what about the future given by the [Fountain of Wisdom]? Is it a future that is further back in the timeline? Or is it a parallel future that has been reversed? "

Chiba doesn't know.

In both prophecies, it is the end of the little garden.

However, in the current apocalypse, Chiba is one of the sources.

The other apocalypse is caused by [Fantasy] itself.

The two apocalypse have their origins in [fantasy], are they two parallel endings?

Chiba thought so.

After all, there are also branches of the timeline in Hakoniwa.

What if the Fountain of Wisdom predicted another timeline?

And now, the future has been discovered, and the timeline has been established, that is to say, there is a high probability that another timeline will not happen in the future.


Is it really that simple?

As far as prophecy is concerned, the Fountain of Wisdom is above the Great Demon of Laplace.

Even if the two futures were to be parallel to each other, if they were to be established, the future predicted by the Fountain of Wisdom should prevail.

Thinking of this, Chiba's eyes narrowed slightly.

"In other words, is the prophecy of the Fountain of Wisdom to a large extent a more backward future?"

However, there is no connection between them.

What happened in this?It actually made [Fantasy] everyone have the idea of ​​​​destroying the world.

While Chiba was pondering, the world of Hako Garden was far away from the battlefield between the dragging of Box Boat.

However, that is no longer safe.

As long as the battle on his side doesn't end, no matter where Hakoboat goes with Hakoniwa on his back, he will be implicated in the aftermath of the battle.

The most important thing is to end the battle here.

With this thought in mind.

Chiba is ready to wipe out the next wave of Hakoba Tenzu.


This time, it was not turned on!

Chiba was stunned for a moment, and suddenly looked at the wind of decadence.

Suddenly found that the wind of decadence smiled, it was a smile that established his victory.

Then, he opened his mouth.

"It's over, strange observer, disappear into this little garden world forever, you are too much in the way!!"

The moment I heard this sentence.

Chiba's pupils shrank suddenly.

The whole body was on guard.

Is there any trump card hidden in the decadent wind?

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