When they saw that terrifying black wind was swallowed by the gate of exile.

The sound of cheers came from the little garden.

As for this moment, Chiba, who is on the edge of the Gate of Exile, is also the target of the Gate of Exile.


The gods and Buddhas who are worried about Chiba's comfort are, after all, few in the Hakogawa world.

There are even lives praying for Chiba to be swallowed by the Gate of Exile.

Human beings are all selfish, let alone gods and Buddhas?

Even if Chiba had crossed the closed world before, he never had expectations for these gods and Buddhas.

In the original book, when the gods who were afraid of Azdahaka's deity-killing nature abandoned the world and human history, Chiba knew that these gods and Buddhas were indifferent.

Even if there are indeed some selfless gods and Buddhas among them, but after all, there are few.

After all, the matter of linking the history of mankind itself is that in order for the gods to obtain immortality, selfishness exists not only in humans, but also in gods!

Therefore, Chiba's attitude towards the gods and Buddhas of Hakoba is not soft.

If you really want to count, the gods killed by Chiba are no less than eschatology.

Of course, there are also those who worry about Chiba's comfort in the world of Hakoniwa.

That is Chiba's footsteps in Hakoba, looking for a reliable companion.

Each of them is Chiba's precious treasure!That is worthy of entrustment, worthy of giving up the trust of one's own back.

The White Night King, the Queen of Halloween, Alger, Sun Wukong, and the World Dragon all quietly looked at Chiba in the depths of the universe, anxiously waiting for the final outcome.


At this time, Chiba took a deep breath and exhaled slowly.

Chiba, who looked up at the Gate of Exile, showed an inexplicable expression.

"So this is the source of the end of the little garden that [Fountain of Wisdom] saw?"

【Fantasy】Destroy the world of Little Garden.

This is the ending seen by [Fountain of Wisdom].

Surprisingly, Chiba is not among them.

The reason is simple.

Because at that time, Chiba had already been exiled.

Chiba, the source of the order, was naturally unpredictable by the [Fountain of Wisdom].

"It turns out that the one who made the decision to destroy the small garden is you?"

this moment.

Chiba smiled, very inexplicably.

Those two seemingly unrelated futures, centered on Chiba, are connected by some wonderful reasons.

Followed by.

Chiba had an epiphany.

"This is the so-called fate, the so-called cause and effect!"

Chiba knew that the time had come to make a decision.

He will not run away.

Because at the beginning, the words that he scolded Shakyamuni were still echoing in his ears.

Because Shakyamuni underestimated fate and cause and effect, he finally passed away and went to his own catastrophe.

[Arrogance] is a common problem born by the strong. It is a habit and cannot be changed.


With the previous lessons of Shakyamuni, Chiba will not think about evasion.

Exile is his catastrophe. He doesn't need to avoid it, and he can't avoid it. This is fate, catastrophe, and it is used to overcome.

Before the Gate of Exile devoured him for complete exile.

Chiba's whole body instantly released the brilliance of the sun.

Immediately afterwards, the multiple sun sovereigns on Chiba's body were liberated by him, leaving only the original Leo sun sovereign that belonged to the retrograde sixteen nights.

The liberated sun sovereignty, turned into a golden radiance, returned to the hands of their original owners.

The Queen of Halloween and the White Night King.

After obtaining the sovereignty of the sun, the pupils of the two suddenly shrank.

In his heart, an ominous premonition suddenly rose.

The liberated Sun Sovereign is like protecting the Sun Sovereign from being exiled.

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