"Could it be that--"

With incredible shock on the White Night King's face, she wanted to stay in the air and chased towards the gate of exile.

And this time.

Through the power of the sovereign sun.

Chiba, as the leader of [Fantasy], gave the final order to everyone in [Fantasy].

That's why [Fountain of Wisdom] sees the end of the Little Garden!

——Kill all the living beings that saw their exile!

Chapter [-]: Hakoniwa Observing the Universe

——Kill all the living beings that saw their exile!

All the main members of [Fantasy], when they heard Chiba's last order in their minds, they thought they had heard it wrong.

Right now, the gate of exile is so conspicuous.

Almost all the gods and buddhas above the third floor of the little garden came to bring the starry sky and looked at the gate of exile.

Even all two-digit sequences show up.

All want to witness the final result of the battle between Chiba and the wind of decadence.


Chiba had them kill all the living beings who saw him in exile.

What's the difference between this and killing all living things in Little Garden?

In the shock of Yu, World Dragon was the first to react.

"Boss, what did you say—what?"

"You should have heard my order clearly, and this should also be my last order."

Hearing this, everyone in [Fantasy] looked at each other in dismay.

Before Chiba fought against the wind of decadence, they knew they couldn't help, so they kept waiting by the side.

After all, as the top forces of Hakoba, they must have a role to play, so they have been waiting for Chiba's order.

Unexpectedly, it was an order that was indistinguishable from destroying the small garden.

what is this?

"Okay, tell us why?"

The crowd nodded.

It is really incomprehensible, they need a reason.

Even if they trust Chiba again, the act of being the enemy of all small gardens and even killing most of the living beings is too terrifying.

Chiba looked at the Gate of Exile in the distance.

It was less than a minute before he was sucked into it.


He took a deep breath.

Said the flaw in Hakoniwa's exile that he saw through the ability of [Prophet].

"I'm running out of time, so I'll make a long story short. After a minute, I will be exiled by the world of Hakoniwa. You should see it. This is the only way to cross the closed world and make the decadent wind feel anxious. Destroy my behavior and use the center of the garden to exile me!"

"Once the exile is successful, I will never be summoned to the world of Hakoniwa!"

Hearing this, everyone's pupils shrank suddenly.

Instantly realized the seriousness of the matter?

"Isn't that decadent wind?"

"Unfortunately, because the eschatology still has the [absolute evil] in the seal, so when the eschatology is approaching, he will return again."

In an instant, everyone reacted.

In order to complete the mission of ending the world, the wind of decadence destroyed the hope of Hakoniwa.

"Then the order just now is"

Chiba nodded.

"That's right, that's the only way I can be summoned to Hakoba!"

"The Little Garden is to observe the universe, and to observe the cosmology. Only what is observed is the truth. Except for the unknown realm such as eschatology, which is independent of the world of the little garden, all existences in the world of the little garden are observable"

"Observation is the source of Hakoba's existence!"

"Because of observation, I can be given a spiritual status, because of observation, I can link with the history of mankind, and also because of the fact that I was exiled, it will be established!"

Hearing this, everyone's expressions changed, and they instantly understood the meaning of Chiba's words.

"That is to say, as long as you kill all the living beings who observed that you were exiled by the small garden, the exile will be terminated, and you will be summoned back by the small garden world?"

Chiba shook his head.

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