If Algor were to attack the Norse mythology, he would probably not be able to complete the mission.

Although Odin is dead and has not been summoned, but——

The strength of the giants of the Nordic gods is still higher than that of the Asa gods.

The Nordic group of gods has survived to this day, and [Asgard] has contributed greatly.

Want to suppress the Nordics!

Only World Dragons whose hard power reaches the double-digit sequence can do it.

Alger turned his back to the world dragon and spoke calmly.

"Thank you, World Dragon!"

World Dragon nodded.

"Well, goodbye!"

Alger shook his head.

"No Farewell!"

This time, Argel declared war on Greek mythology, which was different from the last Greek mythology that ended her.

After all, the last time Alger was the enemy was [Buddhist], and this time, it was the Greek mythology itself.

Once sealed, it will be sealed by Eternal 4.2.

The World Dragon was silent for a moment, his face calm.

"Anyway, don't die."

"Death is not enough. Zeus, who is limited by the [Almighty Paradox], does not have the power to kill Protoss, and he may have difficulty even waking up."

"Yes, so, very good!"

After speaking, the world dragon instantly turned into a starlight and disappeared beyond the horizon.

Alger knew what the world dragon's phrase "so good" was referring to.

As long as you don't die, there will be a day of liberation.

And that day can only be the day when Chiba returns.

"Can you really wait until that day?"

Alger never regretted his actions.

With an invincible gesture, it descended on Greek mythology, and the myth war began.

Chapter [-]: Three thousand worlds brought by the box boat

The world dragon naturally understands the mortal consciousness that Alger brings.

Alger couldn't come back.

If Argel really killed all the observers in Greek mythology, then it is impossible for the Greek gods to let Argel go.

Even if he did his best, regardless of the cost, he would suppress Alger.

This is related to the reputation of a powerful group of gods, and no community will be vague on this issue.

Not just Alger, Queen of Halloween, White Night King, but also Sun Wukong.

Once they have completed their mission.

It is impossible for the gods of Hakoniwa to let them go.

Even if they cannot be killed as Protoss, they will be suppressed by the eternal seal.

At the same time, World Dragon knew that she herself was the same.

Even if she knew very well that her actions did not contradict [justice].


The Hakoniwa gods don't think so.

Moreover, she does not need other gods and Buddhas to seal her, she will fall into a deep sleep by herself.

"I don't know how long I can stay in Hakoniwa World. At least, let me complete my mission and sleep in the past. If it doesn't work, 08 will only liberate the Sun Sovereign Dragon."

Using the Sun Sovereign Dragon as the medium will greatly increase the staying time of the non-end-of-life world dragons.

However, instead, the Sun Sovereign Dragon and the World Dragon will fall asleep together until the next time the end comes, to wake up together.

However, the sovereignty of the sun is a very important gift to the world of Hakoniwa.

The world dragon is hesitating whether it will be affected by the world of Hakoniwa if it loses the sovereignty of a sun.

"Only try not to use the sovereignty of the sun as much as possible. If the world is really not enough, there is nothing you can do!"

The world dragon moved towards the Nordic group of gods at an extremely fast speed.


On the way, along with a golden light, she was stopped by a miracle.

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