The World Dragon knew that it was the [Sun Kings] that came from the same source as her!

The World Dragon stopped, frowned and stared at the golden miracle in the distance, and couldn't help but speak.

"Box Boat, do you want to stop me?"

no answer.

However, with the gathering of the golden gate, it turned into a golden phantom in the void.

This phantom has only one shadow, no face can be seen.

However, the light of hope that bloomed from it illuminated everything within the visible range.

Facing the question from the world dragon, that phantom just shook his head.

"I'm not here to stop you and, now, I don't have time to stop you!"

A golden miracle, a quiet opening.

"You should know that the truth hidden in my spirituality is to let Little Garden go through the apocalypse, the strongest defense that was born in order to block the blow of the apocalypse. This is the mission of my existence. After completing the mission, I cannot stay in the world of Little Garden. of!"

Although the box boat is the strongest combat power of the [Sun Kings].

However, his arrival restrictions are the most severe.

Hakoya can be summoned to Hakoya in advance, but he can't delay his departure.

"Then what do you want?"

"I'm here to make final confirmation on you!"

Mirage spoke with Ling Ran's attitude, and the seriousness in the words seemed to freeze the whole world.

The strength of the box boat surpasses that of the world dragon.

"As a companion of the [Sun Kings], I would give unconditional approval and support to your actions, but now that you are on the side of [Imagination], I can't arbitrarily put the fate of Little Garden on it. "

The world dragon didn't speak, just listened quietly.

"So, I need an answer. I don't know what you are going to do next, but in the Norse mythology where Odin is not there, I am afraid it will not be peaceful."

"I'm going to suppress the entire Nordic group of gods, and kill most of the Asa gods, and the kingdom of frost giants is also within my suppression range!"

The World Dragon didn't hide it in the slightest, and said straight to the point.

This made Boxboat frown.

"This will leave you with the imprint of the Demon Lord forever."

"This is not a brand, but a glory!"

For, Boxboat doesn't care.

"I don't care what you want to do, I just need an attitude, an approval!"

For a moment-

As the first incarnation of the [Sun Kings], and also the strongest incarnation at the current stage, behind the box boat, one of the top five strongest gods and Buddhas in the whole box garden, appeared as his [Profound Truth] Ark of Salvation.

That is his profound meaning, simulating the star creation map [Manu's Boat in the Flood].

A hopeful worldview built on its own merits!

In an instant, all the light released from the ark shone on the world dragon.

In this regard, the world dragon did not resist.

"World Dragon Ju Limo, let me ask you, you must answer truthfully, as long as your words contradict your inner will in the slightest, they will be suppressed by my profound meaning!"

"you say!"

"Does what you are about to do run counter to the hope represented by your spirit!?" 273

Hearing this, World Dragon immediately shook his head.

There was hardly any hesitation.

"All my actions, even if I want to suppress the entire Nordic group of gods, are not contrary to [justice] in the slightest, even if they are denied by the whole small garden, but - I know that the opposite of eschatology is justice!"

The world dragon spoke with an oracle.

Boxboat stood quietly in front of the world dragon.

The golden ark behind him has not changed.

This shows that the World Dragon has passed the test of Boxboat Profound Truth.

Even Boxboat couldn't understand where the justice of the world dragon's actions was.


His profound meaning has already answered!

The box boat is very happy and relieved.

"So, very good, since this is the case, I can safely entrust this miracle to you!"


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