Dialogue will be captioned by parentheses signifying the speaker (to the best of my ability) in order to better separate who is speaking. This is not in the RAW, and has been inserted by me. Notes will be found in [] square brackets.


The one behind us was a well built youth. Though his body was as well trained as an adults, because his features were childish, he was definitely around our age huh.

“If you’re done, move. You’re in the way.” (rude guy)

“Ah, sorry. Then Kira-san, we may accept this quest, right?” (Rimuru)

“Understood, your acceptance has been confirmed.” (Kira)

“Che, y’all are accepting this too…” (rude guy)

As he saw the contents of our exam, he clicked his tongue.

“‘Too’, you’re also testing?” (Eir)

“I’m not. Or rather, don’t talk to me, slave!” (rude guy)

“–You!” (Rimuru)

“What did you say?! Wanna go?!” (rude guy)

“Ri–master, let’s stop here.” (Eir)

If this guy learns master’s name, we’re gonna get caught up with him in the distant future, so I used ‘master’ instead.

“Kevin, they are taking the test so it took a bit longer at the reception desk. I’ll apologize for making you wait.” (Kira)

“Sure. Since Kira-san said so, I’ll forgive them this time.” (Kevin)

“… Thanks for that.” (Rimuru)

“By the way, Kevin, looking for a request? Will you also take the lumber transport?” (Kira)

“It’s still ok?” (Kevin) [though punctuated like a question, this phrase presupposes that the answer is ‘yes’]

“About that, this job always is lacking people. You’re always welcome.” (Kira)

“Fu~n, I’ll show you the difference between an amateur and me.” (Kevin)

This Kevin guy, presented the request he was holding to Ms. Kira and forcibly stamped his seal of acceptance. As he looked at us over his shoulder, he laughed scornfully.

“Since you don’t even have a horse, don’t think that you’ll be able to take this quest lightly.” (Kevin)

“Is it necessary?” (Rimuru)

“To transport lumber without a means of transport, are you stupid?” (Kevin)

“For us, we have our own methods so-” (Rimuru)

“Don’t get full of yourself, amateurs. Want me to smash you before your exam?” (Kevin)

“……………..” (Rimuru)

“Master, let’s go. There’s no time.” (Eir)

“A, ahhh….” (Rimuru)

“Hmph, give it your best shot.” (Kevin) [he’s not being polite]

He exited a step ahead, straddled a large horse waiting at the entrance and galloped off. The slave-looking people waiting by the horse ran after it. That horse was big… more than 2 meters tall. One of those manual labor horses, probably?

“Sorry about that. He’s also a new face but… soon after joining, he played a role in a goblin subjugation, and became somewhat of a braggart.” (Kira)

“Nah, I don’t mind but… is it ok to leave him as he is? Won’t he die pretty soon?” (Rimuru)

“Well, though it’s our responsibility to instruct, he’s an adventurer. It’s up to fate as to whether one survives.” (Kira)

“At least warn him…” (Rimuru)

“I have. I told him to pile up experience starting from the bottom. That’s why he’s accepting simple jobs like lumber transport.” (Kira)

“…So that’s why he’s sulking.” (Rimuru)

To have such a high pride, and yet to take non-combat jobs would probably turn one’s attitude sour. There was also a time where I vainly thought of myself as someone important too.

“Well then, we’re off.” (Rimuru)

“Take care. Do your best.” (Kira)

As Kira saw us off, we exited the guild.


As we walked [teku teku] through the town, master and I continued towards our destination. Since the request didn’t involve combat, it felt more like a stroll.

“Rimuru-sama, winning?” (Eir)

“There’s no need to win, ok. ‘Cause we’re taking a test. But if Eir is here, maybe I’ll be able to raise my courage a bit?” (Rimuru)

“Leave it to me~” (Eir)

“I’m counting on you. But still, don’t do anything flashy ok? We’re only here to take a test.” (Rimuru)

As we were talking, he bought two skewers of grilled meat from a stall and handed one to me.

“There’s still some time until lunch. Cheer up a bit.” (Rimuru)
“—Thanks for the food.” (Eir)

Though the manual labor is entrusted to me… even so, to buy and eat meat for a slave, is definitely not normal. Master is a good person. I’m convinced of that.

“ろうひて、ひゃふほうふぁいひゅのひはいふぉふへなふぁったんふぇふは?” (Eir) [Yeah, I copied and pasted it. No, I have no idea what it means. Neither do you. We’re in the same boat. Just imagine someone chewing on something hot and attempting to talk.]

“Eir, I have no idea what you’re saying.” (Rimuru) [me2 thx]

“Chew chew… swallow, why didn’t you accept the medicinal herbs gathering quest?” (Eir) [wow she’s using normal Japanese]

“Ah, in reality you have stored some herbs in your dimensional storage right?” (Rimuru)

“Yes.” (Eir)

Master thought for a bit, then shrugged.

“Dimensional storage is a secret ok. With that being so, if we were to go pick medicinal herbs wouldn’t the time be too short? That’s a problem.” (Rimuru)

“That’s…” (Eir)

Since I can’t use it in front of people, I’d have to take stuff out in a place without people around. And if you look at our lightweight equipment, to suddenly bring in a large amount of stuff would probably make some people suspicious.

If it’s only to pass, finishing a quest super fast, or bringing in a ton of stuff to pass, these are unnecessary results.

Since we’re only trying to get an adventurer’s card, we don’t need fame. We don’t need to stand out. Rather, to have rumors spread about us may possibly be a hindrance.

Thus, in an average amount of time, we need to bring an average amount of materials. Much of that time will be worthless, huh.

“Hmm… however, if that’s so, wouldn’t taking the herb picking quest be better?” (Eir)

To practice searching, and if there are none just turn in the goods on hand.

“If the difficulty is the same, then we should go with the more reliable option. Although there’s a chance that we won’t find any herbs, the lumber gathering is reliable.” (Rimuru)

“Rimuru-sama… clever.” (Eir)

Instead of wandering aimlessly in the forest, he chose the quest that involves simply going back and forth from the forest entrance.

Naturally, with my gift I can clear this heavy labor test as simply as walking in the park. [Not an exact translation, but the idea is there]

“I want knowledge. I want to make medicines, after all.” (Rimuru)

Master, after eating, swung the spit like a baton while answering humorously.


On the outskirts of the east quarter of Sokaris (the town), there was a gigantic forest.

If it’s true that this district encloses the World Tree, I thought that there would be no lack of lumber here, but truthfully the World Tree is hard. Many times harder than iron.

Thus, it’s practically impossible to obtain boughs or branches to use as lumber. That’s why there’s a need to log the outskirts of the forest.

For normal districts you can go out just a little and cut the wood, but in this district the World Tree’s roots grow willy-nilly, so you have to take long detours to get to the forest.

And thus, the lumber transporting quest is always understaffed.

There were a bunch of people working at the gathering site.

Sokaris was a world-leading city. The necessary (lit. life giving) lumber was produced at this site, so it’s natural that there’s a lot of energy here.

“Excuse me, after accepting the quest at the guild I’ve come here.” (Rimuru)

“Ahh, lumber transport? Someone just came a moment ago, thanks for your efforts. Go over there to the office, you can get the procedures done there.” (A worker)

“Thank you very much.” (Rimuru)

As the worker pointed at the station, there was that large horse again, pulling a wagon that was currently being loaded.

The ones doing the loading were all slaves.

As we approached the guardhouse, we were interrogated by Kevin, who was currently observing the process.

“Yo, you finally came huh. You idiots really came empty handed.” (Kevin)

“Thanks.” (Rimuru)

Master had already clearly taken on the 「Don’t join the idiocy」attitude, and so brushed off the slander.

With an asshole attitude (lit. a spirit of hindrance), Kevin loudly stomped over here.

“You, an amatuer ignoring me?!” (Kevin)

“We’re also here for work. We don’t have time for idle chatter.” (Rimuru)

“Don’t fuck with me!” (Kevin)

Kevin grabbed master’s lapel. My hand gripped the handle of my sword, but master stopped me.

“Eir, calm down. Oi … Acting so violently in front of the quest giver? I’m also here to take the quest, you know?”

Ah, if he continues to raise his hand against master, it’ll be counted as interference with the guild’s request huh.

“-ku, you’re real good at talking” (Kevin)

“Better than you are with your fists. Don’t wield your power unreasonably. Quickly release me.” (Rimuru)

“I’ll remember this.” (Kevin)

“Ah, you aren’t one to forget.” (Rimuru)

Master, released from Kevin’s hand, entered into the office.

I scowled at the annoyed Kevin, and gave him a piece of my mind.

“If you raise your hand at master again… I’ll kill, k?”

“Ah? For a slave you got a big mouth, how about I sh—”

As he, as usual, opened that big mouth, I stabbed my left hand’s claw at it. Just before going through his throat, I stopped it–

“‘Cause I’m a slave, I protect master. K?”

“A-, gah.”

“You should know, if someone’s status doesn’t match their ability. If you keep wanting to fight… I won’t go easy on you, I won’t forgive you. I’ll smash you up into minced meat.” (Eir) [YEAH Eir you get all the cookies.]

While pricking his throat with my claws, I stared at the motionless Kevin, sick to my stomach.

Slowly pulling him closer, I gave him a smile. However, I waved my sharp claws close to his face.

“From now on don’t have anything to do with us. OK?” (Eir)

“A, ahh” (a crushed worm)

“Eir, let’s leave it at that. Hurry up and come here.” (Rimuru)

“Yes.” (Eir)

Master, looking for my tardy self, interjected.

With a light swing of my arm —- that motion generating a comfortable breeze —- I entered the office.

“Is there something on my face?” (???)

The one waiting inside the office was, bulging muscles and all, an old man. When I was making a living making charcoal, I became used to seeing this type of person… I find it honestly foul.

As expected, someone like master, a cute bishounen type is my preference.

“No, since a senior adventurer came here it was necessary to give our greetings.” (Rimuru)

“Ahh, that very adventurer huh.” (???)

“I still have much to learn through observation.” (Rimuru)

“Izzat so? Well, maybe you can learn more about your body. Temper yourself, young man!” (???)

With a GAHAHA laugh, it’s good to be lively… Yeah, this reminds me of the lumberjack old man from a while ago.
“I’m the foreman of this place, Gosun.” (Gosun)

“I’m Rimuru. It’s nice to meet you.” (Rimuru)

“Eir. Meet you.” (Eir)

With those light introductions, he pointed out the window.

“Stacked over there is all the lumber that needs to be transported for the whole town. The logging project has enough workers, so they’ve overtaken the transporters. When we request the adventurers, at the very most they can take 5 trunks of lumber at a time, so we’re troubled.” (Gosun)

“Though there are a lot of adventurers, there aren’t many that own a horse and carriage.” (Rimuru)

“Although we thought about lending out a carriage… carriages cost a lot of money, and so only an idiot would lend one out.” (Gosun)

“Though I’ve said this already, there are all sorts of adventurers.” (Rimuru)

“But you guys didn’t even bring a horse or carriage…?” (Gosun)

“This is, it’s cause we’re adventurers. We have one or two chips up our sleeves.” (Rimuru)

Proudly throwing out his chest like that, master is cute.

While waiting for Kevin’s carriage to finish loading, Gosun-san went to make tea for us so, for a little while we got to rest.

While Gosun wasn’t at his desk, master whispered in my ear.

“Eir, while nobody is looking can you grab the lumber?” (Rimuru)

“Since it’s bad to use “Dimensional Storage” in front of people, got it.” (Eir)

“How much can you take?” (Rimuru)

“Probably, more than that horse?” (Eir)

As I pointed to the horse outside, I threw out my chest in pride.

At this time Gosun-san returned with the tea.

“Now that I think of it, Gosun-san. Since we’re taking the exam, about how many of these logs do we need to take to pass?” (Rimuru)

“Nn? Regulations say 6 logs in 3 days. These are pretty big trees, it’s hard to take two at a time you know.” (Gosun)

“Alright, we’ll take 6 at a time.” (Rimuru) [what happened to not standing out]

“Oi oi, izzat ok?” (Gosun)

“She’s pretty confident in her strength.” (Rimuru)

As Gosun-san looked towards me with doubtful eyes, I changed my left hand into that of a dragon to show him. If it’s this guy, it’s probably fine.

“Th- this guy…!?” (Gosun)

“She’s part of the dragon tribe. She’s currently my slave though.” (Rimuru)

“The legendary… I’m surprised. You actually managed to tame one.” (Gosun)

“That’s why—-” (Rimuru)

The door opened with a vigorous shove.

“Boss, there’s a problem!”

Somehow, it seems that something happened?

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