The one who opened the door was a strong-looking uncle. Furthermore, a person spurting blood from his shoulder.

“…An injury? I can use healing arts, let’s get you treated soon.” (Rimuru)

As master responded to the injured, the uncle gave his report.

“We don’t have time for that! A d-disaster beast… has appeared!” (Uncle)

“Disaster beast, you say?!” (Gosun)

Hearing the report, and stomping out of the room Gosun-san.

Master was also dumbfounded as he heard the information.

Disaster beast was a general term for demon beasts, for the sake of brutality and ferocity, whose very existence brings about calamity.

For example, the earth-rending demon beast Behemoth, the sea-splitting aquatic beast Leviathan, and the sky-shattering demon dragon Fafnir, etc. are all existences of different types.

Their similarities are total supremacy and the large amount of victims, that kind of thing.

“What! Exactly what came out?!” (Gosun)

“That’s probably… a Grand Hedgehog…” (Bleeding dude)

The injured shoulder guy reported while breathing feebly.

Grand Hedgehog… with a total length of more than 15 meters, a giant hedgehog.

Though parts of its body retain some charming aspects, inside of its body is a giant magic organ, and its magically reinforced spines function as spears more durable than steel.

Furthermore, at a length of more than 3 meters, and its skin is very tough and durable as well, landing a decisive blow at melee range is practically impossible, that kind of burdensome disaster beast.

To beat one, you need a vanguard of more than 100 people, and while they’re being trampled, prepare anti-fortress black magic Castle Rending Hammer, driving it into the beast to defeat it; there’s really no other choice.

“Gosun-san, what’s the military strength of this lumberyard?” (Rimuru)

“That stuff, there’s no way we have it… to fend off wild beasts, we have 4 or 5 knights permanently stationed here, that’s all.” (Gosun)

To brute force it… not enough.

“Then, we’d better escape.” (Rimuru)

“Ah, but…” (Gosun)

“There are too many injured! The knights went to face it, but they’re probably already…” (Uncle)

“Fuck!” (Gosun)
Striking the wall in his frustration, Gosun-san. If this continues many of the workers will lose their lives.

Well, pretty soon the lives of the knights will be lost as well.

Even though we understand that…

“Please assemble the injured in front of the office. I’ll for sure heal all those who aren’t able to escape as they are. And so… Eir, think you can buy some time somehow?” (Rimuru)

“… Got it. I’ll try.” (Eir)

For just one person to hold back a disaster beast… master must also be aware that he’s making an unreasonable request.

He looks like he’s about to cry.

But if it’s me, with my dragon transformed arm and leg, it may be possible somehow. That’s what I thought.

Though melee attacks are pointless against the Grand Hedgehog… if it’s me, throwing my knife and other weapons, I’ll be able to scrape something together, as I rushed outside.


It was already a scene of carnage.

Broken down huts, scattered lumber, screaming people, and, parts that… used to be human.

The Grand Hedgehog on the outskirts of the lumberyard, had already demonstrated its power freely.

From that frightening spectacle, I froze with fear and couldn’t move.

“……. Aaah….. “ (Eir?)

A sigh, sounding like a gasp, was the only thing that came out. With only one person? Absolutely impossible, I wanna run away now.

In my field of vision I saw only one person, catching sight of one figure in high spirits… it was Kevin.

Could he not grasp the difference in ability, or was he just stupid —— he brandished his battle axe and began his solo assault.

“Hah, you big rat, I’m your opponent!” (Kevin)

“Kevin-sama, please come back!?” (Slave)

“Shut up! You all draw back, that’s an 「ORDER」!” (Kevin)

To the slaves that were trying to pull him back, Kevin gave an 「Order」then commenced his assault.

Slaves cannot go against an「Order」. If they try to, the choker will give them death-like excruciating pain.

Even Kevin’s ambiguous order, 「Draw Back!」, as it was possible that the painful effect would still occur, all of the slaves stopped talking.

“Oi, stop this stupidity!” (Rimuru)

“Shut up, cowardly amateurs! You looked down on my before, don’t get in my way!” (Kevin)

He, disregarding master’s cautionary advice, and leaving his slaves behind, attacked with just one person.

“Uooooooooooooooooooo, DIEEEEEEEEE!” (Kevin)

With a loud yell he slashed at the Grand Hedgehog’s head.

Though that was the only place not protected by spines, as it was a 15 meter long body, the location was a bit high. [warning: descriptions of brutality incoming]

And so he jumped high ——- and was skewered.

“A, g…yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!?” (Kevin)

The Grand Hedgehog adjusted the position of the spines nearest its head, and brought them around in front of the leaping person.

He was stuck in his left arm, right leg, and upper right abdomen.

Furthermore, the spines slowly returned to their original positions. Slowly, his body was being torn apart.

“Stop!? Hya, save …………. Gyaaaaaaaaaaa!” (Kevin)

buchi buchi The sound of tearing flesh. Oddly enough, the same sound as my left arm and right leg being torn off.

As his limbs were minced, slowly the spine lodged in his abdomen also slipped out.

With a splat, Kevin tumbled down by the Grand Hedgehog’s feet.

He may have fainted, he’s not moving a muscle. However, his limbs are spurting large quantities of blood, he probably still alive.

“Fuck, I warned him…” (Rimuru)

As though grinding his teeth, master’s voice. As a healer, he can’t just abandon a injured person.

While fixing his eyes on the disaster beast, he asked of me.

“Eir, can you recover him? It’d be nice if he could continue living.” (Rimuru)

“… Ah, yes.” (Eir)

“If it’s not possible please tell me. An… ally like you is rare after all.” (Rimuru)

“I’m, alright.” (Eir)

Right now, my teeth are chattering. My legs are also shaking. However…

“I, I’m going!”

I am master’s slave.

Master is here and he can’t leave so… I will protect this place!

Ripping off the bandage covering my left eye, I kicked the ground with my right leg, in one breath arriving at its chest.

The Grand Hedgehog couldn’t react to such speed. Luckily slipping to its chest, I gripped Kevin, and threw him at Gosun-san who was next to master.

With this, if Gosun-san is injured too, Master will heal them. Or so I estimated.

Free time to treat him nicely… of course there isn’t.


In the space of time I threw him back, the Grand Hedgehog thrust its spines at me. My posture broken from throwing, I grabbed the spine with my right claws and used it as a foothold, taking some distance.

“You did well Eir! Leave the rest to me. If there are any within your reach, let me see some of the corpses, some may be able to be revived!” (Rimuru)

“Oi, kid, you seriously not gonna run?!” (Gosun)

“To escape in front of the injured… my dead parents would scold me!” (Rimuru)

When I glanced back at master, Kevin, who had been caught by Gosun-san, was undergoing treatment to stop the bleeding.

The others were, from the surroundings transporting injured people one by one.

“If I buy a bit more time… those people can be saved.” (Eir)

To provide medical care in such a battlefield… master truly is, from the bottom of his heart, a good doctor. [this isn’t what’s used in the raws, she calls him a master of free medical treatment]

Is it from his parent’s training? It’s seriously a pain.

Even so, that unreliable figure, is a bit proud. It’s his fault that I’m not able to run away, yep.

Since that’s the case, this slave, my job is to prevent all attacks from reaching him.

“Come here! Your opponent — is me!” (Eir)

I threw my knife at its snout.

Due to my dragon enhanced arm’s throwing power, it cut straight through the skin and scraped against the bone.

“GAAAAAAA!” (Grand Hedgehog)

The Grand Hedgehog experienced the sharp pain of the cut and raised a voice of annoyance at the pain.

I was able to, more or less, deal a significant wound to it. I see, melee is impossible but ranged throwing might work?

From my “Dimensional Storage” I pulled out a black crystal bow. I got this from a temple to an evil god… if I can use this…

“—Ku!” (Eir)

As I nocked the metal arrow that I found with the bow, I drew it back with all my strength and watched it tremble as it didn’t move.

It’s all my human right arm’s fault.

“Thisssss!” (Eir)

Putting away the bow in frustration, I threw the arrow like a javelin.

Though it stuck, as expected it wasn’t a decisive blow. I immediately drew out a greatsword and took up a stance.

If I can’t damage it, I’ll have to persevere until a magician shows up.

The Grand Hedgehog can’t respond to my movements. If I take advantage of this gap, perhaps I can deal a fatal blow with this sword…

[… let’s do this.]

I lowered my stance, preparing to step at the highest velocity, when I perceived a strange change in the magic flow.

Somehow different from the up-until-now spine sharpening magic power?

In one moment my doubt changed to shock.

Since Grand Hedgehog sharpened its spines as before — and fired them out.

“U-waaaaaaaa?!” (Eir)

Immediately swinging my sword, I repelled the spear-like spines.

The spines fell like a rain of arrows. 4 were aimed at my body.

My left eye clearly caught the movements, while my brain processing sped up, and even without using a skill I was able to react.

— However, there were still 3 spines. [Maybe the author meant 4]

Flipping, deflecting, then clearing them away.

While being fired at, I was able to handle three of them.

However, the fourth one—

“At the same time, I can’t get it!?” (Eir)

Simultaneously dealing with 3 spines and breaking them, I thought that was a pretty big deal. However, if I don’t dodge them all there’s no point.

There’s not enough speed to counter. The mass of the sword, its inertia, has become a hindrance.

—Then, let’s throw it away!

Resolutely throwing away the broadsword, I cleared away the last spine with my dragon claws.

Using this opportunity, I switched the knife I was holding in my right hand to my left hand, and threw it at the Grand Hedgehog’s head, but it was blocked by the spines.

Since I was empty-handed, I pulled out a substitute sword from “Dimensional Storage”. These were a pair of identical shortswords.

After all, using a greatsword, the speed would be iffy. That’s how I made my decision.

—-Even so… considering the amount of physical strength I have, it’s dangerous.

Even though my right hand is also holding a shortsword, since this arm has the physical abilities of a human one, it has pretty much no speed.

It can’t interact with the volleys of spines.

Though I avoided that last volley of 4 spines with all my might, if I’m unlucky 5 or 6 could be shot, and then I won’t be able to avoid.

“A prolonged battle, unfavorable… then I’ll have to launch myself at it, but.” (Eir)

I looked over the surroundings, searching if there was something I could use as an effective weapon.

The collapsed little huts, the people turned into lumps of meat, the scattered lumber and the woodcutting axe.

If I were to throw that axe… no, it can’t be more than moral support. Then, is there—

At that time, wham, a flash of inspiration in my mind.

Information that I had learned from master in his study of the production methods of magic tools.

Though master wasn’t an expert on magic tools, he had some knowledge. I remembered the things he taught me at that time.

When inserting a magic formation, there is an important factor. Namely, the size of the formation and the value of the materials.

If there are no high grade materials you can’t put in much magic power. If the size is not big enough you can’t enter a complex magic formation.

Of course there are exceptions, but to make magic tools, you need these two things.

I glared at the Grand Hedgehog in front of me.

Thanks to the mutual enmity, though I haven’t done any more damage, even if it leaves this place someone else will probably deal with it.

Master will also go along with it.


In the first place, can I do it?

Are my ideas correct?

Furthermore… will I make it in time?


The seeds of doubt are numerous, but if I die here, master will also die.

As long as there are still injured people around, he’ll never leave this place, and so he won’t be able to escape with his life.

Therefore, with the amount of physical strength I have left, I have to make some preparations.

Gathering my resolve, I sprinted away from that place.

The location I had my eye on was on the other side of the office. I left the Grand Hedgehog’s field of vision.

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