Hammer 40k: Far East Storm

Chapter 6 The Emperor Era in History

"These changes are also caused by curses," High Priest Eustace said: "The great emperor told us that your mentor was hit by the curse from 'Slaanesh'. This is your mentor's misfortune. But it is the luck of mankind.”

"Slaanesh!" Aelin couldn't believe his ears. As an old man who survived the emperor's era, although he still maintained fighting on the front line, this did not mean that he was just like an ordinary marine. Only knows how to fight. In the hierarchy within the empire, Aylin already has relatively high functions and permissions. This status allows him to know some knowledge and secrets that ordinary warriors cannot have access to. "You, you mean that Slaanesh?"

"If there were two Slaanesh in the universe, we would be in trouble," Eustace nodded and said, "When it comes to the name Slaanesh, it is the only one who controls happiness and joy in the chaotic space. The fallen evil god, one of the four evil gods, has obvious signs of controlling Slaanesh. We should have expected it earlier." Eustace sighed and then continued: "After the great rebellion. The emperor told us the truth. These secrets involve some high-level secrets, and these secrets will be opened to you today, but you have to understand that these things are still inaccessible secrets to the people. "

"I understand the confidentiality rules."

"Very good," Eustace said now: "During the Great Rebellion a thousand years ago, Warmaster Horus was seduced by the evil gods from the Chaos Plane and betrayed the emperor. Before the rebellion, he was blessed by four evil gods. Slaanesh, Khorne, Tzeentch and Nurgle all gave Horus blessings and power. Two of them specially gave Horus two spells to summon him. Two powerful curse attacks were launched, one of which was used to deal with Sanguinius. He was the most perfect and powerful among the many sons of the Emperor. As long as Sanguinius was around, the Emperor's throne would be as solid as a rock; Another powerful spell was used to fight against our omnipotent Emperor. However, things did not go as smoothly as Horus expected. His Excellency Robert Lee used his body to protect Sanguinius at the critical moment. The curse given by Slaanesh did not work as it should have, and everyone knows what happened afterwards. After explaining it like this, you should understand what contribution your mentor has made to the empire. The entire human race would like to thank you. mentor."

Aelin was stunned. Of course he knew what happened next. At the last moment of the great rebellion, the Emperor and Sanguinius boarded Horus's battleship. Horus directly used a powerful spiritual power to kill Sanguinius. Si was tortured to death, but was later defeated by the emperor. Although the emperor won the final victory, there was no doubt that it was a tragic victory. The emperor also suffered heavy losses in the battle with Horus. After the battle, he returned to the Golden Throne, which was the same as the Holy Spirit Church. The coffin was a special device that kept the emperor alive but could not revive him.

To this day the emperor cannot leave his golden throne.

To a certain extent, the emperor is like the Holy Spirits of the Holy Spirit Church. To the Empire, they are all seriously injured and cannot live, and they are too precious to die.

If you think about it this way, if you don't have your own mentor, then the curse that tortured Sanguinius to death will befall the emperor. If the emperor is hit by such a curse, and there is a powerful Horus in front of him, then the final victory will be It's hard to say if it's negative.

"But why didn't my mentor after being cursed by Slaanesh..." Aelin organized the words in his mind, and he didn't know how to say such words.

"He was not tortured to death like Sanguinius, did not develop strange symptoms, and did not fall into distortion. These are the things you want to ask."

"That's pretty much what it means," Aylin said with some embarrassment: "After all, it was a curse from the evil god. Even if my mentor was very powerful, even Sanguinius was tortured to death under such a curse. But my mentor can still lie here peacefully? "

"Because the curse comes from different evil gods," the high priest explained: "The evil god Khorne dominates violence and killing. His power is full of violence and pain. Even Sanguinius can only be tortured under his power. Death, but Slaanesh is completely different. Slaanesh is in charge of pleasure and corruption. The methods of this evil god are completely different from Khorne. Although your mentor did not fall immediately, the pain he experienced was no more than that of Saint Gilliam. The power of Slaanesh makes Lord Robert Lee's body a prison and his soul a prisoner. Lord Robert's body will be irreversibly weakened by the curse, and so will his soul. , even the stagnation of time cannot prevent the deterioration of this process. After many years, Lord Robert may wake up or die under the power of the curse, but no matter what, Lord Robert will not be around at that time. He is a powerful warrior."

"This is so despicable!" This voice came from deep in Aylin's throat, and he was going crazy. It was not for any other reason, but because Aylin was also a warrior, and he understood what a warrior was thinking. Warriors loyal to the emperor are not afraid of dying on the battlefield. On the contrary, they are happy to do so. Death on the battlefield is regarded by the warriors as the final destination of glory. But it would be an absolute shame to die on a certain bed with a thin body. There is nothing more detestable than to rob a warrior of his honor.

"Killing a lion and pulling out its claws and teeth and letting it starve to death on the grassland are two completely different concepts. The evil in the depths of the universe is much darker than we imagine."

Whenever Li opens a book, he opens a memory.

The human brain is a very special thing. The knowledge learned will not be forgotten. The so-called forgetting is just that you can't find the knowledge stored there for a while, so the phenomenon of "not being able to remember it for a while" will appear.

All the knowledge and memories of Robert Lee in his life are presented to Li in the form of books, allowing him to read them.

In this world composed of pure spirit, there is nothing else to do. If you don't want to be driven crazy by "boredom", then the only way is to find something to do for yourself, so even if Robert Lee didn't ask him to, Li would go to read those books.

The first thing he read was books related to the world and history. Li, who entered this world, was curious about the new world. Although he didn't look forward to the day when he could wake up in Robert's body, who knew if this would really happen? Even though I couldn't see this strange world with my own eyes, it was a wonderful and pleasant thing to see it through Robert's memory.

When Li found the corresponding bookshelf and flipped through it, he saw beautiful characters that he didn't recognize, but the strange thing was that even though Li didn't recognize a single word, he could still understand the meaning of the book, and that knowledge was naturally presented to Li.

A brand new world.

If humans in Li's world were just toddlers, then in this world, humans are already strong men entering middle age. In Li's original world, humans only had a total of 5,000 years of civilization history, but in this world, humans have a history of 40,000 years.

What a heavy history.

In the history of this world, humans were once the most powerful species in the universe. In the golden age, humans initially mastered the subspace navigation method, which enabled humans to cross long distances. At that time, human footsteps covered most areas of the galaxy, and human colonies were spread throughout the starry sky. But soon humans tasted the horror from the universe. A huge subspace storm swept the entire galaxy. The deadly storm blocked the subspace navigation, which caused the huge country to fall apart in an instant. The colonists who were cut off from the path of civilization gradually lost their civilization under the scour of time and were gradually assimilated by the natives, while more colonies disappeared in the universe for various reasons.

It was a turbulent era, civil war, rebellion, looting and invasion of alien races, all of which tore the human world apart, and humans were almost on the verge of extinction.

And all this changed until the appearance of the emperor.

It was a glorious era belonging to the empire and His Majesty the Emperor. The great emperor conquered the earth and reached an alliance with the mechanical manipulators of Mars. The storm of the subspace finally passed, and the road of jumping navigation was unimpeded again. His Majesty the Emperor built the Light of the Stars and created the Interstellar Legion. Under his leadership, the two-hundred-year long crusade brought the human world together again.

Strange planets were conquered, abandoned colonies were rebuilt, and the Empire led humanity to rise again in the galaxy.

It was a legendary era.

Mighty heroes fought for the power to rule the galaxy.

The Earth Emperor's huge army conquered the stars in the Great Crusade. Countless alien races were slaughtered and erased from history by the Emperor's elite warriors.

Humanity ushered in a new era of hegemony, and the dawn of the Golden Age was just ahead.

Castles built of marble and gold shone brightly, praising the Emperor's countless great victories; triumphal ceremonies held on millions of planets recorded the great achievements of his strongest and most deadly warriors.

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