Hammer 40k: Far East Storm

Chapter 5 The Holy Spirit

"How could this happen?" Ailin looked at the mentor in the silver coffin in astonishment. He couldn't believe that his mentor would become like this. Anger burned in his chest, but he quickly suppressed it. "I need an explanation, a reasonable explanation, otherwise..."

The servant next to him could hardly help but began to tremble. His mechanical arm made a clanking sound as it hit his body. "I, we don't know either. This is too strange. This lord should not change when lying in the altar, but he... Please wait a moment. This happened before the rebellion. I am just a new servant. I need to check some information."

"Corida, no need to check. You are not qualified to check the information of this lord at your level. Let's go," an old man walked out from the depths of the hall. He waved his hand to drive away the servant named Corida. The old man came to Ailin and bowed slightly. He bowed and said, "Sir, I am Eustace, the high priest of the Holy Spirit Hall. Everything here is under my jurisdiction. Is there anything I can do for you?"

"Of course," Arlin said in an unquestionable tone, "I want to know what happened to the person lying in this silver coffin, and how did it become like this?"

Eustace glanced at the number of the silver coffin lightly, and then asked, "Can I ask what is your relationship with the lord sleeping here?"

"I used to be his apprentice, and he will always be my mentor."

"I see," High Priest Eustace glanced at Arlin's chest, which was full of medals, Chaos Hunter Medal, Angel of Death Medal, Satan's Gate Medal, Hellfire Silver Medal, some of which are rare medals that can only be obtained by hunting thousands of Chaos monsters, and some medals represent that this person has participated in those famous and difficult battles and has outstanding performance in the battles. Needless to say, after a thousand years, Ailin has become an outstanding combat hero. He has traveled across multiple galaxies and participated in countless epic battles. The number of enemies who died in his hands is countless. It is normal for the Korida servant to tremble in fear in front of such a warrior.

"If the sleeper knew that he had such an apprentice, he would be very pleased, but please suppress your anger and lower your voice," the old priest said softly, "After all, this is the Holy Spirit Hall."

Ailin nodded. Of course, he knew where this place was and also knew the rules here.

The Holy Spirit Hall is where the empire stores the heroic spirits of the empire. There are many coffins of various colors, silver, bronze, black iron, and various coffins lined up the entire wall. Those who can lie here are all heroes who have made great contributions to the empire. Some of them saved a planet by themselves, some have outstanding wisdom and genius battle command talents, and some have made great contributions to the empire in some aspects. In short, all those who can lie in the Holy Spirit Hall are the elites among the elites of the empire. They have made immeasurable contributions to the empire, but at some unfortunate moment, their lives are threatened. Perhaps it is some incurable disease, or perhaps it is a fatal and irreparable trauma. In short, for various reasons, they will inevitably die.

And this will undoubtedly be a heavy loss for the empire. These people are too outstanding. When they were alive, they used their talents to create countless victories and values ​​for the empire. Even if they lie in coffins, their excellent genes are also precious wealth of the empire. Their death will be an unbearable loss for the empire.

In order to recover or minimize this loss, the Holy Spirit Hall was born. The various coffins here are not simple coffins, but countless small terminals connected to the huge time solidifier. It is difficult for people lying in these coffins to feel the passage of time. Due to the power of technology, the time in the coffin is not at a normal flow rate, but it is not completely stopped (the empire is not yet able to stop time completely), but it flows slowly in an extremely slow way. Perhaps the Empire will find a way to treat these people thousands of years later, and before that, they can only sleep in the Holy Spirit Hall.

So although these people are seriously injured and cannot live, they are precious to the Empire and cannot die.

The old man took out a data board and pressed it. Cursors and text appeared on the data board. After reading it, the high priest Eustace said carefully: "Although you have the right to know the condition of your mentor, I must tell you before I say it that your mentor's physical condition is also a secret of the Empire. It involves many secrets of the Empire. Please keep your mouth shut to the outside world."

"Of course I know this."

"That's good, please look here, look at this signature."

Ailin glanced at the place where Eustace pointed, and his mouth opened wide in an instant, and he couldn't close it for a long time. This battle hero who once faced hundreds of powerful Chaos soldiers without changing his face showed an expression that had never appeared in thousands of years.

Ailin was too surprised.

The high priest waited for a while until Aylin recovered a little before continuing: "As you can see, that is the autographed photo of His Majesty the Great Emperor. I believe you know the meaning of this. Your mentor , The physical condition of the distinguished Robert E. Lee was judged by the Emperor himself after personal inspection. His omniscient Emperor informed us everything that your mentor suffered was not an ordinary injury, but a terrible one. The curse.”

"Curse?" Aylin was a little panicked. This evil word made him a little uneasy. "I, I don't understand. I was on the battlefield with my mentor during that battle. After the war, they only told me that my mentor was cursed. I was seriously injured, but no one ever told me it was a curse.”

"Because confidential documents have a time limit, if you had been fifty years earlier, you would not have had the right to know these things." As Eustace said, he pressed the panel in his hand again, and the two of them The silver coffin in front of him floated with his operation, and the outer material of the silver coffin changed. After a while, the entire coffin became as transparent as glass, and Robert Lee's body was unreservedly displayed to the two of them. in front of.

"Look," the high priest said, pointing to the body in the transparent coffin: "Sir Robert Lee's body has undergone some changes since it was delivered, but one thing has not changed at all, that is, from his body There was no external injury on the body. What caused Sir Robert Lee to fall was not bleeding or an irreversible illness. Sir Robert Lee did not fall because of an ordinary attack. Not only that, but Robert Lee fell. The scars left by Mr. Li in the previous battle are also gradually fading. You should have noticed that Mr. Robert Lee's body is unusually smooth. Such a body is not like that of a warrior who has experienced hundreds of battles. Like the bodies of those idle nobles, and more importantly, the bodies of adults have continued to, uh, 'shrink' in the past one thousand years, please forgive me for using this word, but that's the fact."

Aylin could naturally see that these were the reasons for his initial anger.

According to common sense, the people lying in the coffins of the Holy Spirit Church are in a relative stagnation of time. After thousands of years, their bodies will not change at all, but now his mentor, Robert ·Li's body has been in the coffin of the Holy Spirit Church for a thousand years, but it has begun to "shrink".

Looking at Robert E. Lee's body, Aylin couldn't help but sigh, the word "shrunk" was so appropriate.

Robert Lee was originally a giant man with a height of 3.1 meters. This giant-like height is very common among the Space Marines. Among the Space Marines, even the smallest scouts have two heights. Mi San's height, not to mention those combat team members.

To ordinary people, every Space Marine is like a strong giant.

It must be mentioned that the minimum standard is far more than two meters, and the average height of three meters is not the normal height of human beings. The reason why these knights galloping in the sea of ​​stars are so tall is not because they are born this way. But man-made. Almost all Star Marines have undergone cruel body modifications. After being implanted with excellent genes, a Space Marine's body will undergo nineteen major surgeries. They will have steel-like bones, three lungs to provide them with more oxygen, two stomachs to allow them to eat most poisonous food, and two hearts to allow blood to flow more powerfully throughout the body.

Space Marines who have completed body transformation can easily eat poisonous or even radiation-contaminated food. Their bodies are stronger and sturdier. Every Space Marine has special characteristics under the skin. Made of special plastic carapace, their modified skin is even stronger than body armor on Earth.

For the Empire, the Space Marines themselves are valuable weapons, and now, the mentor Robert Lee, who was once the best warrior in the Raven Guard regiment and was the best at close combat, is gradually shrinking. He is now only two feet tall. Mi, the mentor's body was once covered with all kinds of scars, but for soldiers, these scars are not only not ugly, but also full of glory and memories. Each scar represents a tragic battle and a touching story. These scars Injury is a medal engraved on the body that cannot be taken off. But now these scars have faded away, leaving only skin that is as smooth as a woman's.

This change is heartbreaking for everyone who sees it.

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