Hammer 40k: Far East Storm

Chapter 106: Qualified

"Die." As he pronounced the death sentence, Youlun pulled the trigger with his finger, and the crossbow arrow shot out. In the blink of an eye, the arrow shot in front of Ryan. Only then did she hear the sound of the mechanism and see the crossbow string trembling.

After the arrow was shot, Youlun had already let down his guard. He was already thinking whether he should cut off the head of the woman opposite as a proof of his completion of the task. After all, the reward for the girl's life was a large sum of money that was enough to drive the ascetic monks crazy.

But Ryan did not expect that he could easily avoid the crossbow arrow by tilting his head.

Seeing this scene, Youlun opened his eyes wide, and his eyes almost popped out of his sockets. For a moment, he had no thoughts in his mind, only a big question, how could it be possible?

How did she do it? It seems that only those legendary people who stand at the top can dodge the shooting of crossbow arrows at close range. Youlun has never seen such a person, so he always thinks that this is just nonsense, a legendary story. Is this kind of thing something that humans can do? Is it a coincidence? Is it the luck of this girl? Is there really a God Emperor in the sky protecting this girl?

This is the only explanation. Ryan is just a mid-level member of the Nighthawk Organization. Her specialty is stealing. How can such a girl have such terrible fighting power?

What a lucky child.

Although he was extremely surprised, Youlun's hands were not idle for a moment. While facing Ryan, he took a big step back, carefully keeping the distance between the two, and quickly stringed the small crossbow and installed the arrow. Just relying on luck can't save your life. Youlun was ruthless in his heart. He gritted his teeth and aimed at Ryan who was rushing towards him, and shot another arrow.

But the scene that made the executioner collapse happened again. Almost at the moment when Youlun pulled the trigger, Ryan reacted as if he could predict the future. She took a big step and rushed diagonally. The crossbow arrow brushed her body and flew past. Ryan actually dodged the crossbow arrow again.

If the first time can be explained as Ryan's luck, then the second time can only be called incredible. The distance between the two people was approaching quickly. At this moment, Youlun had no time to fire the third crossbow arrow. Although the hand crossbow was small, the arrows could easily penetrate the refined leather armor and the power was not bad. However, the only disadvantage was that the firing frequency was a bit slow. An old hand like Youlun only had the opportunity to fire two arrows under this situation. The hand crossbow was useless. Youlun threw the hand crossbow towards Ryan with a flick of his hand, hoping to slow down Ryan's speed. After smashing the hand crossbow, he quickly took out a small bottle from his waist, opened the bottle stopper with one hand, and poured the potion on the dagger blade.

This is poisoning. Applying poison to the dagger blade is a delicate job. You can't just splash it. The poison itself is a valuable item. It's not a waste to just splash it like this, and the effect is also poor. But now Youlun has no time to apply it carefully. Ryan held the long sword in his hand, knocked the crossbow away with the sword, and rushed over at a speed that was not slow at all.

Youlun no longer retreated. He bent his knees slightly, holding the dagger, and looked at Ryan with his eyes like a venomous snake. He hoped to see hesitation, panic or other expressions on Ryan's face. After all, facing a sharp blade and facing a poisoned blade are completely different. An excellent poison can amplify the threat of a sharp blade tenfold, and it can also bring a series of advantages. Youlun has experienced many dangers and encountered people who are stronger than him more than once, but once he holds a poisoned blade, the opponent will begin to hesitate and move cautiously, and the rhythm of the whole battle will change accordingly.

This is a psychological deterrent. Many warriors are not afraid of being injured. Being slashed by a knife or having a cut on the body by a dagger is just normal for warriors. Most warriors are not afraid of knife wounds, but they are afraid of the unknown poison of Blade Supreme.

But Ryan did not change at all. She did not say nonsense like "You despicable villain." nor did she pause at all. The long sword in her hand swung decisively as always, and even the rhythm of the battle did not change at all.

As if she did not see what Youlun did, she maintained her own state and launched the attack as usual.

Ryan was so calm, her mind and will were like a rock. She only had her enemies and the sword in her hand in her eyes. Apart from that, she was not moved by anything.

What is going on? Is the girl in front of her still Ryan? God Emperor, she is only an eighteen-year-old girl, not an old warrior who has experienced hundreds of battles. How can she have such calmness and determination? When taking over this task, Youlun was still happy that someone gave him money for free. Now he understands that there is no such thing as money falling from the sky in this world. Money is really not easy to make. This time, I am afraid I have to fight hard.

The two of them fought again with Ping-Pong. Ryan held the sword with both hands. The sword was powerful, and you could faintly feel a fierce fighting momentum from the sword. The long sword in Ryan's hand was mostly used for slashing and rarely for defense. It can be seen at a glance that it is a good swordsmanship used for fighting on the battlefield. In addition, Ryan was also very desperate, so this long sword seemed even more powerful. This was enough to frighten Youlun, but Ryan's sword was not only fierce, but also many of his moves were very clever. Of course, it was clever for Ryan, but it was insidious for Youlun.

Is this still Ryan? Don't forget that the swordsmanship master who came running was wearing Ryan's skin. Not only could he avoid the close range shooting of the hand crossbow, but he could also wield a long sword so smoothly. The more he fought, the more frightened Youlun would be. If it hadn't been for him over the years, He almost turned around and walked away due to the work ethic he had developed.

The fierce fight between the two lasted for about five minutes, and Ryan was already out of breath. Although Li had taught her swordsmanship in an assaultive manner during the past month, her physical strength could not be changed in just one month. Women's physical strength is inherently weaker than that of men. It is not easy for Ryan to be able to continue a high-intensity fierce battle for five minutes.

His physical strength could not keep up with the rhythm of the battle, and the long sword in Ryan's hand was somewhat unsightly. Whether it was cutting, cutting, or stabbing, the movements were somewhat deformed. Suddenly, Ryan's feet tilted, and he staggered. After a moment, the threat of the sword was no longer there, and a huge gap appeared in her body.

Is this because the ground under my feet is uneven and my feet are sprained? Or is it a deliberate trap? Although Youlun had doubts in his heart, his body made a decision earlier than his brain. The executioner is a veteran killer, and he will not miss the opportunity to kill his enemy. The moment Ryan's body tilted, the double daggers in Youlun's hands stabbed out like poisonous snakes. No matter what, Ryan couldn't avoid the attacks of two daggers in this situation.

Lane didn't show any panic. Her body swayed, one foot slammed on the ground, and her whole body rushed out like a cannonball. At this moment, Lane looked a little unsteady on her feet? But what shocked Youlun was that she had no intention of evading. Instead, she stretched out her hand and fiercely faced the edge of the dagger. Red suddenly appeared. Two daggers stabbed Ryan in the blink of an eye, and one dagger stabbed Ryan. One pierced the palm of Ryan's hand, while the other stabbed into her shoulder.

This was not Ryan who was stabbed by the dagger, but Ryan who took the initiative to face the dagger.

Ryan ignored the pain in her body and forced a smile on her face, "I caught you." At the same time, she held the sword in one hand, squatted down quickly, and spun around. She didn't care about the wound caused by the dagger on her body. She didn't even care about the blood spurting from her body. The long sword in her hand was still stable, and her sword moves were still smooth and easy under this condition.

Being stabbed by daggers on both sides, Ryan used the lower horizontal slash. She twisted her body, bent her legs and squatted down. Her whole body sank, and the long sword slashed across Youlun's knees. , this horizontal slash was so fast, the long sword cut through Youlun's legs with a swipe, and the executioner's body was split into three parts in an instant. The two legs under the knees were still standing firmly on the ground. The body above the knees was sent flying diagonally due to the force of the slash. After cutting off Yolon's legs, Ryan didn't pause at all. She stood up suddenly, raised her sword, and in the blink of an eye, she completed the second chop. There was a flash of silver light, and the long sword suddenly slashed through Youlun's waist.

In the blink of an eye, the two swords were broken, and blood spurted out, spreading all over the floor, and You Lun's body fell to the ground with a bang. The killer known as the executioner never closed his eyes until he died. He had long known that he would die one day, but he never thought that he, who respected his job and loved his job, would die in such a way. He was killed by someone he was afraid of. The harmless girl was defeated head-on. To the end of his life, Youlun couldn't figure out what made this girl change so much.

Ryan was panting and holding her sword, looking at the dead enemy. It took her a long time to convince herself that it was not a dream and that everything she saw was real. The executioner Youlun really fell under his own sword. It took a while to shake himself out of the trance, and Ryan rested for a while before pulling out the dagger stuck in his body, then using the sword as a crutch, he swayed into the camp.

Ryan had already prepared some simple medical equipment in the camp.

Some clean cloths, a jar of congealed oil, and a jar of live leeches.

It was only then that Li walked out of the jungle. He looked at the thing in Ryan's hand and said with a strange expression: "You fought well, especially in the last moment. You were decisive, ruthless, and suffered physical injuries." The premise is to block the opponent's offense and defense, and at the same time launch a fatal attack without fear of pain. I appreciate it. This is a very exciting battle. You are qualified. However, what are you preparing for with those things in your hands. ?”

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