Hammer 40k: Far East Storm

Chapter 105: The Executioner

For three consecutive days, Ryan spent her time like this. She only ate the minimum amount of food and occasionally stood up to move her slightly numb feet. It was obvious that she was not used to the kneeling position.

Fortunately, there was no shortage of wood to keep the campfire burning or food to eat. There was a stream not far from the camp, so there was no shortage of drinking water. In addition to waiting, Ryan did not need to do anything else.

Three days later, her patient waiting was rewarded. The executioner Youlun appeared in the camp and stood in front of Ryan across the campfire.

Li, who was hiding in the dark, smiled. During this month, Li was only responsible for teaching Ryan combat skills. This set of tactics was obviously thought up by Ryan herself. This girl had a good brain and chose the right tactics. The use of tactics made the executioner lose a game before the two of them even fought.

The most terrifying thing about a killer is that he is not careful enough to defend himself. He hides in the dark, takes advantage of the enemy's unpreparedness, and suddenly jumps up to launch a fatal attack. This is the killer's way. Yao Li was thin and only five feet tall, but he was able to kill Qing Ji, the first warrior of the Wu Kingdom, by taking the enemy by surprise. When a killer walks in front of his assassination target openly, the killer is already in danger.

Ryan's tactics are very simple. She sits quietly in front of the campfire, not panicking, and showing great patience. Youlun secretly observed for three days. Ryan had almost no changes in three days, and the resources in the camp were enough for Ryan to kneel here for a month.

Ryan neither sleeps nor goes out hunting. The water source not far from the camp is empty and flat. There is no place for ambush, and it is running water, so poisoning is impossible. This simple little camp is like a solid military camp. Youlun can't even find a gap. Ryan just kneels in the camp, obviously waiting for the killer to show up.

Youlun felt that if the situation allowed, Ryan might kneel in this camp for the rest of his life. Of course, Youlun could wait, just one month. After one month, the storage resources in the camp would be exhausted, and Ryan would have to take action at that time, whether she went hunting in the jungle or went shopping in Kronburg not far away. She would take action, and as long as she took action, she would reveal her flaws. Youlun was a killer, he was very patient, a month was not long for him, but he was unwilling to wait.

The reason was very simple, he knew the target this time.

Youlun had killed countless people in his life and done many evil deeds. Now he was living well, he was well fed, slept well, and had no discomfort in his heart. The scavenger business was just an ordinary job for Youlun. He was loyal to his work, loved his profession, worked hard to refine his skills, tried his best to satisfy his boss and customers, and collected the remuneration he deserved. Never collect an extra copper coin, and never kill one more person without remuneration. Youlun doesn't take drugs, but he drinks a little alcohol occasionally. He lives a simple life and has no women. In the eyes of his neighbors, Youlun is just an ordinary and taciturn uncle next door.

All of what Youlun does is not for anything else, but just for work.

If he had not been sold to Nighthawk by human traffickers, Youlun, who is now called the executioner, might shine in other industries. He might be a porter or a chef, but no matter which industry he does, Youlun will try his best to do it the best.

If you want to use one word to describe Youlun, it is to respect your job.

Because of this, Youlun can become the recognized number one killer. Nighthawk is a large organization, and occasionally there will be a few talented young killers in the organization, but most of them will not stay in this industry for long. It's not that their skills are not good enough, but that their mentality is not as mature as Youlun. Those geniuses will always be defeated by themselves because they always pay attention to some boring things, such as good and evil, affection and love.

And Youlun hardly pays attention to these things. He has seen countless people before they died. Some begged, some struggled, some were surprised, and some fell into madness. But no matter how they behaved, these people could not leave a trace in Youlun's heart. Youlun had a good memory. He could even draw a portrait of his first target ten years ago. But recalling those vivid or crazy faces, Youlun never felt sorry or guilty. It was just work. Youlun just did his job well.

But there was only one thing that made Youlun still worried and could not forget. It was a little girl looking at him. Although decades have passed, Youlun still felt frightened when he thought of that look. At that time, Youlun was still young. After completing the mission, he always liked to have some fun. It happened that the mission target had two beautiful daughters. They were a pair of sisters, one of whom was a young and beautiful girl, and the other was still young, a little girl who was less than an adult's waist.

You Lun raped the elder sister at the crime scene. The young girl's body made him feel happy. She was as tender and white as a lamb, and You Lun just conquered her violently, wantonly tainted this pure body, and enjoyed the feeling of pure destruction. Looking back now, the girl hardly put up much resistance at the time. She just cried and endured the humiliation while desperately protecting her only sister.

The girl didn't know that her behavior was unnecessary. The mission target didn't include the sisters, so You Lun naturally wouldn't spend more time to kill them.

After finishing the job, You Lun picked up his belt and was about to leave. The moment he walked out of the door, You Lun looked back and saw the girl abandoned on the ground like a broken doll. The sister was in a messy dress, with a dull expression and motionless. And the little girl huddled in the corner. It was at that moment that he saw the little girl protected by the girl. To this day, You Lun can't forget the amazing hatred hidden in the eyes of the little girl huddled in the corner.

This shouldn't be a big deal. You Lun is a killer, and doing this job requires being hated. He has killed countless people, and his enemies are all over the world. You Lun has never cared. But at that moment, the little girl made him feel a fear from the bottom of his heart. He turned around on the spot, walked in front of the little girl, stretched out a hand, and put it on the little girl's neck.

The broken girl behind him suddenly recovered. She wailed like a wounded lion and pounced on Youlun, but was slapped away by Youlun's backhand.

At that time, Youlun only needed to use a little force to easily strangle the little girl to death and kill his fear.

But he didn't do it. After all, he was a killer, not a murderer. He was Youlun, and he had his own rules and professional ethics.

"I didn't expect the little girl to grow up," Youlun whispered: "It's been ten years, is your sister okay?"

"Nine years, eight months and thirteen days," Ryan said: "I thought I would count like this forever, but I didn't expect there would be such a day. No matter what, today will have an end. As for my sister. She is fine, you don't have to worry too much."

"From the day you entered Nighthawk, I knew there would be such a day. Isn't this what you want?" Youlun sneered and said: "But I didn't expect this day to come so early, and someone would spend such a big price to buy your life, and named me as the executor. This is really It's not easy, it's like something is controlling fate, is it the blessing of the God Emperor? "Speaking of this, You Lun showed a self-deprecating smile: "It's really strange, how can the God Emperor bless someone like me, but a little girl like you is destined to die. "

Ryan stood up, holding the sword with both hands, crossing the sword across her chest, and said calmly: "Let's try and see who will die today."

"You are too weak to kill me." As he said, You Lun took the lead in attacking. The executioner took a step forward and kicked the bonfire, kicking the bonfire towards Ryan's face. For a while, sparks flew and dust flew. Most people will close their eyes while dodging when encountering this situation. This is a natural reaction of the body to prevent sparks from splashing into the eyes. But for a killer like You Lun, killing a person only takes a blink of an eye.

Ryan leaned sideways, eyes wide open, unblinking, she calmly dodged sparks and dust, then she saw holding arms, rushing towards her, Ryan did not wait for Youlun to rush close, he swung his sword horizontally, using the distance advantage of the long sword to slash Youlun fiercely, even if he was the first killer, facing this situation, he could only resist helplessly. But he did not expect that after the first sword, the second and third swords would follow, the long sword would either slash horizontally or slash diagonally, and occasionally it would stab like a venomous snake. After only a short while, Youlun was beaten into a mess.

After dodging a fierce slash, Youlun had completely lost his center of gravity due to dodging and resisting the long sword attack. In this situation, he simply turned around and rolled on the ground, thinking of rolling aside to dodge. Li, who was hiding and watching, almost laughed out loud. Isn't this a lazy donkey rolling? It seems that most warriors in any world are proficient in this move.

Youlun finally escaped from Ryan's attack range after rolling and crawling. Ryan did not chase him because she was even more surprised than Youlun at this moment. She looked at the sword in her hand, then looked at herself, and then looked at Youlun who rolled and crawled to the side. The demon called the executioner was now in a mess. He was almost killed by himself just now. It was not until now that Ryan realized how great his changes were. What kind of person was Li who created this miraculous change?

Such a miracle, is it really the messenger of the Emperor of God?

Youlun was panting. He didn't care about his own embarrassment. Although he was surprised by Ryan's changes, he didn't have much curiosity. Now he had only one idea, that is, don't worry about anything else and complete the task.

The executioner's wrist shook, and a small crossbow with a string already appeared in his hand.

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