Hammer 40k: Far East Storm

Chapter 111 Exhibition Match

The onlookers only saw the moment when the two people crossed each other, and a burst of light suddenly burst out between the two horses. After the two horses crossed each other, the Valkyrie swung a sword with her backhand, and Tiger was knocked off the horse.

Surrounding the small hill, there was an exclamation of surprise.

The famous Tiger Tiger was knocked off his horse after just one encounter, and his opponent turned out to be a woman! ? Who is this woman? Is it really the Valkyrie?

In the meantime, Valkyrie reined in the horse and waited for the horse to trot for two steps and slow down before she turned back and looked at Tiger.

She understood that the sword she just struck was just a slap on the man's waist and did not really hurt him, so the moment he fell off the horse, Tiger rolled on the spot, and then stood up with the weapon in hand. .

"You are not good at horse fighting." Ryan was riding a horse, looking down at the man who was knocked off his horse from a high place. Ryan said calmly: "But thinking about it, there are very few mercenaries who are good at horse fighting. After all, horses are also good at horse fighting. It's a relatively valuable item. It's normal for Tiger, who is self-made, not to be good at fighting right away. In that case, I won't take advantage of you. " Saying this, Ryan turned around and swung his skirt. The Valkyrie wearing cyan armor floated down from the horse lightly. "Let me see your ability in foot combat. I hope you won't disappoint me."

Tiger's face turned red. From the other party's casual tone, he felt the huge humiliation he had never experienced before. He roared and rushed towards Ryan with his broad-bladed sword raised high.

After a while, the two were fighting together again.

Ryan resisted the two swords and roughly understood the opponent's level. Compared with ordinary warriors, Tiger is outstanding. This man attacks fiercely and has nimble steps. Because he has lived on the edge of life and death for a long time, his reactions are also very sensitive, and he is often accompanied by roars when attacking. Generally speaking, People are often frightened by this momentum before they are beaten.

But his level is only slightly higher than the previous knights, and he poses no threat to Ryan. Ryan has already begun to think about how he should end this farce.

Yes, this is not a battle, but a farce.

Li hopes to let more people hear the rumors of Valkyrie in the shortest possible time, which will be beneficial to the long-term development of the organization. A secret organization with no reputation can only be a small organization. A truly large organization should have a clear structure, a complete organization, and a well-known reputation. This is not too difficult. Ryan himself looks good, and after some professional care, he looks even more beautiful. Moreover, she holds a shining sword, wears gorgeous and mysterious blue armor, and the horse under her hip is also the best horse in the church. Just seeing her appearance was enough to make those young nobles intoxicated. Her swaggering around in this outfit was enough to form a trend. From the appearance, Ryan can be regarded as a standard idol.

But the fact is that Renne is not just an idol, she is also a representative of the powerful group. Ryan's journey was not just a simple stroll, she actually did a lot of shocking things.

On the path Ryan walked, at least ten champion knights were challenged by her in public, and then defeated by her "Light Roar" sword in full view of the public. Of course, what makes Li feel pity is that in this unfortunate medieval era, there were no high-end gadgets like newspapers and magazines. Even writing was only the patent of a small number of nobles and church clergy. The illiteracy rate in the world was as high as 90%. Nine point nine, not to mention TV internet radio. Under this situation, the spread of information was extremely slow, so even though Ryan followed Li's instructions every time, Li was still dissatisfied with the speed of fame's spread.

Tiger is just one of the many victims. After this victory, the names of the Blue Knights and the Valkyrie will be spread to further places through the mouths of merchants.

Although he was thinking about ending the battle beautifully, the battle between the two still did not stop. Ryan's conscious giving up allowed Tiger to see the hope that did not exist.

He waved the broad-edged sword desperately, and the thick long sword made a terrible whistling sound in the wind, but the woman's figure was incredibly nimble and her cyan skirt and armor would occasionally rotate and flutter with the rotation of her body, as if it was a blur. Like a blooming green flower, for a long time his broad-bladed sword could not even touch anything other than the air and the earth. It's just that now that the fight has reached this point, the woman's movements have become sluggish, and she seems to be a little exhausted.

It's really dangerous. I have never seen such a strong woman. Although she is a bit strong, she is still a woman after all. It seems that as long as I continue, victory still belongs to me. The way to win is not to let her rest! While thinking this, Tiger launched an even more violent attack. He wants to maintain a high-intensity fight to drain the opponent's energy.

Occasionally, Lane would rely on her flexible steps to move within a small area. Occasionally, she would use her long sword to resist Tiger's chops. Every time the two swords intersected, Lane would be shaken back several steps by the force, attracting the attention of the onlookers. There was an exclamation of exclamation, and occasionally Tiger's broad-bladed sword would brush against Ryan's armor along with everyone's exclamations, causing a spark.

While controlling the rhythm of the battle, Ryan made the scene look more intense and thrilling. After a while, the onlookers were screaming in surprise, but Ryan himself couldn't help but think of what Instructor Li said. Those words were spoken when Ryan defeated the Champion Knight for the first time.

"I know you can defeat them easily. You have learned so many things from me, and letting them live outside is enough to become the most secret true inheritance in a group. But now these skills and secrets are placed in front of you like cabbage. You learn. If you still can't beat those little tin cans after learning these things, you might as well hit them to death yourself." Li took a breath and then continued his lesson: "So you have nothing to be proud of after defeating those can knights. Yes, because this is what it should be and is inevitable, but what I want is not for you to defeat those knights. You can defeat them. You don’t need to prove this with facts. I know it with my knees. What I want now is Let those people also know that if you want the reputation of the Valkyrie to resound throughout this continent, even the farmers in the countryside will understand the powerful power represented by the three words Valkyrie. To do this, you can't just think about how to do it. To defeat the enemy smoothly and beautifully, you also need to learn to mobilize the audience's emotions, and you need some performance skills. "

Ryan said a long "Oh." She understood.

Since it is for publicity purposes, naturally the battle cannot end at once. For those who are experts, this is how battles should be. Swords have no eyes, and duels are inherently dangerous things. Most of the time, life and death can happen in the blink of an eye. matter. Decades of hard training are revealed in a moment. This is the real battle. How is it possible to fight beautifully, beautifully and thrillingly? A duel is not a show.

But after all, there are not many real experts in this world, and most are laymen. What everyone sees is just a fun. If the fighting process is always "fighting, bumping, fighting over." Who cares if it is so simple.

Of course, it cannot be delayed too long. On the one hand, the opponent may not have the physical strength. He will be out of breath during the blow, and then the movements will not be so beautiful.

Seeing that the other party was already out of breath, and the audience's emotions were almost aroused, Ryan felt that it was time for this farce to end. At this time, Ryan looked at Tiger with a trace of pity in his eyes, this poor man.

Then Ryan suddenly accelerated. She spun around and swung away from Tiger. At the same time, she dodged a fierce vertical slash from the broad-bladed sword and came to Tiger's side. The long sword slashed downwards as it turned, and her wrist flicked. He turned the sword and slapped Tiger's knee back. Tiger didn't have much strength, so he just aimed at the woman and struck hard. Then he felt his eyes blurred, and the woman just disappeared, and then he was hit by the sword like this. After a slap, his legs hurt, and he fell to his knees softly. At this time, Ryan kept using his sword and struck Tiger's lower back with the sword grid. This fierce blow caused pain to Tiger's whole body. He straightened up, and due to the force of the knocking, his belly was pushed forward, and he knelt on the ground and bent into a reverse curve.

At this time, everyone saw Tiger kneeling on the ground, with his belly stretched out, facing the sky and screaming. But Ryan's attack was not over yet. She held the sword with both hands and slammed it down like rammed earth. She smashed the hilt of the sword into Tiger's face. Tiger's scream suddenly sounded. But stop.

At this time, Ryan heard a neat intake of breath.

There are wonderful and beautiful battles, twists and turns, thrilling processes, and a perfect and unexpected ending. One fight like this should be enough. Ryan nodded with satisfaction, put away his sword, and mounted his horse. Then she said to Tiger who was unconscious on the ground: "Tiger Tiger, you are too weak. The Blue Knights will not accept a weakling like you." After saying this, she did not wait for anyone else to react. He just gave a soft drink and rode away with his servants. Only the merchants and guards were left staring at each other. At this time, everyone was thinking, the Blue Knights? What kind of organization is it?

Tiger has fainted at this moment. If he was still awake, he would definitely cry: "Blue Knights? What kind of organization? Who wants to join?"

The legendary story of the Blue Knights and the Valkyries burned the entire continent like wildfire. Even though this was a world with underdeveloped information, it could not stop Li and Ryan from wandering around so persistently. The first ones to react were the champion knights. There were no Olympic Games these days, and the only popular competitive event was knight competition. The knights wore gorgeous armor, flattered the ladies, and then charged against each other with spears. This thing is extremely performative, and it's completely different if it can be used in a fight. Most of the champion knights are just showmen, and it's completely different if they really want to fight. But now there is a crazy woman who calls herself Valkyrie and she only picks out champion knights.

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