Hammer 40k: Far East Storm

Chapter 112 Young Heroes

"Have you heard? The Valkyrie has come to our Marseilles area."

"What!" This sentence made several knights in the small living room very nervous, "Didn't they say she was in East Prull some time ago?"

"That's old news. The latest news is that the champion knights of East Prull have been wiped out, and Prince Nandengran was beheaded because of his dirty mouth after losing."

"What about old Nanden? Old Nanden is a model of knights. He can't just watch his grandson being beheaded by a woman!?"

"What else can the old guy do except watch? That's a duel, a sacred knight duel. Who can Intervention? Isn't it normal for people to die in a duel? Old Nanden watched his grandson being beheaded, but he couldn't even say a harsh word. Besides, Old Nanden is known as a model of knights, and he values ​​honor the most. For honor, he would even sacrifice his own life, let alone his grandson's life. "

"Can't Old Nanden challenge the Valkyrie to a duel?"

"Take the initiative to challenge a woman? Can he say it? Besides, Old Nanden is so old, let alone fighting, it's a problem whether he can wear armor."

After receiving the news, several champion knights said goodbye to their master on the spot, rushed home overnight to pack their bags, and went out to do good deeds.

As a result, when Ryan arrived in Marseille, there was not even a champion knight here. At this time, Li was slightly satisfied. At least the name of the Valkyrie had been spread, and Ryan's tour ended here.

The reputation of the Valkyrie and the Blue Knights has been established, and the preparations in Vansagan have been basically completed. So Li took Ryan back to Vansagan. When they arrived at the Holy City, the first snow since the beginning of winter just fell.

At this time, the headquarters of the Holy See Knights had already gathered the strongest 20 young warriors that the Holy See could find.

If it were normal, Li should throw these people into the arena and let them fight a life-and-death battle first. Only the last strong man alive would be qualified to join the Knights. This method is simple and fast, and it is most suitable for the current situation. But now Li's war group has just been formed. Both the war group itself and the local subordinate groups of the war group are in a serious shortage of people. It would be a waste to let them kill each other. So Li decided to bring all these people with him, pull them together with the soldiers from Reach Star, and conduct a centralized training. After that, Pastor Martin and the technical officers of the war group will make an assessment to see if these people can complete the operation, and eliminate those with a low success rate to the local subordinate "Blue Knights". After that, the first batch of warriors of the Knights Templar will be able to come out.

If all goes well, all this should be completed within five years. This is the result after Li tried his best to streamline the training plan. If the training is carried out according to the standard plan of the war group, the time will be extended ten times. But for Li now, time is equally precious, so he would rather make a batch of semi-finished products first, and then gradually complete them in the war. So if you want the war group to truly form a strong combat effectiveness, it will take at least fifty years or more.

Alas, whenever Li thinks of this, he will feel a little irritated, and at the same time, he has infinite expectations. How powerful will a legion that needs at least fifty years of training to form a perfect combat effectiveness be?

And such a powerful army will be created from scratch in his hands, bit by bit.

Lancelot is slowly dealing with the steak on the plate. He holds the silver knife in one hand and slowly cuts the beef. After piercing the beef with a silver fork in the other hand, he puts the beef into his mouth and chews it slowly. After a while, the whole mouth can feel the tenderness and sweetness of the beef.

Among all the people, Lancelot was the first to arrive here. As soon as he heard the news, he ignored his uncle's obstruction and couldn't wait to leave the Holy Sword Knights. He went straight to Vansagan without any hesitation, waiting for the call of the Holy Envoy. From birth to now, Lancelot never remembered that he was as excited as he is now. He wanted to go to the palace in the sky with the Holy Envoy to participate in the battle of heaven. He wanted to stay away from this quagmire-like dirty world to gain real glory. He had countless unspeakable questions in this world to ask the Holy Envoy. He had too many dreams to realize. He even longed to see the God Emperor sitting on the throne.

And now he suppressed these desires and urgency under reason. He knew that he had to wait and be patient. This was a miracle that was hard to come by in thousands of years. It was lucky enough to happen in front of him. He really shouldn't ask for more.

But some people didn't think like Lancelot.

With a loud bang, Lancelot's long table was broken by a punch from the person sitting opposite him. Lancelot was quick-witted and quickly picked up his plate. The steak soup on his plate was not spilled at all, but the food of other people on the long table was scattered everywhere, and the whole small hall was in a mess.

"What a bastard, I have been waiting for so long, but there is no news at all. Are these bastards in the church playing tricks on me?" The same question exists in many people's minds. In fact, the reputation of the Church in this world is not very good. The priests look handsome, but they have done countless evil things in private. It can be said that half of the conspiracies and tricks in this world come from the little heads of the priests, and half of the disputes should be ultimately responsible for the Church.

"Thor, be careful, where do you think this is?" Lancelot stood up with a plate and said, "I warn you, don't bring your northern barbarian tricks into the Pope's living room."

"Hehe? What's wrong? Our little white knight is quite courageous? Do you want to fight with your master Thor?" Thor said as he tore open his shirt, revealing his strong chest muscles and dark chest hair. He beat his chest and shouted loudly: "Come on, hit, hit here with your little fist, your grandpa Thor frowned. You are not a man. "

Lancelot looked at Thor with disgust, who showed his chest hair to him, and then looked at the steak on his plate with regret. He had just taken a bite of the tender and delicious steak, but it was a pity. He said, "Let me hit you? You don't dodge? Really? Don't move!" Then he held the bottom of the plate with one hand and slapped the steak on Thor's face. Thor was concentrating on his chest at this time, and his chest muscles bulged like steel. He didn't even think about moving, so he took the steak steadily with his face.

That's not all. Lancelot slapped the steak with one hand, and picked up the bench he had just sat on with the other hand, and smashed it towards Thor's head.

Crashed! The wooden bench fell apart in an instant.

Thor had a steak with a corner cut off on his head, and his eyes were almost on fire. He roared wildly, picked up a bottle of red wine on the table, and threw it at Lancelot. Lancelot was prepared and dodged the red wine spinning in the air, but the person sitting behind Lancelot was unlucky. He was eating and watching the excitement, but he didn't expect a bottle of red wine to suddenly fly over. With a "pop", the thing Thor threw hit a person not far behind Lancelot.

The man was wearing a black suit, holding a fork in one hand, with a potato stuck on the fork. His hair was wet, and red wine was dripping from his hair into his plate. Obviously, he was attacked by the red wine bottle while eating potatoes. The red wine bottle hit his head and shattered, and half a bottle of red wine was poured on his head.

"Oh, isn't this the Black Knight Virgil?" Lancelot screamed, "You're soaked, Thor, you northern barbarian, do you have a grudge against Virgil?"

Virgil didn't say anything, he stood up, then roared and overturned the table on the spot.

As a signal, the other people in the dining room also moved immediately. These were all young and excellent warriors. They were all arrogant in their territory. When had they ever bowed their heads to others? The northerners couldn't stand the little white faces in the south, the good men on the sea looked down on the landlubbers, the nobles couldn't stand those country bumpkins, and the black knights couldn't stand the white knights. These people have long wanted to find an opportunity to compete and see who has the bigger fist. Isn't this a good opportunity?

They used plates, bowls, food, stools, tables, fists, and all the weapons they could find in the room, anything they could find, anyway, they took the handy things and threw them at the people they didn't like, and the melee started in a mess.

In the midst of this chaotic battle, the heavy door curtain suddenly jumped open, and two people walked in.

"Young people are so energetic." Li smiled: "I really hope they can continue to maintain such vigorous energy in the days to come."

Lian looked at the chaotic scene and frowned slightly: "Do you need me to separate them?"

"Why should we separate them? Let them fight. Anyway, these people's unarmed combat ability is very poor, and it is estimated that they will not kill anyone. Let's walk along the wall, go to the kitchen to get some food, and then make a place by the fire, eat and watch."

The two walked along the wall, avoiding the central chaotic area of ​​the melee. Occasionally, some plates and forks would fly out, but they could not cause any harm to the two. After passing through the hall, it was the kitchen. At this time, several cooks were hiding behind the door with excitement, watching the excitement, and occasionally cheering for the young heroes in their minds.

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