Hammer 40k: Far East Storm

Chapter 113: A single wind fills the ears

Ryan quickly set up a table and two chairs by the fire. The food and wine were already prepared. Just bring them up. When Li sat down, the hot food was already in front of him.

So Li drank red wine, ate hot steak, and watched the battle in the hall. At this time, the melee had just entered a white-hot level.

"Ryan, what do you think of these people?"

"They are all strong and strong young men. They look thick-skinned and seem to be very durable."

"That's good. The skills can be taught slowly. Well, the steak tastes good. You should try it."

After the meal, the melee of more than 20 people also came to an end. Only three people were still standing on the field.

The white knight Lancelot and the black knight Virgil were standing face to face, panting. The two stared at each other fiercely, accumulating strength while expecting the other party to make a mistake so that they could be knocked down by their punches.

There was also a hot woman wearing revealing leather armor standing far away in the corner. She hid aside as soon as the battle started. Obviously, she didn't want to join this inexplicable battle.

"How long do they want to look at each other like this? I've finished my dinner," Li said to Ryan, "Go and knock those two guys down. We still have to find Martin and the Pope."

Ryan wiped his mouth, picked up the Light Howling Sword and walked into the field. She didn't draw her sword, but just knocked the knight's head with the long sword in the scabbard. Lancelot and Virgil were focusing all their energy on each other at this time. They were completely unprepared for the sudden sneak attack. With two snaps, the two were knocked unconscious and fell to the ground.

The next day, when Lancelot woke up, he felt a splitting headache. He touched the back of his head, where there was a swollen bump. The young White Knight frowned and tried to recall what happened yesterday. It seemed to be dinner time, a chaotic fight. He happily beat Thor's northern country bumpkin into a pig's head, and beat a few fools who were blind and looking for trouble with him. In the end, he got what he wanted and faced Virgil. Unfortunately, both sides were exhausted at that time. Did he win in the end? The White Knight gently rubbed the bump on his head, and it seemed that he was attacked from behind in the end.

While cursing the bastard who attacked him in his heart, Lancelot climbed out of bed. Breakfast was on the table, which was beef stewed with mashed potatoes. The breakfast had already cooled down. After the mashed potatoes cooled down, they were frozen like potato bricks. Lancelot grinned and decided to deal with the potato brick after washing up.

After wiping his face with snow from the windowsill and rinsing his mouth, Lancelot sat down at the table with a serious face and began to knock potato bricks with a knife and fork. He did this just because he was bored. He wanted to see how hard the mashed potatoes were. Lancelot didn't want to eat such brick-like food. After knocking for a while, the White Knight noticed a note on the table.

The note contained a short message, requiring everyone to gather in the restaurant at noon today.

Lancelot looked at the note and couldn't help but get excited. He finally waited for it. Since these warriors came to Vansegang, the Church has specially set aside a large yard for these people to support them. They don't specifically ask these people to do anything, nor do they restrict their actions. The only requirement is that these warriors don't leave the city in the end, so as not to find anyone in an emergency, and then they must go back to the room to sleep at night.

Later, more and more people came, and finally gathered 20 people. After greeting each other, they found that most of the people who could enter this room were famous. It can be said that the strongest young warriors in the entire Church world have all gathered in this yard.

What did the Church want to do by suddenly summoning so many young warriors? This question existed in the hearts of the twenty young warriors. Only Lancelot, because of his special position, had received some news. He knew the purpose of this special summons. Now, he was more and more sure.

The envoy of God was finally going to select warriors.

So how would the envoy of God select warriors? Those gathered here were all young and strong. It seemed that there might be a battle, so it was important to maintain a good physical condition and sufficient physical strength. Lancelot looked at the hard potato bricks on the plate fiercely. Now, no matter how reluctant he was to eat these hard potato bricks, he had to chew them and swallow them.

After waiting until noon, Lancelot came to the hall, but the first sentence he heard was, "Hurry up and stand in two rows. You pigs, don't you know how to line up? And you, you are late!"

Lancelot pointed at himself. He wanted to argue something, but the more beautiful man didn't give him a chance.

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and line up and stand in your position. OK, now I want to tell you that from today on, I will be your instructor. You can call me Captain Li, or Mr. Li, or mentor, sir, whatever you like, but one thing is that you must complete the tasks I assign to you. If you don't, you will regret it."

"Who is this idiot?" Thor plucked his ears and asked loudly: "He asked us to line up as soon as I came. I thought something was wrong, but it turned out that he regarded us as soldiers, and I even lined up. You’re so fucking stupid. Who knows who this guy is? He dares to say he wants to be my mentor. Bah, you little pretty boy, are you worthy?”

"Thor, come out."

Thor walked out carelessly. As he walked, he pulled off his shirt, revealing his proud chest muscles. Thor rubbed his chest hair and said loudly: "How to find it? Call me I'm out, I'm out, what do you want? Do you want to fight? Hit me here, hit me in the chest. If I frown, I'll be your grandson. You have thin arms and legs. You can fight me. Well, don’t accidentally put your own?”

Li didn't say much. He took two steps and came to Thor, but he was already ready to attack. The four fingers of his left hand behind his back were pressed together, his thumb clasped the inside of his palm, and his palm was slightly arched. The shape of his hand It looked like the hands of a child playing games and taking pictures of foreign paintings. In the blink of an eye, Li suddenly started. He first twisted his waist and shoulders, then his shoulders drove his arms, and then his elbows. The whole arm was thrown out like a whip. In the blink of an eye, Suddenly, he held the wind with one hand and slapped Thor's ear, but he suddenly withdrew his strength and just pressed lightly on Thor's ear. He stopped at the touch and turned around. Then he walked back to the crowd.

Thor was shocked at first by Li's sudden movement. At that moment, Li was too fast. He didn't react until Li stopped his hand, but when he felt it, there was no pain on his face, as if the other person was just using very hard force. After throwing a punch, he felt like a breeze blowing through him, feeling nothing.

Just as he was about to laugh at the pretty boy's weak fist, he suddenly heard a buzzing sound and felt his ear touched by the man warm up. A stream of red blood shot out from the ear in an instant. Thor felt that his legs were weak and the world was spinning. There was blood in one of his ears. He swayed twice as if he was drunk and fell to the ground. After falling, the man from the north was still there. He was chanting, "You guys are not kind. You promised to hit your chest, but you never kept your word."

Li ignored him and glanced at the remaining nineteen people. Everyone's expressions were tense and their eyes were full of horror.

Li nodded with satisfaction and said: "The Holy See asked you to come here to participate in a training camp, and the best among them will have the opportunity to join the Knights Templar. So from now on, you are the soldiers, and I am you. Sir, first of all, let me tell you the rules. When you speak and speak here, you must abide by the rules and do not act casually. You must behave like a superior and a subordinate. If you don't respect me in your heart, it doesn't matter. I don't need your respect. It doesn't matter if you scold me or curse me in your heart, because I don't care what you think in your heart, but you must show respect on the surface. This is the rule of the legion, and those who don't follow the rules," Li pointed at the person lying on the bed. Thor, unable to stand on the ground, said: "I will be like him."

At this time, a person in the team suddenly asked: "Sir, what's wrong with him?"

This is the question in the minds of everyone present. Just now, they only saw Li Yang raise his hand. His shot was indeed very fast. If you don't pay attention, you will only feel something flashing. But this man's shot was not heavy, right? He didn't even hear much of a sound. It seemed like he just raised his hand and pressed lightly on Thor's ear. Then the man from the north's ear started to spurt blood like a fountain, and his whole body He slumped to the ground as if he was drunk, but he fell down so easily.

How on earth did he do it? What exactly did he do to Thor? The people present were all outstanding warriors who had experienced the battlefield. They had all experienced arduous and cruel battles, but they had never seen such a weird fight.

"There are no rules. Remember, if you want to speak, before you speak, you must raise your hand and shout, 'Sir, please speak.' You can only speak after requesting permission. Those who asked just now, please do it again."

Lancelot almost lost his temper and twisted his nose. He was the one who asked the question just now. He asked if it was because he had a good relationship with Thor. It was just because he had beaten the northern barbarian yesterday. After the fight, he naturally knew that Thor You are so powerful. This Yankee looks silly and likes to show his chest muscles when he has nothing to do, but he is very powerful when fighting. Thinking about it, Lancelot thought that if the two of them fought with bare hands in a fair environment, he would probably not know how to do it. is this barbarian's opponent. Yesterday, he took advantage of the melee to give Thor a good beating. If it had been at another time and another occasion, he would have been in a much worse situation.

But such a strong man who was recognized by himself was so easily pressed by that instructor and fell down bleeding. How could Lancelot remain calm?

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