Hammer 40k: Far East Storm

Chapter 128: Orcs Attack (1/2)

The universe is so cold and dark, and the enemies of mankind are unprecedentedly powerful. If we are blinded by the short-term hypocritical peace in front of us, then mankind will eventually be defeated by real difficulties. Is the * dead? What am I asking here? Didn't any of you give an answer? Have you found any traces of the orcs? When was it discovered? Can everyone here answer me? "Li glanced at the officials in front of him and couldn't help but gnashed his teeth with hatred. These officials were usually very arrogant and looked down upon everyone. They even dared to embarrass themselves. But now that something went wrong, they didn't even say a word. There was no one around, so Li Teng stood up immediately and walked back and forth in the room, "Still no one said anything? Believe it or not, I will chop you all to death with a chain sword right now. I really want to saw the brains out of you losers to see if the contents inside are just straw bags. "As he said this, Li angrily began to search for the chain sword in the room, but this is the official residence of the interstellar consul. To put it bluntly, it is a place where civil servants are received to handle government affairs. None of Li's gadgets from the Star Wars Corps are left. Here, there are only portraits of seniors of the Li family on the walls of the official residence, looking at the people in the room with mockery.

At this moment, a female voice rang out in the room, "My lord, please be patient. Anger cannot solve any problem."


"It's me, my lord," following the voice, Countess Bartoli walked out from among the officials, came to Li, and bowed.

Li still remembered that when he first hooked up with Bartoli, she was only twenty years old. Now, thirteen years have passed by in a flash. During these thirteen years, Bartoli, for herself, She has paid a lot for Reach Star. She has been traveling among the stars all year round, walking in the business field, and she has transformed the "Li Family" of Reach Star from a small enterprise to the large inter-galactic group it is now.

Unlike thirteen years ago when she was twenty, Bartoli was still a passionate and adventurous girl, but now, at the age of thirty-three, Bartoli is a fully blooming flower.

"How long have you been back?"

"Not long after we arrived, I didn't expect that something like this happened."

Li sighed, "You're right, I shouldn't be angry with this group of people. You can rest assured. This is not a big deal. I can handle it."

"Sir, I'm not tired."

"Okay, you just watch here," so Li turned around, casually named an intelligence officer, and said to him: "Then you, yes, it's you, come out and tell me the current situation. , when did you discover the traces of the orcs, where are the green-skinned orcs concentrated now, and how many in number are they? Tell me carefully from beginning to end!"

"First, three months ago, there were some unusual situations in the remote Texas area. Some residents claimed that their clothes and food from the kitchen were stolen, and then there was a series of unusual murders. At that time No one paid too much attention to these ordinary cases, and the police department just treated them as ordinary criminal cases. After that, the police department sent out three groups of detectives, but all of them never came back and lost their hearing. When the police When the Department realized that something was wrong, the situation was out of control. Three small towns in Texas lost contact in a short period of time. Only then did the Texas government think of asking the military for help, and the military dispatched a task force to conduct reconnaissance. , but the same thing is gone forever. It was only then that the matter got real attention. Three days ago, technical officials determined from satellite images and subsequent reconnaissance team returns that the enemy was a green-skinned orc, and this time At that time, the entire Texas had fallen, and now Texas has become a greenskin world.”

"That is to say, it happened three months ago. No, it should have happened three months ago, but I didn't know about it until now?" Li Nuji laughed back, "Haha, you guys are really Well done, well done! How many people are there in Texas?”

"Texas is located in a remote area with about 340,000 people." A civil affairs official replied.

"Three hundred and forty thousand people, very good. On my land, my three hundred and forty thousand civilians were slaughtered by those greenskins! What the hell is going on! Who can tell me Where did these green skins come from? Why do green skins appear on my planet? And I didn’t know about it until they occupied an entire state!”

"Sir, those 340,000 people are just people," an official argued: "They are not necessarily going to die, there is still hope of survival."

"Ah!" Li took a sip of phlegm. "Do you know what green skins are? Have you ever dealt with green skins? Those ugly, evil and dirty alien creatures are born and pure fighting machines. You Does this idiot think that the greenskins will take the time to distinguish who is a soldier and who is a civilian? I tell you clearly, no! They will not take the time to do such boring things, they will kill. Kill every human they see until they are all gone. Even if there are survivors, they are not far from death unless we can act quickly and give those greenskins a heavy blow. Strike and completely eliminate this sudden enemy! But can we do it?”

Silence once again appeared in the room. No one dared to answer Li's question, but the answer was already obvious.

The soldiers of Reach cannot attack quickly after the order is issued. If they just urgently release hundreds or thousands of elite troops to the battlefield, then this may not be very difficult, but when the number expands to hundreds of thousands, , or even millions, then this becomes a very huge system project. Once the number of anything exceeds a certain level, the trouble will increase exponentially.

Moreover, due to the full-scale economic development, the number of conventional troops on the entire Reach is only a million, which also includes a large number of logistics personnel. What makes people feel even more desperate is that these millions of troops are still scattered around the world. It will take at least a week for them to assemble, form a combat force, and then release them to the reserved battlefield.

Li looked at the group of officials in front of him. These officials who lived in peacetime had no idea what a week meant to the green-skinned orcs, not to mention that he had already wasted more than three months. Months are too long for green skins. As long as there is sufficient sunlight and moisture, this period of time is enough for an green skin to transform from a single individual into a legion of green skins.

The green-skinned reproductive capacity is astonishing and even more frightening. If only these bureaucrats knew this, then Li could appreciate the panic of these idiots. Ignorance is also a kind of happiness in many cases, otherwise these bureaucrats will Understand how much damage their stupidity has caused to the entire Reach.

No, they won't understand. The only time these immature idiots have heard about the horrors of alien creatures is when they were children and heard them in bedtime fairy tales. Although Lee had more than once provided some basic alien knowledge to his group of officials over the years, among them the Eldar, the Empire's fickle and uncertain allies, and the filthy Greenskins, the Empire's and eternal enemies of the universe, the Empire The nightmare of Chaos Space Marines, and the servants of the Empire - Skaven, Orcs. From popularizing picture books in small pockets to sending a large number of lecturers around the world to explain, and forcing every public servant to attend the lectures. But almost no one cares about this. They are used to arranging future events based on their own experience. After all, in the long past, no aliens have visited Reach, whether they are enemies or friends.

But now, the false peace has been broken.

No matter what, this time, the entire Reach will understand the terror of these green alien beasts.

"Forget it, I'm just angry. On the one hand, it's because I was humiliated and we were hurt. Now that things have happened, let's see how to solve it," Li sighed and said weakly: "I We also know that the movement of the army does not happen overnight. Is the headquarters taking any action now? "

"Yes, we have mobilized forty-five divisions in the southern hemisphere. We plan to set up fronts on three sides of Texas to form three large battle groups. Then the three armies will gradually squeeze out the enemy's space from three sides. ," The person who came to the meeting on behalf of the headquarters should be a staff officer. While explaining, he took out a remote control. With just one press, the curtains slowly closed. At the same time, the lights in the room dimmed, and the projector turned on A huge map was projected on the wall. It was a military map of Texas and surrounding areas. On the map, three red arrows were pointing towards Texas. "Behind the enemy is the sea, and above the sea will be With our navy, the ultimate goal is to push the enemy towards the big beaches of Texas and then eliminate them in one fell swoop. Specific tactics will be made based on the progress of the battle. According to the preliminary plan, the battle line will be completed within two weeks. "

"No, two weeks is too long. The battle line layout must be completed within a week, and the battle line is not arranged on the Texas border," Lee said as he walked to the map and took the baton from the staff officer. A circle was drawn on the map. "The entire battle line retreated, forming an encirclement that completely surrounded Texas, Connecticut, California, and Minnesota, that is, Texas and the surrounding three continents. Texas, Connecticut, California, and Minnesota." The four states of Minnesota will be classified as war zones from today, and they will abandon Connecticut, California and Minnesota. The government will order people living in these three states to evacuate quickly and effectively and evacuate the people at the same time. Detect satellites and carry out round-the-clock global reconnaissance. Don’t be afraid of wasting energy. What is the purpose of developing our economy and accumulating resources? Isn’t it just so that we won’t be unable to think about it at this moment? And the headquarters this time? There were also big mistakes.”

The young staff officer immediately stood at attention, saluted, and responded loudly: "Sir, please correct me."

"Don't be dissatisfied. You think the enemy is too simple. The enemy only occupies one state, so you mobilize half the planet's army. Do you think this is enough, or even more than enough?"

"Yes, sir, this is the unanimous view of the headquarters and the staff. Moreover, the current mobilization preparations have consumed a large amount of war reserves. If the scope of mobilization is increased, it may have an impact on your long-term development plan. "

"The greenskins have crawled to my door. Why are we talking about long-term development plans?" Li sighed and said: "Besides, I'm afraid these forty-five divisions are not enough. Global mobilization, I need all one hundred divisions." Everyone is ready for battle, including those reserve militiamen. From today on, the entire Zhiyuan sector has entered a red alert state."

If the Earth Defense Force under Lee's command at this time was a battle-tested force with excellent commanders and political commissars as the soul of the army, then using 45 divisions and nearly 500,000 people to occupy a state and attack the green-skinned orcs entrenched in it would be an undoubted crushing defeat. The Defense Force would undoubtedly crush all the green creatures in front of them into powder.

But the soldiers on Reach were all soldiers in peacetime. Their only chance to shoot was on the shooting range. Perhaps some of them were lucky enough to have fired tear gas bombs in the action of suppressing rioting crowds. It was such a group of soldiers that made their first real war face the orcs whose terrible genes were full of war. For these soldiers, such a reality was undoubtedly cruel. In this case, let alone one million people, even if another one million people were added, Lee would not think it was too much.

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