Hammer 40k: Far East Storm

Chapter 130: Green Skin is Amazing (1/2)

Fortunately, Li not only has sniper skills beyond the general concept, but also the weapons in his hands are beyond the imagination of ordinary people. The violent arrow bullets in Li's hands are also not ordinary bullets. These bullets are special violent arrow bullets made by Feiwen specifically for Li. Some bullets have infrared navigation function, and the same small laser-guided missile is almost the same. As long as the range is sufficient and the guiding beam is aimed accurately, then even if Li shoots at the sky, the bullet will hit the target. There are also armor-piercing bullets specially used for armored vehicles, and silver bullets engraved with the emperor's quotations to break magic for psychics. In short, Feiwen is very thoughtful and has considered almost all kinds of enemies that will appear in front of Li.

Even if you have excellent weapons, you still need excellent people to use them to make sense. In any case, for a sniper using firearms, it is even more important to properly maintain and calibrate the weapons in your hands so that the weapons are always in excellent condition than the moment of pulling the trigger to shoot. And for this terrifying sniper rifle with an effective shooting range of 9,000 meters, the degree of protection is even higher, even exceeding some sophisticated scientific instruments.

Leaving the Governor's Mansion on a small airship, Li quickly found a valley in the suburbs where few people went. The first thing to do was to install a rangefinder. According to the rangefinder, Li easily selected a target 12,000 meters away, a thick tree, fixed the rangefinder, and the laser system in the rangefinder automatically shone a circular target on the distant tree.

Then he took out a bag of ordinary sniper bolt bullets and skillfully locked the fuze of the warhead. In this way, the operational element bullet hit the target and would not explode. The fuze of the bolt bullet no longer has the explosion function when locked, and only has the same penetration function as the brass bullet used in ordinary gunpowder weapons, which is exactly what Li needs now. What he needs to do now is to judge the landing point of the bullet, not to blow the distant trees to pieces.

Then it was wind measurement. Li spit into his palm, raised it slightly, and felt it for a while.

Finally, he set up a tripod, mounted the sniper rifle, loaded a box of bullets, lay in front of the sniper rifle, aimed at the crosshairs, and shot.

After waiting for a while, there was no movement on the target in the scope, and the forest in the scope was also quiet, with no sign of anything being hit. Li had no choice but to move the scope slightly, trying to find out where his bullet flew to. After searching carefully for a while, he still had no results.

This was really embarrassing. Fortunately, Li was alone now, and no one else saw this embarrassing scene.

With no other options, Li could only get up and leave the sniper rifle, return to the airship, open the rear hatch of the airship, and pull out a high-speed camera electronic reconnaissance device. After fixing the reconnaissance device next to the rangefinder, Li came to the sniper rifle again, aimed, and pulled the trigger. The bullet disappeared as expected, but this time there was a reconnaissance device. In front of the reconnaissance device, Li clearly saw through the slow motion that the bullet hit a tree 20 meters away from the target. At the same time, next to this bullet, Li also found the first bullet he had fired before.

Li returned to the sniper rifle and made a series of adjustments. First, he slightly changed the length of the buttstock so that it could be more powerful against the shoulder, making the shooting posture more comfortable and natural. Then he slightly adjusted the scope by 0.1 degree.

After measuring the wind again, Li lay down in front of the sniper rifle again, aimed, and shot.

This time it was much better. Although the target surface was still intact, the bullet finally landed within the scope. Once again, he fine-tuned, aimed, and shot.

The initial fine-tuning was completed only when the bullet hit the target surface accurately, but there was still a series of more detailed calibration procedures below. Such debugging must ensure that the bullet hits the center of the target accurately.

After that, he installed a silencer on the sniper rifle to test the effect of the silencer on the firearm.

Simple aiming, calibration, and shooting continued until the sun went down. Li then put away his equipment and returned to his official residence.

After dinner, Li checked the government's work. As always, the entire organization was like a huge and precise machine, running in an orderly manner. After realizing that he would not be able to play a big role even if he stayed here, Li left a message to his chief affairs officer and prime minister, then changed into a close-fitting combat uniform, brought enough weapons, ammunition and necessary luggage, and went to his own apron. At any time, there would be a high-speed shuttle dedicated to the Archon waiting for Li's arrival on the Archon's apron.

"Captain, please take me to Texas Airport."

"Sir, is it Texas Airport in Texas?"

"Where else can it be?"

"Sorry, my lord, but Texas Airport is located in the center of the occupied area, I'm afraid it can't be used anymore."

"You don't need to land, I have a parachute bag."

"But, sir, it's a dangerous enemy-occupied area, and alien creatures are entrenched in it."

"I know where I'm going. Now you just need to follow your orders, or I'll change someone who knows how to follow orders to fly the plane for me."

"Understood, sir."

In the night, the shuttle marking the planet Archon quietly slid past and disappeared into the vast night sky.

Sitting alone in the soft and comfortable cushion of the shuttle, Li put on a full-coverage mask exclusive to the scouts, turned on the communicator, selected the group's exclusive channel, and then said via broadcast: "Recruit knights, you Well, everyone is welcome to Texas. This is the Lord of Ghosts. I will take over the frontline command from Roland who is sitting in the rear. Now I ask your team to report your location and surrounding situation. "

"Hey, what's going on," a voice in the earphones responded quickly: "Has our radio station been invaded by the enemy? Impossible? I've never heard of orcs playing electronic warfare? Operation manual This has never been said before. Who can tell me where this ghost lord came from?"

"Is it Virgil?" Li asked with a chuckle: "Do you still have a runny nose? Over."

When they met for the first time, in order to quickly get to know his students and at the same time let his students get to know himself quickly, Li actively incited the students to attack him in groups with weapons, and then he personally killed him All the students were beaten to the ground, at least half of them were seriously injured, and one even lost an arm and almost died from excessive blood loss. In that conflict, Virgil, who had the title of Black Knight, was forced to break the bridge of his nose with his knee by Li. Although he was cured afterwards, his nose was not controlled by the brain for a long time and was always It will cause a runny nose. Fortunately, Vergil is good at fighting, so no one dares to use this to make fun of the famous Black Knight Vergil.

There was only one exception, and he was the only one who could laugh at the snotty black knight without any scruples. That person was Li, who broke the bridge of Virgil's nose with his own hands.

There was silence in the earphones, and then soon, a low cheer sounded.

"Oh! It's the leader!"

"The BOSS is actually here. Is the BOSS cheering us on?"

"Captain, why did I alert you?"

"Okay, everyone, please maintain radio order," Li said. "I repeat, I will be the top commander on the front line. Please ask a team member in the theater to establish communication with me and report their location and surrounding conditions at the same time. Completed ”

"The Butterbread Team is lurking in the deep mountains of eastern Texas. There are greenskins everywhere here. They have not yet engaged the enemy. They are carefully observing. The location coordinates are reported. Over." Following the sound of the radio, in Li's An electronic map naturally appeared on the screen of the mask. On the map, a small dot named butter bread flashed in a forest.

"This is Team Butterscotch. We are driving along State Highway 301 in Texas. Do you know what we found? There is nothing. The entire road is as clean as if it has been carefully cleaned by green skins. No cars were seen. I doubted that the greenskins had driven away the cars. Of course I also doubted whether the orcs could drive. They didn't look like they were smart enough to drive and reported the location coordinates. , finished." Another bright spot flickered.

"This is the Chocolate Team. We are in Little Rock, Texas. There is no longer Little Rock. This place has become a hell. The orcs executed everyone, old people, women, children, leaving no one alive. I really want to chop these bastards alive! We are searching for survivors, and I hope the God Emperor will bless us. "Search for survivors?" No, this is not part of the mission, and Li doesn't think there are survivors who can survive until now, but for a while Li doesn't want to object to the decision made by the Chocolate Team. Anyway, the third point on the map started to flash with anger.

"This is the Brown Bread Team. Sir, I am Virgil. My nose was healed many years ago. Sir, can you stop making fun of me with this joke? Okay, let's get down to business. We are at a university in Texas. The city has turned into a weapons factory. These orcs who don’t look very smart seem to be making weapons and using various raw materials to produce weapons. It’s really amazing. I saw an orc using a plastic Coke bottle to print He assembled a piranha gun with paper, a water gun and a stereo. Well, I saw him using this weapon to fire piranhas at his companions. Oh, it will definitely hurt if bitten by that thing, of course. There are also many orcs who have found good enough raw materials to make powerful enough weapons. In short, I am a little confused. This looks like an orc arsenal. I originally wanted to request a precise strike with a positioning missile, but now I don’t know. What should be attacked? These greenskins seem to be able to assemble weapons from all kinds of garbage, and they are also magically usable. Well, not all of them can be used normally. The piranha gun just exploded, which is a pity. The coordinates have been reported, completed.”

"This is Team Marshmallow. Damn it, who named this team? I really want to strangle him!"

Suddenly, a group of supporters appeared on the radio.

"Feel the same."



Virgil was more insidious, and he reported directly: "It's Lancelot, that scumbag! He is not a scout. He has no role in this mission, so he is taking revenge on us like this."

"Fuck him!"

"Lancelot, this pretty boy is dead."

"What a bullshit white knight, what a bastard!"

"Okay, okay, brothers, you are at the front line, please keep the radio in order. I don't object to you chatting on the radio, but you should change the channel. Marshmallow Squad, is it Sir Tigait?"

"Yes, sir."

"Okay, it's your turn to report the situation."

"Well, this is the Marshmallow Squad. We are hiding on the hill outside the armory of the 9th Army in Texas. Unfortunately, there is no 9th Army anymore. The last battle should have happened six hours ago. The greenskins only sent a small team to clean up the battlefield. It seems that the armory was the last place where the 9th Army fought. Confirm that the 9th Army has completed their mission. They have completely blown up the armory according to the tactical manual before they died. Salute to the men of the 9th Army, they fought to the end. The orcs are believing that those green orcs can't get anything from them...Oh, my God Emperor, what is that? Marshmallow No. 2, quickly confirm the nine o'clock position, am I dazzled, or am I seeing an illusion?"

"Perhaps we both had hallucinations at the same time, over."

"Marshmallow Squad, what did you see?" Li frowned: "Report as soon as possible!"

"That orc, he actually restarted a tank that was completely destroyed and had a burning engine. It was incredible. I was absolutely sure that the tank was completely scrapped, and the greenskin just kicked the tank hard, and the tank actually started and was still moving slowly. Although it was very slow, it was indeed moving. God Emperor, what kind of magic is this? The engine of the tank is still on fire! Oh, God Emperor, the greenskins didn't put out the fire. They didn't even think about putting out the fire. They actually took something to the flames to roast! No, it suddenly occurred to me that our enemy might have an armored unit."

This is a very normal inference. Since the greenskins can start a completely scrapped tank, the process is like starting an old-fashioned washing machine, just kick it. And the waste is so thoroughly utilized that even the burning engine is used for roasting. Then there is sufficient reason to believe that these greenskins are fully capable of making full use of the armored weapons waiting for repair in the 9th Army's self-destructed armory. Perhaps those armored weapons waiting for repair in the armory are not really broken, and they can be activated with just a kick.

"Marshmallow Squad? Have you reported? You haven't reported the coordinates yet."

"My lord, I'm sorry, I'm hesitating. Um, how should I say it? I'm wondering whether I should request a precise strike with a positioning missile to hit the armory again, but what should I hit?"


This is indeed a very troublesome thing, but this is not a problem for Sir Tigait alone. This is a problem that all armies fighting against greenskin orcs will encounter. Even those Eldar people who always seem to be high above will become at a loss in the face of such a situation.

If the orcs have any other advantages besides their terrifying reproductive ability that are worthy of praise from others, it is their magical ability to copy, recycle waste and transform items.

Although the green-skinned orcs are barbaric and vulgar, and often seem a bit mentally retarded, they have a very wonderful talent in mechanical engineering. For example, if a delicate mechanical clock is broken, you take this broken mechanical clock to the mechanical priest of the Mechanicus to repair it. The mechanical priest will first pray to the Mechanicus, and then chant a "small mechanical repair prayer". If the Mechanicus blesses you, to be honest, sometimes the Mechanicus will bless you. Some Mechanic priests chanted a short "small mechanical repair prayer" and the mechanical clock was repaired by itself, no, by the Mechanicus. Of course, the Mechanicus is busy most of the time, and this is a serious test of the Mechanic priest's technical template reserves. If there is no clock option in his repair template, then the Mechanic priest can only try to repair it himself. However, this is not recommended. If a bastard reports this mechanical priest to Mars, then the priest will most likely be punished a little bit. After all, precision machinery is mysterious, and there is the spirit of the mechanical god in the machinery. It is undoubtedly a violation of discipline to dismantle it casually without reporting, approval, and permission, and dare to explore the mystery of the machinery without authorization.

In the end, the mechanical priest will receive a verbal warning that will not be recorded in the archives, after all, he just dismantled a clock. As for whether your broken clock can be repaired, no, this is no longer your problem, because your mechanical clock no longer belongs to you. The mechanical clock has become an important evidence of disciplinary violations and has been confiscated by the Mechanicus.

But if you give the clock to a green-skinned orc, then there is a high probability that he will eat it directly... If you tell him that this thing cannot be eaten, and he eats the clock you are going to ask him to repair for you, the orc will most likely be in a bad mood at this time, "Asshole, you should have told me earlier that it cannot be eaten! It's so annoying! ' Then the orc will vomit up your mechanical clock, and then the greenskin will pick up the clock, look at it, knock it, and if it still doesn't work, he will hammer it hard, "Oh, isn't it fixed? Look, it's still working, you little shrimp just likes to mess around, take your things. ' But at this time, I guess you won't reach out to take your things back.

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