Hammer 40k: Far East Storm

Chapter 138: Torture (1/2)

The greenskin's muscles are dense and extremely tough, and their skin is rough and has a protective function comparable to that of a bulletproof vest. It is even difficult for ordinary bullets to penetrate their skin. The greenskin is truly rough and thick-skinned.

And this time Vergil is only facing a small green-skinned boss. Dealing with an enemy of this level has already put him in danger. If it is a more powerful orc boss, or simply the primary target this time, What about the most powerful "tusks" among the orcs?

"We don't have any chance," Virgil sighed and said: "We can't be the opponent of the fangs. According to what the leader said, the higher the rank among the orcs, the more powerful they are. The fangs are better than this crazy slashing It's several levels higher than me. It's impossible for me to defeat Fang. Even the guards around Fang are difficult to defeat. It's almost impossible to capture him alive."

"Hey, we don't need to fight the enemy boss hand-to-hand again, right? Even if we can't defeat it, it doesn't matter. Just use guns to solve the problem. We have sleeping bombs. Even if Fang is the superman among the orcs, he can't do it after falling asleep. There’s no threat, right?”

"How do you know the sleep bomb will work?"

"Those are powerful sleeping bombs! One is enough to make an elephant sleep for a whole day."

"But the greenskins are not ordinary creatures, they are cosmic monsters, much more powerful than elephants, and I felt that this greenskin woke up halfway," Virgil pointed at Kuangzhao who was lying on the side. : "He should be pretending to sleep now."

"Nonsense, this is impossible!"

Virgil pulled out his long sword, "Then I cut up this green-skinned chicken [chicken]. If he is asleep, then he will not feel it and will not feel any pain."

"Nonsense, you black-hearted shrimp," the green-skinned man suddenly sat up and yelled, "Even if your chicken is cut off while you are asleep, it will still hurt!"

"Ah!?" Goldman opened his mouth wide, "I'm really awake!"

"Hungry, yes, I just woke up. Yawn," the green-skin pretended to yawn, and then he saw two small shrimps standing in front of him without saying a word. "Hey, shrimps, what do you mean by this? Do you suspect that I lied to you, the crazy boss? Hahaha, I really just woke up and I definitely didn't hear what you said, but you are so stupid!"

"Oh, why do you say that?"

"I won't tell you!"

"You did hear what we said."

"I just didn't hear it!"

"Use torture," Goldman said simply: "I have the means, and I will make him do anything."

"Torture?" Virgil asked cooperatively, "What are you going to do?"

"Of course, first use large pliers to pull out his teeth, then insert bamboo skewers into his fingernails, use a knife to slowly chop his chicken [chicken], put ants on his wounds, and let the insects in He's crawling all over the wound! Greenskin, I guarantee you'll wish you were a tree, because trees don't know pain, and you'll be in a lot of pain after a while."

Kuang Zhang Zai couldn't help but trembled when he heard these words, "Kang, Kuang Zhang Zai is not afraid of pain, yes, Kuang Zhang Zai is a strong boss, Kuang Zhang Zai is not afraid of pain, it doesn't hurt, in fact it doesn't hurt at all. ” Goldman saw tears flashing in the orc’s eyes with satisfaction, so he decided to keep trying.

"I will whip you very hard with the whip, and then sprinkle salt on your wounds. Tsk tsk, that kind of pain, don't mention it, it's hell on earth, even the strongest orc will cry in pain. This is the first time a green man did this to me, do you know what happened to him? "

"He, what happened to him?"

"He was in so much pain that he turned orange because it hurt so much!"

"Wha, what!"

Orcs turned orange? ! ! Orange orcs? How is this possible? Aren't all orcs green? How painful it would be if it turned orange!

It’s completely unimaginable to slash wildly!

Crazy Slash is not afraid of sacrifice, (especially during battles, when the orcs are so excited that they forget to be afraid.) Crazy Slash is a bit afraid of pain, but Crazy Slash hates failure and admitting defeat even more.

No, or it should be said that the orcs never admit defeat, so there will be no failure. But this time, the despicable little Xiami really scared Kuangzaizhao. The orange orc, Brother Brother Mao, think of a way! These despicable little shrimps are all bad guys!

"Forget it, you're not doing the right thing," Virgil said: "This is a crazy slash. He is an excellent warrior worthy of respect and a good greenskin. You can't use those despicable methods to deal with him, let alone It turns orange, which is simply an insult, no, a stain.

"I don't want this either," Goldman said clearly: "But we must get the fang's position, we have a mission, and we must challenge the fang!"

"You actually want to challenge the fang boss, you are such idiots! You can't even beat me, little shrimp, let alone our fang boss, he will eat you from head to toe, just like gnawing radish!"

"Alas," suddenly, Virgil sighed and said, "I think Kuang Zhazhao is right. He is a very smart orc, smarter than both of us. We should listen to him more. If the two of us challenge the fang boss, we will definitely be chopped into pieces by the fang boss. Let’s forget it and go home.”

"This, alas, actually I know this," Goldman said painfully: "But, what do you say if you go back? If you don't complete the mission, you will be held accountable by your superiors."

"What else can we say? Are we going to lie? We can only tell the truth. We captured a very brave and powerful green skin, but this green skin was too brave and refused to tell the location of the fang boss. He died after being tortured."

"Alas, this is the only way." Virgil said sincerely to Kuangzaizhan: "Kuaizhanzai, you are an excellent green-skinned and heroic warrior. I really don't want to do this to you, but now I don't either. The solution is to give him a little pain first, then let him feel the most painful pain, and then kill him after he turns red, so that we can go home. It's great to go home. I’m home. Speaking of which, I seemed to have forgotten to turn off the gas stove when I went out. I was very concerned about it!”

"Okay," as he said this, Goldman slowly walked towards the greenskin under the fearful eyes of Crazy Slash. Crazy Slash could hardly help but close his eyes in fear. But Goldman suddenly stopped moving, as if he remembered something, "Wait, I suddenly thought, what if he can't help but recruit him?"

"Then, then we can only challenge the fang boss. Of course, the result will be very bad."

"Yes, we will be eaten from head to toe by the fanged boss like a carrot!" Goldman nodded in agreement and said: "It's really bad, it will definitely hurt."

"So why do we have to torture Kuang Shazai and just kill him?"

"You can't be like this. You don't trust Kuang Zazai. He is an excellent orc. He will never admit defeat, and he will never ask us for his fangs. Isn't that right? Kuang Zazai!"

"Uh, um... well, I'm a little bit," Kuang Zazai's mind was a little confused for a moment, and he answered honestly: "I'm a little unsure, things are getting a little complicated, wait, wait, let the smart Kuang Zazai Think about it."

"Did you see that? I said that Kuangzao wouldn't say anything. He is smart and has started to use delaying tactics, but I know that no matter how much you delay, no matter how long he wants, no matter what torture you use, He won't even say anything!" Virgil encouraged: "So feel free to use the torture tool, and then kill and chop, so that we can go home!"

"But what's the point of this? Anyway, even if I torture him, he won't tell it. Just kill him and don't give him any chance to tell the location of the fang boss. I really don't want to be bitten from the beginning. Feet, besides, don’t you care about your family’s affairs?”

"You said it, it's true. I still can't remember whether I made sure the gas stove is safe before going out." Virgil seemed to be very distressed. "If it is not turned off, it will cause gas leakage, and it may cause a big explosion. This house But it took me ten years of hard work to pay off the loan. It would be terrible if it exploded. It would be much better if I knew exactly whether it was turned off or not, but it was this uncertainty that made it worse. It makes people even more worried. Oh, it really shouldn’t be done. I believe in the crazy hacker, but I also want to go home as soon as possible. Don’t use torture, just kill him.”

"You, you bastard little shrimp don't believe me at all!" Kuangzhazai said with a sneer: "Humph, I still want to go home and look at the gas stove or something, just dream, it would be best if it explodes! Boss Fangs The location is..."

"Quick, stop him!" Goldman shouted in panic: "Don't let him say it! Kill him!"

"It's too late, there's nothing that can stop this orc!"

"Boss Fang's location is to the west! It takes two days to travel!"

"Oh? It's so far away and it's so briefly mentioned. It's impossible to find it!"

"Yes, yes, Kuangzhao said the location, but we can't find it at all. What he said was too simple, go home, go home!"

"We walked west for two days and two nights, crossed two rivers, climbed over three mountains, passed a village, and there was a castle after that, where the fang boss was! The castle was black, very big, and there was a castle in it. A very tall spire!”

Goldman and Virgil were both stunned, and only the orcs' wild laughter remained in the room filled with the stench of rotting bananas!

"Hahahaha, I want to go home, don't even think about it, you'll all turn into scum! The fang boss will eat you all! It's like chewing a carrot, from head to toe!"

"You know where it is? Texan?"

"It's Jungle Castle. It's an ancient castle built in the mountains by rich people who have enough to eat. It has an elegant environment and luxurious decoration. I have visited it before."

"Very good!" Virgil looked at the orc, slashing wildly and feeling proud at this time. The orc looked at Vergil provocatively, as if he had just won a major victory.

"Wait a minute," Virgil pointed at the maniacally slashing face and said, "There are flying insects on your face, don't move, I'll help you." Then Virgil raised his hand and fired, and there was a sudden gunshot sound. The air raid shelter rang and echoed, "Okay, done." With that said, Virgil put the pistol back into its holster.

"Oh, God Emperor," Goldman sighed: "I will never dare to ask you to chase away flying insects for me in the future."

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and get rid of the body. We will set off in an hour and go to Forest Castle. It's a shame you thought of it and turned it orange."

"It's better than your gas stove not being turned off," Goldman looked at Virgil, who looked calm, and was stunned. Then he asked in shock, "Is this true? Is it really turned off?"

"Ah, can you not pay attention to such a small thing? At most, it will only explode."

However, that was the explosion that occurred in the Silver Wing. The ship wouldn't sink because of this, right? Goldman found himself starting to worry about the gas in Virgil's room, and finally he could only mutter: "If anything happens, the captain will definitely kill you."

"We can think about that kind of thing after we go back. Now we should be thinking about how to get to Forest Castle as soon as possible."

"But Captain, about Jungle Castle..."

"What happened to Miraclewood?"

"Fort Mirim is located in the sixth theater, and the sixth theater is the scope of Commander Li."

"Is it the group leader's area?" Is it a coincidence? Virgil touched his nose habitually. No, for the leader, there is no coincidence. If something happens, there must be a reason for it. So what is the reason for the leader to do this? No matter what, one thing is certain, "It seems that the leader has known it for a long time, but since he knew it, why did he do this? Do you want to monopolize the glory alone?" Virgil immediately denied it and said, "No, Impossible, he is the leader, and such honor does not mean much to him. Why?" Suddenly, Virgil opened his eyes wide and said hurriedly: "No, move faster, we are fifteen. Depart within minutes.”

"Huh? What's wrong?"

"We were deceived. This is not a simple mission, this is an exam! The regiment leader has long known the hiding place of the enemy leader. Although I don't know how he knew, but damn he knew it, and in the end he even We are assigned to other areas, what is this for? Because this is an assessment! I'm so fed up, there are always assessments, there are always scores, hurry up, we have to be the first to arrive, if there is a highest score, then it should be It's ours!"


When the strong wind whizzed past the square roof of the abandoned bell tower, it made waves of creepy "whimpering" sounds, as if they were the whispers of the dead.

Li sat alone in the clock tower in the center of the town, staring at the rolling hills in the distance with unfocused eyes, as if he was just in a daze, but also seemed to be listening.

The appearance of the clock tower is quite similar to the Big Ben in London that Li saw in a picture a long time ago. How long ago was that? The peaceful world that had long since been far away had been buried deep in Li's heart and became an unknown treasure.

It's like a child's dream, which has no help in today's cruel reality.

None of that mattered anymore. Li put one hand on the lattice of the small window and gently stroked the dried blood clot. This Big Ben - of course, is a small clock tower compared to the one in London. The square clock tower is eight stories high, but it is considered a relatively tall building in this small town. From the outside Looking at it, you can see that the huge hands on all four sides of the clock tower have stopped at 3:25 pm at the same time, which is the time when the city died.

People are dead, but even if they die, the howl and sadness of their souls before death still linger in the air. Every living being in the universe is trying to leave their traces on this world, and this will not change even if they die. The miserable howls and grief of those dead souls have almost no impact on ordinary people, because it is a This is an extremely obscure message, an unexplainable fluctuation, which can only be sensed by some extremely sensitive animals. For ordinary people, at best, they think this town is a bit eerie and the atmosphere is creepy, and then they You will say to yourself, this is nothing, you are just overthinking.

Is it as simple as just overthinking? Maybe, most of the time, it may be a certain feeling caused by personal inner fear, but in some things, this feeling is real. If we only look at our senses, humans are just rough animals in nature. We cannot see most of the light. Compared with dogs, our big noses are in vain, and our ears can only hear. A small part of the sound makes people feel very dull. Therefore, ordinary people can only have an extremely vague and uncertain feeling about certain things, but there are also extraordinary people who are beyond ordinary people, such as psychics.

Psykers are able to sense a special kind of energy beyond their five senses, psionic energy, or the energy of the warp. This ability gives psykers many special features, such as they can summon fire in the void, or they can shoot lightning from their fingers, just like the magicians in knight novels, but this does not make them People are afraid. The most frightening thing, and what scares the psykers themselves the most, is one of their special powers - most psykers can talk to the dead.

In fact, this cannot be regarded as a dialogue, but a one-sided communication. The dead people wailed loudly, expressing their sorrow and unwillingness, telling their pain and fear. This emotion is expressed in a strange way. It remains in the air and clings to the building, like a child's prank graffiti on the wall, or the desperate cry of a cat you don't know where at night.

Ordinary people can't see this kind of graffiti, nor can they hear the annoying cat's cry, but psychics are different. Their special abilities allow them to feel things that ordinary people can't feel, the whispers of those dead souls, which contain extremely rich information, but most of the information is extremely negative, such as "I'm in so much pain, I don't want to die." Excellent psychics can even personally experience the pain of the deceased at the moment of death. This negative information can often drive a normal person crazy.

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