Hammer 40k: Far East Storm

Chapter 139 Stagnant Time (1/2)

This pain is eating away at Li now. How many people have died in this clock tower? A thousand people? Or two thousand people? Thousands of voices died in panic, thousands of pains, thousands of reluctances, and thousands of despairs, all of which were displayed in Li's mind. If he uses and controls it, he will probably be driven crazy by the surging despair and pain, but Li is different now. He has the support of the Tao. This is a skill that has been passed down by the Spiritual people for tens of thousands of years, which ensures that Li can Use your own spiritual energy correctly without being harmed by it. Soak*book*()

Finally, with Li's sigh, all the pain and despair turned into a touch of sadness.

When the greenskins came to this peaceful town, people didn't have any precautions. They didn't even know what these ferocious-looking green humanoid monsters were. It wasn't until the killing started that people began to panic. To escape.

Some people fled into the wild in a panic. What was waiting for them was to be chased, hunted, have their heads cut off, and their teeth knocked out. They eventually became decorations for some orc, and their bodies rotted on the grass. The other group habitually gathered in front of the square of the bell tower. This is where the town meeting is held. Here is the mayor, here is the police chief, and here is the government they have always relied on. As in the past, when something goes wrong, people first think of It's the government.

But the government was helpless at this time, and the mayor was at a loss. Although Li had issued a decree to allow officials from various places to receive relevant training to understand the enemy so that they could make the right decision when encountering danger. But in fact, no one took it seriously. The mayor also yawned and received training on the recognition of space monsters. As a result, the only thing left in the mayor's mind was this concept, "All space monsters are scary. Fortunately, None of them have come to Reach, and of course, they won’t come to Reach either!”

So the mayor made an ordinary and wrong decision. He decided to let everyone enter the bell tower to take refuge, then locked the door and asked some strong young people and the police chief to guard the door, delaying time and waiting. rescue.

But things didn't go smoothly. Just when people walked into the bell tower in an orderly manner, the orcs rushed into the square waving machetes and screaming strangely. The order was shattered in an instant, and panic and chaos gripped everyone. human heart.

Everyone began to rush towards the door of the bell tower crazily. At this time, they didn't have much thought. Behind them were cosmic monsters like thugs. It was death! There are more people inside the gate. Strong doors and walls are safe and alive!

No one wants to die, everyone wants to enter the door, where the only hope of survival is.

The flow of people continued to pour in, upwards, away from danger. The top floor was filled first, and finally, the first floor was also flooded by the flow of people. The entire clock tower was filled with people, but the mayor was nowhere to be found, and the police chief was also nowhere to be found. Lost in the crowd, the door has not been closed, nor can it be closed. There are more people outside the door.

And the orcs chasing these people's butts were already waving their machetes.

People outside the door were crying and screaming, and they were pouring into the bell tower even more crazily, upwards, away from danger. The panicked crowd lost their minds. They just wanted to escape, but there were no railings. The flat top of the bell tower had already been blocked by the crowd. The place was full, and when more people continued to move upward with an unstoppable inertia and panic, tragedy happened. The first people to reach the top stood on the outermost edge, and they were inevitably squeezed out by the crowd. So there was the first person who screamed and fell from the eighth floor. He fell to the stone brick floor under the clock tower, leaving a bright red mark.

Then more people fell from the roof, just like pouring water into an already full cup. The water overflowing from the cup kept flowing. People kept falling from high altitudes, and blood kept flowing with the splash. The sound was scattered in all directions.

The orcs quickly discovered this. They seemed to have discovered something interesting. The greenskins no longer hacked those who caught up with them to death, but instead consciously drove them to the square and to the bell tower. middle.

Hundreds of people poured into the bell tower. They were safe for a moment, and then they were squeezed down from the top floor.

Until finally, the orcs began to clear the place floor by floor, driving the people on the first floor to the second floor, and then went upstairs to continue driving people to the top of the building until everyone was driven to the highest level of the building, forcing them with big knives. They jump down.

Just like looking down from above, you can clearly see a circle of corpses surrounding the bell tower, as if it were a pile of walls surrounded by corpses.

This is so cruel. Ancient pirates would force the prisoners they wanted to execute to walk on the gangplank. They set up a gangplank on the side of the ship. One end of the gangplank was fixed to the side of the ship, and the other end stretched out to the boundless sea. Walk on the gangplank. There is no way for the prisoners to turn back. Behind them is the sharp sword. The edge of the sword urges the prisoners forward, forward, and finally falls.

Pirates do this because pirates don't like to see blood on their ships. Disposing of corpses is not only troublesome, but also unpleasant. At this time, the blue sea will tolerate everything, whether it is the sins of the living or the pain of the dead.

The orcs are different. They do it just because it's fun and it's one of the many forms of entertainment.

But Li couldn't hate it, he only felt sad.

If humans did this, Li would be angry, because people who can do this are inhumane. But it is not humans who do this, but orcs. They are inhumane. They have their own characteristics, perhaps animality? Or something else.

They are not human at all. It is ridiculous to impose human moral concepts on them.

Just like a tiger wants to eat people, is it a sin of the tiger? Just like a mouse wants to steal food, it is also not good or evil.

They are just a group of dangerous pests.

Orcs, this is a group of green locusts in the universe age!

There is no other way to deal with them, only to completely kill them.

Just as Li was immersed in those cries and sorrows, a beeping sound suddenly rang in his ears. It was an electronic reminder that had been set long ago, so Li called up the map. On the map, he saw two light spots entering his area. This means that two groups of people have entered the area they are responsible for. If we consider the time, these two groups of people have basically not searched the area they are responsible for. No matter what method they use, these two groups of people have found the truth and the target, and then made a decisive decision.

As Virgil said, this is an assessment, but there is no score, and it has nothing to do with whether it is qualified or not. There is no right or wrong in this assessment, because no matter what decision the captains of the five teams make in this hidden assessment, it will be correct.

Following Li's order, the team that carefully explores the search area is what Li needs. Even though Li can accurately infer the location of the target through various intelligence and experience, he still needs more evidence to prove his judgment.

Therefore, the task of the search team is equally important. Even if they end up with nothing, it is also a great gain for Li. At least this proves from the side that the orc boss Fang is not in that area. When all impossibilities are ruled out, then the only possibility is left.

But not all soldiers put obeying orders first. Some people are willing and good at making accurate judgments according to the situation on the battlefield, and then take action based on their own judgments. To be precise, they are good at acting on their own. Are these people wrong? Perhaps, but for Li, such people also have a special and even precious quality, which is a necessary quality for becoming a commander of the front line. They can make correct judgments according to the current situation.

Soldiers who know how to obey and obey orders, and those who understand orders and know how to execute them flexibly are very needed by Li.

"Black Bread Squad and Chocolate Squad, Virgil and Maxim, these two guys are quite courageous. They dared to violate my orders. They are really brave." Li frowned and began to think about how to punish these daring guys. Compared with the enemies in front of him, this kind of thing gave Li a headache. Punishment is necessary, but the scale is not easy to grasp. They should learn a lesson without hitting their enthusiasm too much. After a while, Li decided to put aside this headache, opened a suitcase, and began to study what to eat for dinner today.

The suitcase was taken from an empty resident's room. It was filled with various foods that Li collected from the town, including bottled beer, spicy sausages, crispy potato chips, canned plums and various foods.

If it weren't for the orc's sharp nose, Li almost moved the stove here to do barbecue.

Although he always attached great importance to the enemy in front of him, Li could not regard the orc in front of him as a real enemy from the bottom of his heart. When dealing with the orc, he thought more about how to simply eliminate the enemy in front of him. What Li thought more about was how to minimize the original loss and then maximize the benefits obtained.

If he wanted to solve the problem in a very short time regardless of the cost, it was not impossible for Li to do it. Deep in the No. 2 Artillery Base and underground, this was a military base built by early colonists. The nuclear bombs launched by its missile silos could spread throughout the entire Reach Galaxy. As long as Li wanted, he could use these huge nuclear weapons to "grow mushrooms" on the map at any time. He only needed to drop a few heavy nuclear bombs, and then a few carpet bombings, and finally send soldiers to carry out a dragnet sweep. In this way, these green skins would turn into ashes without any suspense.

But that would be a bit of a loss. First of all, nuclear bombs are not endless. Logically speaking, in this era where interstellar travel can be realized, it should not be difficult to make a few nuclear bombs.

But first of all, knowledge is strictly controlled in this world. Science is not a simple knowledge, but a hierarchical and strictly controlled religion, especially for this kind of knowledge involving the manufacture of weapons of mass destruction. The control is even stricter.

Secondly, in the age of space war, nuclear weapons are not suitable as weapons of mass destruction. It can be said that in space wars, nuclear bombs may be a less efficient weapon because nuclear explosions in a vacuum environment do not produce impact transitions. , the light pressure generated is even more insignificant, and therefore cannot cause the mechanical impact produced when it explodes in the atmosphere, and this is precisely where the maximum lethality of nuclear weapons lies; all the energy of nuclear weapons is released in the form of radiation and electromagnetic pulses, and is not effective against anything that can. For creatures flying in the universe, spacecraft radiation protection and electromagnetic shielding technologies are bound to be very mature. Even if it hits the target directly, of course, the target will be completely melted or even vaporized by the high temperature generated by the nuclear explosion. However, it is not easy to accurately hit the enemy with the shell in a space battle. This is It is as difficult as using a cannon in China to kill a mosquito far away in the United States. It has extremely high requirements for the accuracy of the weapon. To do this, it must be supported by very advanced electronic equipment. Yes, this is exactly what the empire lacks. Due to the strange and weird teachings of the Mechanicum, any electronic device with a little bit of intelligence is extremely rare in the empire. Even if it exists, it is mostly enshrined on the altar. , want to use their sacred objects to help the spacecraft aim? If you think so, why not pray to the God-Emperor? Maybe with his blessing, he will be lucky enough to hit the enemy with the next shot?

Even in terms of lethality, nuclear weapons cannot compare with kinetic energy weapons in space warfare. A nuclear bomb can kill the enemy, and a standard imperial ship armor-piercing burst missile can also achieve the goal, and there are even The effect is better, but the cost is very different. The cost of a nuclear warhead is enough to make tens of thousands of ordinary anti-ship artillery shells. Therefore, there is almost no place for nuclear weapons in the empire at present. The imperial navy is completely ruled by the multi-turret cult. The reason is very simple. If the probability of one shell hitting the enemy is not high, then let a hundred shells do the same thing. As a result, the empire's need for nuclear weapons will be even lower, because along with the Imperial Guard, those armies have also become loyal believers in the multi-turret cult.

In any case, there is an obvious fact before Li, that is, nuclear warheads are very precious, one-time-use weapons. They are gone after they are used, and there is no hope that they can be manufactured in a short time. What makes people even more unhappy is that the shortcomings of nuclear weapons have been preserved in this world. Nuclear weapons can not only cause devastating damage to the enemy in an instant, but will also continue to do so for a long time to come. Sexually causing serious damage to the land, the environment and even the stability of space. (Scholars from the Imperial Royal Society concluded through research that regional spaces damaged by nuclear weapons have unstable structures and are extremely vulnerable to the effects of alien space. Invasion of evil spirits.) It's nice to throw this thing on other people's land, but it will be very unpleasant when it is still on your own land.

This is only the loss of weapons and equipment. More importantly, if he adopts this simple, fast and rough fighting method, Li will get almost nothing except the panicked people and the abandoned Texas.

The garrisons of the lords in various places will still be as slow, powerless and vulnerable as in the past. The people of Reach, whether they are officials or ordinary people, will still resist, not cooperate, or even boycott many of Li's policies.

If Li wants to turn this crisis into an opportunity and take complete control of the world, he must temporarily endure these green skins. He cannot choose the simplest method to wipe out the enemy all at once.

Many people will die because of Li's decision, many people are leaving their homes because of Li's decision, and more sergeants are packing their bags, saying goodbye to their loved ones and relatives, and embarking on dangerous battlefields because of Li's decision. These pains could have been avoided, but Li chose to endure them because he understood that compared with the real enemies in the universe, the current enemies are nothing, and compared with the real failures, the pain today is nothing. It's just pain that can and must be endured.

Reach has been at peace for thousands of years, and now the price must be paid.

Three days later, the five teams that Li belonged to gathered on the bell tower.

Five teams, a total of ten people, were scattered in various corners of the bell tower. They seemed random, but Li didn't need to speak. These people naturally maintained the fighting formation. Some people

"Of the five teams, Brown Bread and Chocolate arrived the earliest. Marshmallow, Cream Bread and Butterscotch teams just arrived. You are all good. The captain of Brown Bread and Chocolate team is even more brave, Maxim. Virgil, we will talk about this matter after the mission is completed, but now we have to think about how to entertain our greenskin guests. The fang boss lives in the dense forest castle on the other side of the mountain. In the early stage, I have already done the detection work. I was not idle after the arrival of the black bread and chocolate, and did the detection work in more detail. I dare say that now we have a very deep understanding of the greenskins in Mirkwood. Well, we know more than their fang boss. I have sent the detailed map to your personal terminal. You can check it at any time later. Now look here..." Li said while using his dagger. Gently draw a simple map on the dried blood on the ground.

"This is Jungle Castle. Just as its name suggests, it is deep in the jungle. The entire castle is built in the valley and is strategically located. If the army wants to enter the valley, they can only enter from the front. Of course, we will not consider taking the main road. The mountains are nothing to us, but the enemy's way of setting up camp is very unique, making it a bit troublesome to sneak in."

Li casually drew on the ground, and everyone understood the characteristics of the orcs' camping. The orcs united in a very close way around their supreme leader, the fang boss. The orcs' camp finally formed layers of extremely irregular circular shapes. If you ignore the shape of the circle, then looking down from the sky, the entire orc camp is a circle within a circle, and the center of the circle is the Jungle Castle with a tall tower.

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