Hammer 40k: Far East Storm

Chapter 140 Blood in the Jungle (1/2)

It’s such a shocking shape,” Goldman stuck out his tongue and said, “Is this a target drawn for us? Hit the bullseye and win? "

"Or is it a taunt? Or a trap?" Virgil was a little unsure: "The enemy shouldn't be so rampant."

"It is formed naturally. There is also a strict hierarchy among the orcs. Those powerful orcs with status in the village can be closer to their boss, while those with less status are naturally assigned to the outer layer. And in the There are three places in the center of this stockade that are very important. These three locations are under heavy protection. Location 1 is the hall of Fort Mirk, location 2 is under the tower of Fort Mirk, and location 3 is the hill behind the castle. Above. These three places are extremely well guarded and difficult to infiltrate. We can only speculate. I estimate that important high-level officials from the orc army may be stationed at these three locations, and our main target, the Fangs, should be located at the three locations. one of them.”

"Choose one of three?" Maxim said, "It's like an old trick."

"No, we don't gamble or take risks, so we won't choose all three of us." Li said: "No matter where the fangs are, we want him to die completely, so we have to choose all three." Attack all targets at the same time, no matter who lives inside, let him die. "

"We want to attack three targets at the same time. The enemy is also a high-ranking orc?" Virgil simply couldn't believe his ears. Is this possible? Orcs are not just pigs who know how to hum. They are ferocious and cruel creatures. The power of ordinary small bosses is enough to make Virgil feel dangerous, not to mention those high-level officials. God knows how powerful these weird green monsters will be. And this is still in the center of the orc camp, with three locations surrounded by thousands of orcs. Is it possible to launch such an attack in the center of the enemy successfully?

"And that's not all," Li pointed two locations on the simple map with his dagger, and added calmly: "Here, and here, are the two commanding heights surrounding the Jungle Castle. The orcs have arranged their positions at these two locations. Two anti-aircraft gun positions. These two anti-aircraft gun positions can not only cause effective damage to air targets, but also completely block the only road. Regardless of the reason, we must completely destroy these two positions before the battle begins. ”

"There are only eleven of us, but we have to attack five targets at the same time in the enemy's camp?" Faced with this situation, even Virgil's face became ugly.

Li smiled and said easily: "Who said there are only eleven of us? Remember, we are the Knights Templar, and we are not alone. In heaven, our brothers are gearing up and waiting for news about us. ”

As a result, the battle plan named "Iron Hammer" was quickly completed. The plan itself was not complicated. In the first step, two small teams first raided the anti-aircraft gun position at the commanding heights to clear the way for the subsequent raid and retreat of the large group.

In the second step, the three teams conduct fire raids on three important locations. If the enemy cannot be detected by sneaking in secretly, then use fire power to conduct forcible reconnaissance. I believe that the enemy's leader will definitely show up during the battle.

The third step is to determine the position of the fangs and call for air support. The Silver Wings cruising in the orbit of the universe will drop the drop pod, and the knights of the Templar Order will descend from the sky with the emperor's wrath and death.

In the end, no matter how powerful the fangs are, he will die under the raid of the Knights Templar. After completing the mission, the Thunder Eagle will fall directly into the valley from the outer orbit and retreat with the Knights who completed the mission.

"In a plan, the first step is the most important." Li stood up and lightly stamped his feet. The sketches on the ground scattered with the dried blood clots on the ground, turning into a faint red blood mist and scattering everywhere. into the air. Li looked around. The soldiers stood awe-inspiring and listened carefully. Then he continued: "The first step is to destroy or control those anti-aircraft weapons. This will ensure that our brothers can safely descend from the sky. Instead of turning into large fireworks exploding in the air, the sky will also be the only escape route for us and our brothers. After completing the mission, we will be at the center of countless angry orcs, and tearing us apart will be the best way for them to vent their anger. We will not give the orcs this chance, Thunder Eagle will take us away, but before that, we must ensure the safety of the Thunder Eagle airship, so no matter which two teams carry out the raid mission, you must pay attention, although you It's not on the front battlefield, but your mission is the most important part of the entire battle. Your success is directly related to the success or failure of the entire mission. "

"After talking about the first step, let's take a look at the next steps," Li was silent for a while, as if he was thinking about what to say. After a while, he continued: "Well, there is nothing to say later. We are lucky this time. These orcs don't seem to have encountered a surprise attack from orbit. These greenskins raised their heads and could only see the blue sky, but could not see the murderous intent hidden behind the blue. This is the blessing of the Emperor of God, and it is also our opportunity. This time we will let these greenskins feel the horror of the sky. Throughout the operation, we will directly serve as the eyes of the entire Knights, providing accurate directions for the landing of combat guidance and accurate positioning of the final goal. In this battle, our Temple will become a hammer, falling from the sky, smashing these pests that dare to wreak havoc on our land into pieces, and You, the knights who are following the path of the Shadow Knight, have to ensure that the hammer hits the enemy's heart accurately. Three teams will attack three key points respectively. Only one team can see our target. There is no doubt that the team that encounters the Fang is lucky. They will participate in the siege of the Fang. The remaining two teams should be careful. After the battle begins, you will not get reinforcements for a long time. Your enemies will be equally powerful, and you will face them alone. During this period, most of the war group's forces will be invested in the siege of the Fang. The rest will be responsible for cleaning up other orcs and blocking enemy reinforcements, so the war group cannot give you any support. You must hold on and don't die. Do you understand?"

"I understand!" Neat, low and resolute answers.

"Very good, now assign tasks."

The tasks were quickly transmitted to each knight's personal terminal in two ways: electronic secret letters and voice documents. After completing the final preparations, everyone disappeared silently from the bell tower.

The two teams that attacked the mountain and destroyed the orcs' air defense facilities were the Chocolate Team led by Maxim and the Cream Bread Team led by Lucas Montbaron. They were assigned to the No. 1 and No. 2 air defense positions respectively.

Before the battle, Li had already made his words very clear. Each team member understood his mission and his role in the team, so there was no noise, only tacit cooperation like the tight operation of gears.

The group encountered almost no obstacles during the infiltration process. The optical cloak has an extremely excellent concealment, especially when walking in the jungle with mottled light and shadow, its invisible characteristics are fully utilized, not to mention that these knights are all stealth masters. They walk as lightly as cats and their figures are as unpredictable as the wind. Without the orcs noticing anything unusual, a secret road was opened up in the quiet forest. More than a dozen sensitive green-skinned orcs had their throats cut silently, and red blood flowed silently along the orcs' bodies in the quiet forest.

After breaking through the outer layer of protection, everyone scattered and left. They all had their own goals. Li turned back to the jungle. Before the mission was fully launched, he had to ensure that no orcs could find any abnormalities. As long as the orcs' alarm was not sounded, the illusion of "safety" was the best cover for his knights.

Suddenly, the nose of the stealing boss sniffed very hard, and a large amount of air was sucked into the big nose of the stealing boss, and then released. Then the stealing boss asked his brothers: "Boys, do you smell anything?"

The greenskins squatting in front of the stealing boss shook their heads, indicating that they didn't smell anything, and at the same time, their eyes also revealed undisguised contempt.

Boss Tomo is so familiar with this kind of look. From the time he was a little orc, until he became a powerful greenskin that was really feared by others, to their failure, being locked up, being thrown into this place by small shrimps, to now starting over, this kind of look has always been with him.

Tomo is always despised. Even after he became the boss that the greenskins feared, he was still despised. Because he is not an ordinary greenskin, he is the boss of the special warfare boys, and he commands all the special warfare boys.

If you ask who is the most sinister among the greenskins, if the special warfare boys rank second, then no one ranks first. No one likes the special warfare boys, even the orcs themselves don't like these insidious, dark and wet fellows, because the special warfare boys never want to "WAAAGH" with the enemy openly. This is really too despicable, without any animal nature, it is simply a shame for the orcs. For the greenskins, what is war? It is a big carnival, a source of happiness, a happy big sports meeting, and a national entertainment. The bang bang bang of gunfire is the most wonderful music, charging at the enemy is the most exciting race, smashing the enemy's skull, knocking out their teeth, scaring the shrimps, squeezing them until they burst, all this is so much fun. But the special forces boys ruined this fun, or they don't understand this fun, the hearts beating in their bodies are twisted, they are perverts among the orcs.

Take a simple example. In a battle, the brave and brutal greenskins swept the enemies in front of them like a rotten wood. The battle ended decisively in the blink of an eye, and the greenskins won a complete victory. Is it good? Very good, there is nothing wrong with this. No one doesn't like victory, and the greenskins are no exception. But most greenskins will feel deeply lost and regretful while they are happy, because the victory is too easy, the enemy is too weak, and there is no fun.

This is like a person who is extremely addicted to cards. For various reasons, he hasn't played mahjong for a long time. He finally sat on the mahjong table. He just touched the cards and saw it! He said proudly: "Oh, I'm lucky, a good hand of cards. It seems that I'm in a good mood today. I'm going to kill all night!" As a result, before a card was played, the other three took out all the chips and money together, handed them to him respectfully, and decisively admitted defeat.

At this time, this person must be in a complicated mood.

Victory is indeed important, but the process is equally important. No, in many cases, the process is even more important. All the orcs are enjoying the fun of war. Their bosses will dress themselves up more powerfully, and their technicians will make more powerful weapons. Their daily lives revolve around the war that may break out at any time. War is like a festival for the greenskins.

But the special warfare boys are different. They will use tricks to win. If the orc sitting at the card table is a special warfare boy, then the special warfare boy will give others laxatives, he will steal cards, he will cheat, he will cheat, in short, he will do anything to win, very, very despicable.

In this situation, other orcs naturally can't stand the special warfare boy. You are simply preventing us from having fun!

But even though all the orcs despise the special warfare boy, (the special warfare boy is all beastly scum without beastly character!), a chieftain will not be so stupid as to reject the special warfare boy's fighting power. Yes, the special warfare boy is not in tune, and the special warfare boy is very beastly, but the chieftain always has to consider a little more than other orcs. Ordinary orcs just need to fight, fight, fight, and fight happily, but the orc chieftains with a long-term vision have to consider how to fight happily for a long time. Entertainment is important, and long-term entertainment is also important!

In order to ensure long-term entertainment, victory is a must, and the special warfare boy is an important means for the orc chieftain to ensure that he can win.

As the most insidious special warfare boy, the insidious special warfare boy boss, the sneak boss, is naturally the insidious green skin, and the one who is despised.

So it is normal for the orcs to look at the sneak boss with contempt. When there is nothing to do, they will despise it, not to mention that there is still something to do now.

A group of chopping boys and special warfare boys squatted in front of the thief boss. There were three wooden bowls in front of the thief boss. Only one wooden bowl had teeth in it. The beastmen had to guess which wooden bowl had teeth in it and bet with the teeth in their hands. If they bet right, they could get more teeth. If they bet wrong, they would lose the teeth they had collected or earned with great effort.

Yes, the thief boss was gambling with a group of boys. Now anything the thief boss did would be suspected, because the beast quality of the thief boss was not very good. If the beast quality was not good, then naturally the gambling quality would not be good either.

"Boss, please open it first, let's see if we have won!" A special warfare boy urged, "We will tell you what it tastes like after this round."

"Yes, yes, I have already bet on it. I have lost several times before. Whether I can make back the teeth I lost today depends on this round! Boss, please open it!"

"Boss, don't worry. It's probably the fart spirit over there who is grilling delicious food. I will ask you for some after this round. I will open this round first."

The sneaky boss looked at the boys around with a gloomy face, secretly remembered the few orcs who had just started to urge him, and decided to find an opportunity to secretly kill them in the future.

Doesn't the sneaky boss know that it only takes a moment to open the bowl? But he can't open this bowl! These damn boys don't know why, this time most of the boys put all their teeth in front of a bowl, and the one that was buckled on the wooden bowl just had teeth.

If this is revealed, it will directly lead to the bankruptcy of the boss, not only the previous winnings, but also the teeth secretly buried at home will be lost, and he may even have to knock out his own teeth to pay off the gambling debts.

Of course, if it is revealed, the boss will naturally find a way to default on his debts. He has done this before, but now he has a better way.

"It's the smell of blood!" The boss ignored the orcs who were shouting to open the door. He said seriously: "It can't be wrong. My nose is the most sensitive. I smell the smell of blood. Most likely, there are enemies sneaking in. You..." The boss stretched out his hand and then swiped it. This time, all the orcs in front of him were drawn in. "All of you go patrol and see if there is any situation." While saying this, the boss put his hand on his big gun.

Who can not listen? Who dares not to listen? At this time, even if he is very unhappy, who wants to steal this beast scum despised by all beasts to be the boss? What's more, it was in the jungle and in the sentry post. If the greenskin was not smart enough and didn't listen to the thief boss, the thief boss could happily beat the stupid greenskin into rags.

The orcs were in groups of three or five, looking back every step of the way, reluctant to leave and scattering. Some of the greenskins said in a pleading tone as they walked: "Boss Tou Mo, come back and open it. Don't move when we leave!"

Boss Tou Mo nodded and said righteously: "Get out of here. Why are you still talking about this? The enemy is running in front of us. Besides, you still don't believe me. I, Boss Tou Mo, am an orc with credibility!"

What else can the orc boys say? They can only cry to Brother Gao Mao in their hearts, hoping that the two big brothers will send thunder to kill this shameless orc, and then start patrolling painfully, and at the same time swear never to gamble with an orc like Boss Tou Mo who has no gambling manners again!

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