Hammer 40k: Far East Storm

Chapter 11 The Devil in My Heart

Then the entire world Li was standing on began to collapse and peel away, the bricks began to fall, the room began to collapse, the walls gradually dissipated, and finally the sky and earth outside the room were revealed.

Li seemed to be weightless, floating in the air, looking down at the entire world.

That's the world outside the door.

This is a plain with no end in sight. The earth has no color, because human beings, alien creatures, various abnormal corpses and blood cover the entire plain, like a thick carpet made of corpses and dyed red with blood. .

There was unconcealable horror on Li's face. This scene was a bit too scary. "Is this hell?" Li asked.

"It's not wrong," Robert replied: "But it's not wrong either. This is a battlefield. There will be a battle here later. The enemy is so powerful that I can't imagine, so I must do my best to meet the enemy. You have to do it yourself. Be careful. Keep the good thoughts in your heart and don't be tempted by evil. Her words are full of poison, and those evil thoughts will gradually corrode your heart, so don't believe any of her words."

"Evil? What is evil?" A charming voice came from the underground, and then the corpses on the plain still swelled, eventually turning into a small hill. On the top of the hill made of corpses, a hexagonal A crystal stone platform rises from it. In the center of the stone platform is a beautifully crafted gold throne, with shining jewels inlaid on the throne. The crystal table is hexagonal, with something jaw-dropping placed on each corner:

The first corner is filled with all kinds of treasures. Gold coins like a mountain are piled up randomly. Dazzling rubies, opals, and fist-sized diamonds are scattered among them. A golden statue stands among them. Such wealth is enough for People are crazy about it.

A long table was placed in the second corner. The long table was filled with a sumptuous banquet, mellow wine, roasted golden tender meat, fresh fish, fragrant soft bread, and all kinds of food that had been seen before. Just seeing this rich food makes people want to eat food that they have never seen before. But every once in a while, these foods will disappear and be replaced by a table of richer and more delicious food.

In the third corner is a group of boys and girls whose necks are chained with iron chains. They have white and tender skin, soft bodies, and hot lips. They have almost perfect breasts. Everyone is slowly making various moves. The obscene movements, every body language is full of hints, their bodies are like a thirsty desert, and each of their eyes is full of seductive messages, which makes people's desire rise.

The rear corners are in a fog, making it difficult to see clearly.

A woman appeared in front of the throne. She had slender limbs, gentle and deep eyes, she was solemn and charming, her handsome face was intoxicating, and her elegant behavior was even more crazy. She was wearing a black silk dress. , the long skirt was thin, and the flesh color could be faintly seen in it. Such thin clothes could not hide the alluring scenery under the silk, but made her even more alluring. She sat on the throne and said in a magnetic voice: "It is really stupid to simply divide the world into two, with justice on one side and evil on the other. Only children can view the world so simply. There are good people on one side, so the bad people on the other side. Don't Silly, any adult knows that there is never any justice or evil in the world, there is only the gray in the middle, and respective interests. Robert Lee, are you right?”

"Evil! Don't try to sway me with words."

"Don't you think you are ridiculous? Robert? You have been hiding for so long, building a castle with your heart to avoid my calls, covering your ears, not listening to my appeals, not seeing me, for so long, You have been avoiding me for so long that I can’t remember how long it was. I was like a lost child, knocking on your door, but you were so cruel and never met me. But now we have just met, you. But you said these ruthless words to me. You are so afraid of me because you know that what I say is the truth of the world.”

"I must admit that I couldn't compete with you at first. There was too much sex in my heart and I was afraid that I would become evil."

"Stop saying that word, it makes me laugh," the woman in black robe waved her hands and said: "You just talk about evil and justice, but these things are completely unable to withstand deep thinking, cannot withstand scrutiny at all, and are even completely unacceptable. Reasonable. But why should we think about those boring things? Look at the wealth here, this brilliant gold, this dazzling jewelry. This is wealth that many mortals cannot get in their lifetime, but it is what you deserve. Come on, Robert, you fought for the empire through life and death, you fought for the empire all your life, you protected humans from other alien creatures, you eliminated many alien races, if it weren't for you, many people would be torn apart. Or become the excrement of some kind of animal. But after all you have done, what do you get? Except for your ridiculous armor, you have nothing!" The woman shook her head and continued in a voice full of sorrow. : "They haven't given you anything. The officials of the empire are living and drinking at home. They are squeezing the lower levels of society. The secret vaults store the huge wealth they obtained through corruption that ordinary people can't imagine. Not to mention those interstellar consuls. , they control the life and death of ordinary people, and can execute people they dislike at will. They are like wild dogs in heat, and can overwhelm any woman at will. They are like gods on the planet, no, even gods. They follow their own rules, and they are even more unscrupulous than the gods. Not only them, but also their descendants will do the same. This is a power that relies on blood, but how ridiculous is it? To enslave other people for their power? Are these the people you are risking your life to protect?"

"This is my responsibility. I don't have nothing. I have won honors in my position, and I still have faith in my heart!"

"Honors? Medals? Those little iron plaques? Forget it, those are just some deceptive things, they are meaningless. As for faith," the woman smiled, and her smile seemed to be like an adult looking at the three of them. The smile of a 20-year-old child is the same, "Don't kid yourself, you have nothing at all!"

"Oh? Then what can you give me?"

"What do you want? Wealth? I have it. Look here." The woman in black robe walked to a pile of gold coins, held a pile of gold coins in her hands, then opened her hands and let the gold coins slip between her fingers. He fell into the pile of gold coins and made a crisp tinkling sound. "Listen, this is the sound of the gold coins hitting each other. How sweet it is. As long as you are willing, these all belong to you. I can give you wealth. I It will even allow you to live in a palace of gold, and even the toilet you use will be pure gold.”

"A clumsy deception. These are just illusions and have no meaning."

"Oh, maybe. They are indeed different from what you think they are real, but look at these golds and touch these gems. I guarantee that they are exactly the same as what you have seen. The feel, texture, and crisp sound , you can get the same satisfaction and the same enjoyment, so why do you have to distinguish what is true and what is false?" The woman in black robe looked at Robert, but the latter just smiled coldly. Full of mockery.

She stopped suddenly, and then said with a sudden realization: "Oh, I don't like money, and I have no interest in wealth. What about delicious food? Try this dish. This is a fish caught from a depth of 30,000 meters under the sea. Whichever is the best? This plate made of a small piece of tender belly meat, and this wine, are so mellow, just smelling it is enough to make you intoxicated. Oh my God, if you don't enjoy these delicacies in your life, you will taste like this. What a pity would that be?”

"The reason why I eat and drink is just to live," Robert said coldly: "And I live to follow the raven and serve the God-Emperor."

"Tsk tsk tsk, it's so pitiful. How did you live for so many years in such a gloomy life? What about women? Look at these beautiful girls, their bodies are so soft, listen to their moans, they are so They long for you to enter their bodies. There are so many magical and happy things that men and women can do. You can play with them at will and enter their bodies from any place you like. You will like that kind of taste, and you will understand it once you try it. Oh, look at your expression, your face is terrible, do you not like women, so men? They raise their buttocks and open their little assholes. It can also make you feel the supreme beauty.”

"You whore, shut up," Robert shook his hands, and the sharp crow's claws popped out of the gloves with a pop. He said fiercely: "These tricks are of no use to me. I am not interested in your twisted falsehoods." I have no interest in being satisfied, so stop talking nonsense. You can’t shake my mind. Pick up your weapons and let’s have a good fight.”

"Don't you like these people? Aren't they beautiful enough?" The woman lowered her head regretfully, then she seemed to think of something, suddenly raised her head, and said happily: "Oh, I know," she clapped her hands and stood from behind the throne. , another person walked out, "What about this person? Your sister, haven't you missed her for a long time? How did you secretly pay attention to her growth back then? You really want to see her under her clothes. Young body, how many times have you fantasized about your sister while using your hands to bring yourself happiness and satisfaction on the bed? Oh, although the ending is such a pity, in the end it was because of ridiculous justice and just because of ridiculous moral values? , you have to leave her, stay away from your home, and embark on the battlefield of no return. Are you afraid that you can't control yourself? Oh, yes, you miss her, want her, want to touch her breasts, and occupy her. Everything about her, pressed against her body, made her cry for your pain and moan for your pleasure. You were afraid that you would do this, so you left her."

For a moment, Robert seemed to be petrified. He just looked at his sister blankly, his face full of horror, and then it turned into deep depression. Finally, he gritted his teeth and growled: "No, it's impossible. , this is fake. You can’t fool me, you devil!”

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