Hammer 40k: Far East Storm

Chapter 156 Message

"Haha, that's ridiculous. Why should I hand over the information to you!? Is there any connection between you and me? I'm just a dead person in the document, a ghost who shouldn't appear! And you are just that. He is the governor of a remote galaxy!"

"You're right," Li closed his eyes and sighed, "I'm just pity. Those who died were innocent, and they had a chance to be saved."

"Don't do this, it really makes me sick. You are just saying it beautifully, as if you really feel sorry for those people's death. Besides, these have nothing to do with me, they are your people, They died because of your negligence. If it were another place, such as in Cadian, those orcs would not even be able to germinate, let alone run rampant."

The planet Cadian is one of the most critical strategic points in the entire empire. This starry sky guards the Eye of Terror. No matter how large the Chaos Legion's troops want to launch an attack on the Empire from the Eye of Terror, they must do so. Need to pass through this place. Therefore, every building and every street on the planet Cadian is a defense system carefully designed by military officers and engineers. The first toy almost every child born in Cadian is given is a weapon. The prostitutes on the planet Cadian are all skilled in picking up weapons and attacking their enemies!

In that kind of place, there is really no room for orcs to survive.

But how can Reach compare to Cadian? No, Reach is still far behind Cadian, but it needs to change gradually. Of course, it seems that this change is too slow now. Li closed his eyes for a long time before uttering a sentence, "You are right, Reach is still too weak and fragile. Because of this, I hope to get more help, especially in terms of intelligence."

"Huh, how can you help me? Let me tell you, what are you now? In my opinion, you just look like a normal person on the surface. Who knows what's in your body? What color is your soul? Maybe your soul is as dark as a devil! You want me to help you? "

"You should know this better than me. Words can lie, but the spiritual energy generated by the soul cannot be changed." Li unabashedly exuded his spiritual power, "You should feel that my Are there any evil creatures from the subspace in the soul?”

Almost at the same time, blue electric light began to dance around Elizabeth, like a small lightning snake hidden deep in Elizabeth's body, which could flash out of Elizabeth's body at any time. Facing Li's pure and powerful spiritual energy, Elizabeth naturally mobilized all her strength. This was not because she was hostile, but because she would naturally behave when faced with powerful people.

Just like an elk will be wary of an approaching lion.

"Don't be so nervous, I won't hurt you." With Li's words, the pressure of spiritual energy that permeated his body suddenly disappeared, and Elizabeth could only feel the pure power.

Just as Li said, this spiritual energy is gentle and pure, and there is no sense of darkness or violence in this powerful force.

"Humph, it won't hurt me? Who knows this? When I believed in you the most, didn't you also do something like that?"

"Well, I didn't mean that at the time." Li sighed after finishing speaking. He just felt that there had been too much helplessness and sighs today, but what could be done? "No matter what, that incident was all because of me. No matter what you think of me, I still regard you as my most trustworthy comrade. If there is any way to make you feel better, please tell me. I sincerely I want to make up for my mistake." Li hesitated for a while before continuing: "But since we talked about what happened back then, I still remember what the guy said about putting a seed into your body. Are you okay? What's wrong?"

Elizabeth just smiled. She did not answer Li's words, but changed the topic: "It's too late to ask this question. Forget it, I know what you are thinking, and I also understand that you are still a human being. Your spiritual energy is clean and pure, which is really amazing. You actually know more about the path of the Eldar than I do.”

"After all, I am a person who has received the complete inheritance of the spiritual path. As for how to guide and restrain one's own spiritual energy, the spiritual people really have many good methods in these aspects. Besides, this matter is related to myself after all. I have no other choice but to work hard to learn the path of the Eldar."

"Indeed," Elizabeth paused and suddenly changed the topic, "That's enough of the old memories, let's talk about more important things. Can you tell me about the so-called Shantites faction?"

"The Santites faction, they regard me as a specimen or a reference. I can understand their ideas. For us warriors, psychic issues are inevitable. When warships travel across galaxies, they need to jump into the alien space. The navigators of our ships must have psychic abilities. Inter-galaxy communication also cannot be separated from these psychics. The think tank directors of the war group are almost all psychics, and even the Imperial Defense Force has many psychics fighting for them. Psychic power is a powerful force and we cannot do without it; but on the other hand, the enemies in the alien space are so powerful that improper use of psychic power can easily bring us some unbearable disasters. These people hope to find a safer way to use psychic power. As a goal and program, they want to drive demons to serve humans, just like ancient humans tamed wolves into dogs."

Elizabeth was stunned. She thought of what her direct leader, the fat man Randall Jund, said to her when she submitted the report: My meaning is, why can't we use demons to serve us? We can never destroy the devil, and blindly opposing each other cannot solve the problem, so why not change our thinking?

Of course, the fat man Randall said a lot of things at that time. What did he say specifically? It has been so long, and Elizabeth, whose head has been soaked in alcohol for a long time, can't remember it for a while, but there is no doubt that the fat man Randall's words at that time mostly had one meaning, that is, to use psychic energy to do more things for mankind.

At that time, Elizabeth didn't pay too much attention to Randall's words, because Randall's words were not wrong. Most forces in the empire were increasing their research and investment in psychic energy, and there were many secret organizations in the Tribunal doing this kind of thing. Of course, most of them treated psychic research in an extremely cautious way, safely and carefully moving forward, and they were definitely not as exaggerated as most of the Shantites factions who were almost leaping forward.

Now thinking back, Randall's words at that time must have some meaning. For Elizabeth, it should undoubtedly be a test, but Elizabeth was in a confused low period at that time, and she was not in the mood to analyze the meaning of other people's words word by word.

This can also explain why Li was not eliminated by the Inquisition. For the Shantites faction, Li's existence is undoubtedly a treasure bestowed by the Emperor. As for Li, they are too late to protect him, so how can they destroy him?

There is a demon hidden in Li's body, but Li miraculously suppressed this demon, and under the influence of this demon, Li has a huge spiritual power that ordinary people cannot have. As long as Li succeeds step by step, builds the Knights Templar into a powerful team fighting for the empire, and finally becomes a hero of the empire, then who can say that spiritual power is uncontrollable and demons cannot be tamed?

And they don't need to pay too much. Most of the time, those people just have to watch silently. Li's success will be the final victory of this faction's philosophy, and Li's failure will not have much impact on them. Such a deal is really profitable, so why not do it? And this is indeed very much like what the Shantites faction wants to do.

"That's all I know about the Santitu faction of the Inquisition. Now it's your turn. Tell me about the 'Istvania faction' you mentioned. It seems that they have caused you a lot of trouble."

"Not only did they cause me trouble, they are simply trouble makers. The so-called 'Santitu faction' is a group of fanatics who firmly believe in saving the country through disasters. They believe that most of the people in the empire are just unconscious lambs of the sleepers. Due to the strategies of most interstellar archons or other problems, most people in the empire do not understand the horror and cruelty of war. The illusion of peace deceives them and they must be awakened by disasters, blood and death. Simply put, if there is a region where people have not experienced war, then let them experience it well. If sacrificing 10,000 people can awaken the vigilance and bloodiness in the hearts of millions or tens of millions of people, then they can design such a sacrifice without hesitation. Do you feel familiar when you hear these words? "

Li gritted his teeth: "The orcs that appeared on our Reach are the masterpiece of that group of people?"

"Yes, this is not the first time they have done this. In the past few years, similar problems have occurred on several planets in the Far East border. Without any warning, they were attacked by orcs. This is extremely abnormal. If they do this too much, they will naturally reveal their feet. Although there is no evidence yet, it is certain that the orc riots on Reach were done by people sent by Istvania!"

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