Hammer 40k: Far East Storm

Chapter 155: Uninvited Visitors

"You have all submitted your materials to me. I won't go into details about each other's materials. They are very detailed."

The two nobles almost collapsed on the spot after hearing this. After deciding to take refuge with Li and killing other families, both parties listed the information of the other family in detail, lest there be any omissions. After being friends and rivals for so many years, it was no longer a secret what the other party had in hand, so Li just By simply comparing the two materials, you can have a clear understanding of the three families' backgrounds.

"But don't worry, since you have decided to offer your loyalty to me, I will naturally not let you go back empty-handed. However, in order to fight the enemy and protect you, in order to let our soldiers shed less blood on the battlefield, I need a lot of Weapons, equipment, and ammunition all require the support of minerals. Some minerals can be collected from the asteroid belt, but the collection of space minerals is a new thing after all, and it is difficult to scale up in a short time, so now we still have to rely on the products of Reach. out, and I’m not prepared to spend any money on it.”

"This is completely normal. Our soldiers risked their lives to fight on the front line, but in the end they ended up enriching some businessmen in the rear. This kind of thing should never be done," James quickly entered the state. , he spoke eloquently from Li’s point of view, “Moreover, production resources such as minerals are gifts from the planet. They should belong to the consuls, not some businessmen. We should introduce some rules and gradually return these minerals to the government. all."

"Yes," Philips also joined the discussion: "Not only from the administrative aspect, but also from the public opinion. On the one hand, of course I have to publicize the heroic behavior of the frontline soldiers. These warriors who sacrificed for the people are worthy of everyone. Worship and praise. On the other hand, we must spurn those black-hearted businessmen who use this war to make a fortune. Their despicability not only harms the government, but is also a threat to the front line. Their sins are unforgivable and they harm the country. All lives!"

Li Mo listened to these words silently. In a few words, the outcome of the Vanderbilt family was simply decided. With just a piece of paper, the Vanderbilt family enjoyed and carefully maintained Thousands of years of privileges will be eliminated, and the remaining huge benefits will flow into Li's warehouse, and eventually all will be transformed into strategic materials useful to him.

To put it bluntly, this is a blatant robbery.

Just like the strategy of "attack local tyrants and divide the fields" initially adopted by the flower-growing empire back then, it coerced most of the people to carry out simple plundering of a certain person or a certain family.

But now Li has no time to talk about morality, fairness and other things, because what he needs most now is time and a more powerful army! More tanks! A bigger fleet!

Only powerful force can cut off the black hand behind the scenes, no matter what the black hand is!

After the video conference, Li turned off the communicator, picked up the green tea that had been cold on the table and drank it in one gulp. Then he raised his head and looked at the person who had been standing silently in the corner of his room. .

This person was completely wrapped in a robe, except for the eyes that were occasionally exposed with a cold light under the hood. Obviously, the unknown person is not an internal member of the Chapter, but now he appears in the Chapter Leader's room.

It was this man who sneaked into his room without alerting any guards, and gave himself accurate information about Qiu Zhixing. Moreover, during the time when Li was checking the information, he did not even move. Obviously, Waiting for Li to verify the authenticity of the information he brought. Even after the intelligence was verified, Li deliberately dealt with some other matters in front of him, but he just stood in the corner of the room silently, as if they had nothing to do and just forgot to leave.

Li admired his patience very much, but he had no doubts about his identity.

Or not he, but she.

"How did you sneak in?" Li didn't care about the mysterious man standing in the corner. He said in a casual tone as if talking to an old friend: "Forget it, but now that you're in, take off your coat. Don't pretend, I know you when you turn into ashes. You should understand that no matter how you pretend, the spiritual energy fluctuations in your body will not change. After so long, you finally came to me, Elizabeth."

The mysterious man snorted coldly and took off the robe on her body, revealing the white leather tight-fitting scout uniform that tightly wrapped her.

It was Elizabeth who was a former prosecutor and had cooperated with Li. At the same time, Elizabeth was already killed in the imperial archives.

"After so many years, you have hardly changed. You are still so beautiful." Li stood up and walked to the wine cabinet and asked casually: "Do you want something? Tea or coffee?"

"Eighteen years have passed, but time has still left traces on me." Elizabeth sighed, "Do you have any wine? Give me a bottle of something stronger."

Li was stunned, then laughed softly: "Ha, you are really not polite. Elizabeth, you seem to have changed."

"Under the power of time, who can remain unchanged except the holy emperor." Elizabeth caught the wine bottle thrown by Li, and opened the bottle skillfully with just a touch, "Don't talk about me, about me. What are you going to do about this incident?"

"Besides fighting to the death, what other options are there?" Li sighed and said, "If I could have gotten the news earlier, I would have been able to handle it better. But now that the orcs have grown in size, apart from attacks by large-scale troops, There is no other way to easily eliminate them."

"Can't weapons of mass destruction be used?"

"If I can easily destroy a planet, then what do I have to worry about? You are the inspector. You should know how vigilant the empire is against weapons of mass destruction. The Mechanicus will never allow it. Information about this weapon has been circulated. Who else has the ability to issue an extermination order besides your court?"

"That's true," Elizabeth sighed and said, "How are you lately? That thing in your body doesn't seem to have much impact on you?"

"Oh? Is that what you think?" Li said with a wry smile: "I originally thought that you would attack me directly when we met, shouting that you would kill me for the emperor."

"I did," Elizabeth said frankly: "A long time ago, I hesitated about whether I should hand over the report about your information. In the end, I escaped. I decided to hand the problem over to my superiors. I thought You were bound to die because of my report, but I didn't expect that I was wrong. You are still alive and well. This is really a miracle. They didn't kill you immediately." At this point, Elizabeth's eyes narrowed, " What’s even more ridiculous is that the person who died was not you, but me.”

"Things in the world are always so wonderful, aren't they?" Li poured himself a cup of tea, looked at the green color of the tea, then poured all the tea in the cup into the sink, and poured himself a glass of wine. , said easily, "I haven't seen you for a long time. I feel like you have a lot to say. Drinking seems more appropriate at this time. Well, let's start with how you got on my boat. Tell me, who are you? Why did you appear in my room so silently?"

"Can't you sleep peacefully without making it clear? Well, it's not difficult for you. I can only say that your thinking is too complicated. Entering your ship is not a complicated problem. You are There is a large party in the Star Wars battleship. All kinds of people come from all over the world on private airships directly to your battleship. The security check is also very simple. I only find a certain celebrity, use something to trip him up, and then You can easily sneak in by pretending to be him. Once you enter the ship, it won't be a problem to enter your room. There is almost no protection inside the warship," Elizabeth said in conclusion: "To be honest, Li, when it comes to fighting, you may be an expert, no, a master. But when it comes to holding events, inciting people, creating an atmosphere of terror, and making people feel afraid. Compared with me, you are just an expert. A toddler."

"Consultation is still a new thing to me. Although I have been working for several years, I still have a lot to learn." After Elizabeth took a big sip of wine, she took a long breath and said, "Okay, It's my turn to ask, how did you survive? After I handed in the report, I went to a place to drink and relax. You know, I paid tribute to you with wine more than once, but you bastard was unscathed! Why didn't they kill you? That's not their style!"

"What do you think their style is?"

"Of course, to eliminate all those who can threaten the empire and nip all dangers in the bud!"

"You should know that the Tribunal is a huge organization with many factions. It is impossible for everyone to have the same idea."

"Indeed, I know there is an 'Estvanian faction' in the Tribunal! I should have brought the information to you earlier this time, but there were some troubles that made it impossible to escape, so until now Only then can I bring you the information. Is this the faction you’re talking about?”

"No, I have never heard of the Estefanian faction, but I can tell you about the Shantites faction. Your Tribunal is really interesting. Of course, you can tell me more about it later. Talk about the 'Estvanian faction' in your mouth that prevented you from bringing the information. You must know that because of your slow intelligence, I will pay for millions or more people's lives. "

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