Hammer 40k: Far East Storm

Chapter 154 Green Shadow

For a moment, James's face showed a trace of embarrassment, but he quickly adjusted his mood. James on the screen greeted Philip and Einhorn easily, as if he met old friends. "Aren't these the father and son of the Adams family? Philip and Einhorn, I didn't expect to see you here."

"Yes, it's really unexpected. The king behind the scenes of the financial empire, James, the head of the Rockefeller family," Einhorn sighed and said, "I didn't expect to meet under such circumstances."

"Please don't make such a joke, what king behind the scenes of the financial empire?" James smiled and said, "I am now the Minister of Finance of Reach Star. I will use my financial knowledge to serve the lord and the governor's mansion."

Philips has begun to feel ashamed of his naivety. When he was still feeling guilty about betraying the nobles he had just formed an alliance with, they had already sold him out. If it comes to shamelessness, he really loses too much to the old man with silver hair on the screen.

Philip's father's mood is not much better than Philip's now. Einhorn can't understand why James, who always believes that money is supreme, would throw himself into the arms of the lord instead of trying to use his own skills to stir up the financial field, and then control society, and finally achieve his ambition to control the archon.

Of course, Einhorn would not have thought that in fact James knew the horror of orcs earlier than all the nobles, and he also saw the scene of orcs slaughtering humans with his own eyes.

Because Milin Castle was originally the property of the Rockefeller family, when the orcs invaded, James was resting in his Milin Castle manor. After the orcs rushed into the manor and began to slaughter the servants, he hurriedly boarded the plane under the escort of several bodyguards and left. After that, the Fang Chief took a fancy to the luxury of Milin Castle, so he set up his base camp here.

Almost all nobles would not have such a wonderful experience of escaping from the hands of orcs. War is just an extra topic of conversation for these people who have enjoyed privileges for generations, because they believe that no matter how the situation develops, the war will never burn them. The reason is very simple, because these nobles are not ordinary people, they are very rich, and they are always rich rich people. If one state is in the war, they can move to another state to continue their luxurious life. If the continent is in the war, they can live on a small island. Even if there is a disaster that will invade the entire Reach, they can also take a spaceship to escape to space.

With the mentality of "neither war nor disaster has anything to do with me", the nobles naturally will not take this war seriously, but James can't think so, because the war has burned on him. Those green-skinned monsters broke into his manor and killed his servants. Even he was almost caught up and killed by the monsters! Naturally, he can no longer maintain the mentality of watching the show.

If this hadn't happened, James might have continued his foolish arrogance as Einhorn expected. However, after personally experiencing the abomination and terror of the orcs, James began to actively collect information about the orcs. As a result, the information in front of James frightened him. For the first time in his life, James discovered a problem that he couldn't solve even with money.

That problem was naturally the green-skinned orcs who invaded his manor!

Orcs naturally wouldn't negotiate with humans, nor would they be bought with money. The human society that James was good at had no effect on orcs. What's more dangerous is that the orcs are as powerful as the protagonists in horror novels. Once these green-skinned troops are deployed, the soldiers on Reach will have no way to compete.

James naturally didn't want to escape to space on a spaceship to survive. Even if there were two planets in the Reach system that could be inhabited besides Reach, Autumn Star was an agricultural planet. There was nothing but large tracts of farmland and farmers, not to mention Reach's satellite, which was a manufacturing planet. There were factories and mines there. How could a rich man be willing to move to such a place?

Moreover, who could guarantee that the orcs wouldn't chase him?

James naturally felt fear. Compared with ordinary people, his higher status meant that he could obtain more information than ordinary people, which further aggravated his fear.

In a peaceful environment, James could call the shots in the financial field, but when the entire financial field could not be saved, James could only feel at a loss. Then he did what a superior should do. He made a decisive decision. James firmly joined Lee. There was no need for any special reason, because Lee was the only one who could lead Reach to victory. Even if Lee failed, he could take his people away from Reach, because in the Reach Galaxy, only Lee had ships that could sail across the galaxy, and there were two of them.

Holding the idea that even if he couldn't win, he had to get a ticket, James decided to join Lee. As for family interests, he couldn't survive, so who had time to take care of his affairs after death?

But the problem in front of him was the same as the one encountered by the Adams family. If you surrender, why would they want you?

So he had to prove his worth. The simplest and most convenient way was to sell out a few noble friends around him who had ill intentions, and step on the bodies of these people to gain Lee's trust.

"Everyone, since we know each other, it's best. As I said, I'm very busy, so we can leave the pleasantries for later." Li didn't pay attention to the obvious problems existing between the two parties. To Li, these people The plan was like a joke, and he didn't care at all. The reason why he took the time to talk to these people was because too many things had happened recently, and Li needed more people to help him.

"This is the information I just received. I have sent people to confirm the accuracy of the information. This information is undoubtedly accurate." Li took out a piece of paper and said calmly: "The agricultural planet of our Zhiyuan galaxy, 'Qiu Zhi' A large number of orcs have appeared on the planet. It can be said that half of the land on the "Autumn Star" is now filled with the seeds of those green-skinned monsters. At this stage, the government of Reach has lost the "Autumn Star" and cannot use it. In ten years, these green skins will fill the entire land of Autumn Star."

For a moment, everyone attending the meeting was stunned. They thought that the green-skinned orc incident had been brought under control, but only now did they understand that a brand-new force, a monster in the universe, had taken root in Reach. After taking root, things have developed beyond their imagination.

But the shock that Li brought to them was not over yet.

"If this is just the case, then my soldiers and I can still deal with it. Even if we run out of blood, we will completely wipe out these green-skinned monsters. But according to the speculation of the intelligence department, the matter is far from what it seems. It came out so easily." Li ignored the shocked expressions of others and continued: "The Zhiyuan galaxy has not been invaded by powerful and threatening cosmic creatures in the past thousands of years, but this time it has been continuously invaded. were invaded by green skins, and green skins did not appear on other planets in the Reach Galaxy, but only appeared on the Autumn Star and Reach Star. This shows that the appearance of green skins is likely to be man-made, not necessarily human beings. , it may also be other intelligent alien creatures. Regardless of the facts, it proves that there is an alien creature with ill intentions towards our far galaxy that is spying on our world. Relaxation means death. "

"What, what can we do?" Philips almost collapsed to the ground. He was just forced by his father to surrender, but he didn't expect to meet the people who should not be there at the beginning. In the end, they wanted to surrender. The target didn't care about this, and then threw out such a major message that the world was about to be destroyed by evil forces with ill intentions. Philips felt that he was almost unable to bear it!

"What should we do?" A sneer appeared on Li's face, and Philip could almost smell the smell of blood from this smile. "What else can we do? Of course, kill all the green creatures with two legs that can run around, and then continue to To make myself stronger so that I can deal with those creatures with malicious intentions! Of course, just relying on the efforts of me and the knights of the Star Wars Legion is not enough. We need more warriors, more resources, and more! More weapons, more tanks, more missiles, more cannons, more soldiers to use these weapons, and none of this can be solved by a single Star Wars group. I need the support of the entire Reach society. I need the financial order of society to be stable, I need the media to publicize to everyone the brutality of the enemy, the greatness and sacrifice of the soldiers, I need a stable rear, and I hope you can help me.”

"The Adams family will make every effort to follow you!" Einhorn seized the opportunity to express his position: "Your will is the direction we are heading forward."

"Very good," Li nodded and said, "I hope you can understand that times have changed. This is not a period of peace, but a period of life-and-death war. The enemy will wipe out all of us. Humanity on Reach is in a life-and-death moment. . During the war, I didn’t have much time or time to deal with problems in a gentle and tactful way, so most of the time, I would deal with them in a simple way, and you have to learn to understand.”

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