Hammer 40k: Far East Storm

Chapter 159 Li Anjie

Not only was Leroy a natural schemer, he was also an excellent warrior and a dangerous fanatic, which was not surprising, as most of the Inquisition's staff shared these qualities. In many cases, the Inquisitor has to lead his team to fight against demons from different spaces. Guys with poor combat effectiveness have long since died on the battlefield. As for the fanatics, this is nothing special; almost all members of the Inquisition are more than happy to devote their lives to their beliefs.

But when these qualities are combined with the ideas of the Estefania faction, the world will be led to a terrible disaster.

Leroy seems to be like the knight of the apocalypse riding a red horse in ancient mythology - he is the legendary war angel. Wherever the invisible red wings on his back are crossed, there will be war. .

For this reason, Elizabeth gave Leroy the nickname Crimson Wings on file.

This time it was Leroy who planned the kidnapping. When she first learned that Li Anjie had been kidnapped, Elizabeth almost collapsed on the spot. However, she was not only a mother, she was also an excellent judge and warrior. At the most critical moment, Elizabeth suddenly calmed herself down. She calmly and carefully inspected the scene, contacted most of the witnesses, and then through various channels, learned that the kidnapper was Leroy, whom she had been investigating.

Leroy is not a simple opponent. His cunning is frightening. At least millions of people have died because of him. It is one thing to secretly investigate such a person, but it is another thing to face such a person head-on. It's the same thing. But Elizabeth had no choice, because her only daughter, the meaning of this life, was in the hands of that madman.

But there are many questions before Elizabeth. She doesn't know why Leroy kidnapped Li Anjie. Is it because of her own reasons? Did Leroy find out he was investigating him? If that was the reason, how did Leroy find himself investigating him? Although Leroy was very cautious, Elizabeth was even more cautious in her actions in the past. He shouldn't have had the chance to notice. Could it be that he was a traitor within the Inquisition?

No, this is unlikely. Elizabeth's survival is also a confidential matter within the Tribunal. There should not be many people who know about it. Besides, the fat man's mouth is also trustworthy.

The bigger question is that Leroy should not know the relationship between himself and Li Anjie. Regarding the fact that she had a daughter, Elizabeth never reported anything to the Tribunal. She had always been careful to hide her relationship with Anjie Li, and she also tried her best to keep Anjie away from the crowd. She even arranged for Li Anjie to worship her. Those two spirit tribesmen were teachers, and a large part of the reason was to keep her away from the crowd. It would be much safer to live in seclusion in the mountains with her masters.

But that damn lunatic kidnapped her daughter just like that. Elizabeth still couldn't figure out what the problem was.

Is it a coincidence? That man saw some potential hidden deep in Li Anjie's body and decided to kidnap her on the spur of the moment?

No, Elizabeth does not believe in coincidences. To the Inquisitor, there are no coincidences in this world! Some are just clever traps carefully arranged as if they were coincidences.

But for Elizabeth now, why was her daughter kidnapped? What's the problem? What kind of trap is this? These questions are no longer a problem, because there is one question above all these questions, that is, is Li Anjie safe now? This question leads to more frightening questions. Will she be tortured? Will those lunatics kill her? She is such a beautiful girl, she is only eighteen years old, would those lunatics do those nasty and unspeakable things to her?

Elizabeth could not answer these questions, no one told her the answers, and the kidnappers did not take the initiative to contact her. And Elizabeth really hopes that this situation can be maintained. Under this situation, no news is actually the best news.

So there is only one issue she can consider now, which is to rescue her daughter. As for other issues, she will have to wait until her daughter is safe before considering other issues.

So the first question to solve is where is his daughter now. She could only first find a way to figure out where those madmen had taken her daughter. Fortunately, this was not difficult for Elizabeth. Elizabeth was very familiar with her enemies. Leroy had several strongholds in the Far East. Knowing everything, Elizabeth quickly determined where Li Anjie was being held.

Li Anjie was secretly transported to an ancient monastery in the Blood Sand Hell.

Blood Sand Hell is not a real hell, nor is it a formal place name. On the imperial military map, this place is called "Shalunte 03", but in the Far East, people are willing to call this planet "Blood Sand Hell" ".

Legend has it that in the ancient past, this planet was as beautiful as the legendary Garden of Eden. The earth was covered with soft and crisp green grass like a carpet, the trees were filled with sweet fruits of various colors, and there were streams in the mountains. The spring water there is sweet. However, a fierce battle between aliens completely destroyed the planet's landscape. Now the planet "Shalunte 03" is just like its nickname, a planet with a cruel environment and red sand all over the sky. A planet flying like hell.

There are no cities here, no people waiting around. On the surface of the planet, the hot environment can quickly steam eggs broken on stones. For most of the time on this planet, the only thing flying between the sky and the earth is the strong wind. The blood-red gravel is like a hell filled with a sea of ​​blood.

If the only value of this planet to the empire is that there is a kind of blood-red spar called "blood stone" by miners on the planet. This spar is one of the important materials for making star battleship armor. Part of it The Mechanicus Priests of the Mechanicus believe that incorporating this crystal, known as the "blood stone" into the battleship's armor will greatly enhance the fit between the Mechanic God and the machine itself, making the Mechanicum's staff more powerful. The voice of the mechanical spirit was clearly heard.

But just twenty years ago, the largest "bloodstone" veins on the planet were gradually exhausted. Now the planet is like an abandoned town, leaving only empty towns and houses. , Leroy's stronghold was chosen here in a monastery on the top of a mountain near "Prosperous Town".

"There are no outsiders there, not even unfamiliar faces. It's impossible for me to sneak in. What's even more troublesome is that there are three teams of Storm Troopers and a group of blind nuns guarding the monastery. There is no way for me to sneak in. "Li was silent, and Elizabeth's tone could only become more sad, "Li, I have found the location where she was imprisoned. There are not many things you need to do, it is not complicated, and there is almost no danger. You just need to let your Just go in quietly with me, kill the people blocking the way, and then pick them up. I know your abilities. You can easily do this beautifully. Those people can't stop you. You After all, he is a mentor, someone who dares to stand in front of Horus and block his path. "

"Elizabeth," Li sighed. This sigh suddenly hit the beautiful mother's heart with a giant hammer. Li continued without raising his head: "You don't have to say too much. You and I both know this." The danger of the matter is not whether we can successfully rescue you, alas, I don't have a daughter. Even if this is a trap, it is not a big problem for us. As long as the people are there, we have a solution. Not here." Li smiled bitterly, "Forget it, these are not problems. By the way, my daughter, what is her name?"

For a moment, Elizabeth was in a daze.

Whether the enemy has set up a trap waiting for you is not a problem; whether the enemy's protection is thorough and whether it is strong is not a problem; even if it is the key point of the problem, risking the whole empire to fight for it is not a problem. The enemy is no longer a problem. The most important question that needs to be asked first is, is the daughter's name?

Is he ready to help? Is the man in front of me an idiot?

But at this time, only such an idiot can save his daughter.

With a hint of excitement, Elizabeth replied cautiously: "Her name is Li Anjie! According to custom, she takes your last name. Don't worry, this is just a custom. I have no intention of getting her involved with you. You don't have to do it at all. I'm worried about this. I call her Anjie, hoping that she will be like the angel in the ancient saying. She really deserves this name. She is as beautiful and smart as an angel. She is the best child for anyone. You will fall in love with her as soon as you take a look at her. Li, you should really help her, she should not encounter such a terrible thing. "

"How old is she?"

"Eighteen years old, um, or nineteen years old. In short, she is no longer a little girl, she is a young girl, but this is even more dangerous."

"Anjie Li, eighteen years old!" Li said to himself: "This girl who suddenly appeared is my daughter. Do you have a photo of her?" The last sentence was addressed to Elizabeth.

"No," Elizabeth said with some embarrassment: "I have never taken a photo with her. It's not safe. You know, in our line of work, we can't leave any paper evidence. We have to do it without a trace. Just You can’t do these things.”

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